As a percentage of our GDP, our contributions is relatively insignificant. It's like each member here having to find an extra £5 every month for a regular monthly bill (insignificant!)
Why wouldn't we want a top seat at the world's biggest market? What happens if we leave the EU, it may cause fractures the EU, which would be detrimental to our growth. We are now the 2nd biggest economy after Germany in the EU & still growing the fastest.
Take me as an imbecile, most people do
.....whats stops our growth if we were outside the EU...if our products are good enough they will still be wanted..
The UK market relies on significant investment from foreign multinational companies. Those companies have direct access to the european market via the UK. We have more investments from foreign companies than any other country in the world.
Obama also said, if we exit, we would not have preferential treatment for a trade agreement over the EU. It is likely to take years. In the meantime, we will have to abide by EU rules or have heavy tariffs on our goods. This will be compounded by a drop in the £, which everyone agrees will happen. Basically the money in your bank or pockets will buy less & be worth less.
Unemployment is at record lows for many years. Global Uk companies struggle to find the right staff from our home grown market. Even with the hundreds of thousands of immigrants arriving into this country, this country makes more money from them than they hand out. Uk companies require quality staff, if that means immigrants, then of course they will choose them. Our struggling NHS relies on immigrants & foreign staff. I have not seen one polish person who doesn't work his butt off to earn his living & at the top end of the market, we are able to draw in quality highly trained individuals from the EU & globally.
If I have a business problem, I will seek the advice of a solicitor who is specialised in the specific area I needed. I would consider his opinion relevant & learned. I would not disregard his opinion. I may even seek the opinion of another solicitor's, just to be sure. Well, 90% of all the relevant experts & analysts agree that exiting the EU will mean lower growth for many years to come than if we stayed in. Why would you ignore so many learned people who have spent most of their lives studying such matters? Then, listen to Farage, Boris or 90 YO Mrs Jones.
...Then throw in Scotland, who are hell bent on staying in the EU....Rep of Ireland/northern Ireland borders ....Let's not kid ourselves, we are not the nation we once were many moons ago! Sure, we may be again in the future, but sharing problems or being part of a large family in the future will be mighty important.
I do however agree that if we did exit, whichever party that is in charge, will eventually find solutions to many of the question the Brexit lot can't answer now (because they just don't know) We will eventually get mutual trade agreements & this country will not crumble to dust, but we are more than likely going to be worse off than if we had remained within the world's biggest market.