I don't think anyone would disagree that in the short or possibly medium term a Brexit may well have a detrimental impact on the economy.
To what extent we don't know.
But we will recover and we will move forward and find our own way. Our country seemed to do pretty well for generations before the EU came along and will again.
There are bigger things at stake here than a temporary economic downturn. I value our sovereignty, control of our own borders and how will that affect our culture and communities in the future a hell of a lot more than that.
We should take any short term pain on the chin, cut our losses and move on.
The EU started out with noble ideals as a free trading region and has manifested into something we did not sign up for.
We are growing faster than any of the G7 members now. We have now overtaken France as the second biggest economy in europe. You mention it may be detrimental in the short & medium term. That is 10-40 years! How old will you be in 30 years time? You have already accepted that it will be detrimental...Why should we have to accept going backwards for decades to come?
We will have to have trade agreements with our trading partners anyway, that will take time. The pound will lose value, it has already due to concerns of us leaving. It will cost you, your family & everyone in this country more to live & buy goods from abroad as we import far more than we export. We are a mainly serviced based nation. We have clever sort after people who draw investment from foreign companies, because we have a strong work ethic & education system.
I genuinely am proud of this country & it's past. We led the world in EVERY area, bar none. Unfortunately, that period has come & gone. We may be great again, certainly not to the same degree. I honestly believe that in the future joint foreign business ventures & integration with other markets & countries will be essential in dealing with major problem we will face in the future. We must be leading at the table, far more than we are now, in order to do that we need to be at the table in the first place. Our biggest trading partner(S) has made it clear that it is in their interest too to have the UK within the EU.
NONE of the Brexit lot can tell you what will actually happen if we leave....NONE! (they just don't know). Why on earth would you take that chance & hope it will be alright eventually? or that it okay to struggle for years to come? I'm only on this planet once! I don't want to also struggle & to inhibit growth until I'm an OLD man. Some say I am an old man already! We will alienate ourselves from our trading partners & POsSIBLY cause the EU to implode & lose strength, which is exactly what we need to deal with developing economies like India, Korea & to strongly & robustly deal with threats from the likes of Russia, N Korea & IS.
Really, what do you think the UK will achieve that will offset this if we go it alone. Pray tell us, what you think will happen if we leave? I'm genuinely interested in what & how you think we will prosper. I will agree, that if we exit, any UK government will no doubt have to dynamically deal with the situation we find ourselves in. In every economic sector I can think about, there will be barriers to deal with, which aren't there now.