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The Referendum - In Or Out

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#361 WrightStuff


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Posted 03 June 2016 - 09:04 PM

 Leaving won't stop immigrants unless the UK government changes it's policies to immigrants.




As an EU member state we must allow free movement of peoples from other EU members states into the UK to live and work. We cannot turn them back at the border unless there is good reason. e.g. criminal record / suspected terrorist etc.

Leaving will mean we are not bound by this so this -will- stop immigration we have no control over.

Immigration will still happen but purely on our own terms.

#362 Madmitch


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Posted 03 June 2016 - 09:33 PM

I'm not referring to the EU immigrants, they do all sorts of useful things like cutting veg that the English don't want to do.  I refer to those from outside the EU who stage through Calais and cross in lorries, rubber boats etc and end up sleeping rough and needing help.

#363 jonnyboy


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Posted 03 June 2016 - 09:43 PM

Read my post. 60% of current immigration is the "good" type that consists of the points based doctors and nurses. The type we want. 


The guys jumping on lories dont care if we are in the EU or not they come here because we are a fcuking brilliant country that has peace, freedom and a massive economy. 

#364 Zoobeef


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Posted 03 June 2016 - 10:36 PM

The whole way up to this referendum each side has only been putting across the points that show their agenda.

Once a decision is made each side is going to be blaming each other for things that go right/wrong. Can't fcuking wait.

#365 techieboy


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Posted 03 June 2016 - 11:19 PM

The successful "guys jumping on the lorries" won't be in any of the numbers anyway nor will any of the visa overstayers or otherwise missing and uncounted already floating around in the UK.


We should just stop fcuking around and have compulsory ID cards for everyone, so we can get a proper handle on numbers. No ID card? No work, no benefits, no ability to rent properties, no bank account, no international travel, etc. Plus proper border Entry/Exit controls. Until we get a real understanding of numbers and where, we're pretty fcuked from an understanding, distribution and a planning point of view.

#366 Madmitch


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Posted 04 June 2016 - 06:32 AM

Agree with everything on this page!!  Why have we always resisted ID cards in the UK I wonder, we had them here for many years and nobody minded??

#367 Kieran McC

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Posted 04 June 2016 - 06:35 AM

Agree with everything on this page!!  Why have we always resisted ID cards in the UK I wonder, we had them here for many years and nobody minded??

The people who resist the ID cards are the ones with something to hide

#368 christhegasman


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Posted 04 June 2016 - 07:43 AM

The successful "guys jumping on the lorries" won't be in any of the numbers anyway nor will any of the visa overstayers or otherwise missing and uncounted already floating around in the UK.   We should just stop fcuking around and have compulsory ID cards for everyone, so we can get a proper handle on numbers. No ID card? No work, no benefits, no ability to rent properties, no bank account, no international travel, etc. Plus proper border Entry/Exit controls. Until we get a real understanding of numbers and where, we're pretty fcuked from an understanding, distribution and a planning point of view.

Think that just about sums it up 😀 Does make you wonder if the migrant situation and even the need for the vote would have been avoided if some knob hadn't backed down from Inplementing ID cards ?

#369 Captain Vimes

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Posted 04 June 2016 - 09:31 AM

The live debates on sky news were interesting. I've just watched them both. Some good points made by both sides but I couldn't stand the interview technique of Faisal Islam. Trying to be Jeremy Paxman and failing massively. His approach seemed to be: ask a question, and then constantly talk over the answer even when it was a straight answer to the question. I don't understand why he was chosen to conduct the interview, it just seemed like an attempt by sky to turn the debate into a circus rather than the factual debate we all want to hear. Audience Q & A was better than expected with audience members standing up to the politicians. Gove raised the quality of the brexit debate and came across much more composed than Cameron.

#370 techieboy


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Posted 04 June 2016 - 10:04 AM

Well, our postal votes just turned up. Still not sure which way I'm going. :unsure:

#371 Duncan VXR

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Posted 04 June 2016 - 10:10 AM

If in doubt flat out 😉 DG

#372 rob999


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Posted 04 June 2016 - 02:33 PM

Well, our postal votes just turned up. Still not sure which way I'm going. :unsure:

To the polling booth Matt. HTH :P If not, off to a beer garden. Back on topic, all the scaremongering of the remaIN campaign is starting to get on my tits.

#373 techieboy


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Posted 04 June 2016 - 02:49 PM

To the polling booth Matt. HTH :P


Hmmm. Crap advice. They're postal votes as we don't "do" whatever the local polling station is. Probably only out of principle now, rather than the fear for life at a previous address in town.  :9mm:

#374 Harry Hornet

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Posted 04 June 2016 - 08:41 PM


To the polling booth Matt. HTH :P


Hmmm. Crap advice. They're postal votes as we don't "do" whatever the local polling station is. Probably only out of principle now, rather than the fear for life at a previous address in town.  :9mm:



..read Animal Farm or 1984....then your mind will be made up..... 


.....collective is not the future...we are all equal but some are more equal than others....wtf

#375 techieboy


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Posted 04 June 2016 - 10:00 PM

we are all equal but some are more equal than others....wtf


And that's any different in....out....or shaking it all about?


According to the Sky Eurometer, I'm a Utilitarian. Surprises me that I'm that middle of the road, though I score more to the sceptic end of things on a couple of the categories. Little bit concerned they've got me pegged as a potential Daily Mail reader though..... :(


Probably need to take the test again as I clicked at least one answer without reading the question, as the site was slow to respond.




Along with 18% of the UK

Utilitarians tend to have a strong sense of attachment to their country and their community. Europe is still important to Utilitarians, but their first allegiance is almost always to the United Kingdom.

Utilitarians tend to be satisfied with the role and function of the European Union as long as it appears to benefit the UK. Most Utilitarians broadly think the EU has improved the UK’s national security and has by and large benefitted the British economy.

Utilitarians are often wary of EU regulations on British industry and what they see as Brussels interfering in UK affairs. They generally oppose the further expansion of the EU except where there might be an economic benefit.

Utilitarians are generally open to greater cultural diversity in the UK and support moderate levels of migration from within the EU. They expect that immigrants will abide by the laws and customs of the UK and think that the UK should only admit as many immigrants as the economy can reasonably support.

While Utilitarians tend to be sceptical about the EU overall, they prefer stability to the perceived risks of Brexit, so the majority will vote to remain in the EU.


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#376 Wolfstone



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Posted 04 June 2016 - 10:12 PM

You need to get out more Matt. :lol:

#377 KurtVerbose


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Posted 05 June 2016 - 07:24 AM

I'm cosmopolitan. Can't say I recognise myself from the summary. I rarely read the guardian, I'm not 44 and I'm not 54% a woman. I also almost certainly wouldn't have voted labour in 2015.


I also don't think this debate has anything to do with security. Absolutely nothing, and politicians who say so (on either side) are scaremongering.


Pretty stupid quiz I thought. The multiple choice answers were pretty loaded - you must have an opinion one way or the other.


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#378 slindborg


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Posted 05 June 2016 - 07:31 AM

The "most likey to have voted" result was a bit skewed by a) your postcode and B) the response to the ducking question "how did you vote in the 2015 ge :lol: Anyway, I'm the same as Matt from that. I don't read any papers or watch any news, so they be wrong

#379 rob999


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Posted 05 June 2016 - 09:35 AM

Matt as a Daily Mail reader; yeh I can see that :lol:

#380 techieboy


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Posted 05 June 2016 - 09:40 AM

On balance, the Mail is probably better than the Gurniad. :wacko:

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