The Referendum - In Or Out
Posted 13 June 2016 - 09:27 PM
Posted 13 June 2016 - 09:31 PM
Because our leaders lost their backbones. Cameron just wants us to stay in the EU so he can line him self a high salary job. That's why he's changed his mind.Agreed we voted for the common market not the Eu there is a massive difference and things have changed within the club too much we need to get back to basics and have an equal trading group On another point when we joined we were told we would all be the same across Europe so why did we end up with more tax on everything than most others ?This is a massive opportunity for our jumped up politicians, economists and so called top businessmen to step up to the plate and start earning the massive wages that they pay themselves. The common market was working very well but now there are far too many countries in the EU. It's now the time to step back and start up on our own. The future is bleak if we stay in that's for sure. If we opt out then others will follow. Italy, France Greece will almost certainly follow.
Edited by AMOSS, 13 June 2016 - 09:35 PM.
Posted 13 June 2016 - 09:32 PM
Edited by christhegasman, 13 June 2016 - 09:34 PM.
Posted 13 June 2016 - 10:07 PM
never said I don't approve of your choice I may decide on a similar course one day but that does not change the way I feel now, this country is in a mess and one option is to take control again and stop being ordered to toe the line by Brussels I don't want to fall out and am not slagging you off but you can't use We which Implies you are here in the uk as you are not over here you can not fully appreciate the position we find ourselves in or understand it. I am actually old enough to not really give a toss except my state pension age keeps going up which I am sure they would never get away with in France for example. I am in the out camp for the sake of my kids and their kids with a hope that if we take control we might still have houses doctors ,schools nhs etc ,everything I have paid to support for over 40 years
I don't understand why you are so obsessed with the fact that I have retired to somewhere else in the EU. What we are supposed to be debating is what will be best for the UK. Constantly slagging off those who live somewhere you don't approve of does nothing to raise the quality of the debate.
What do you mean we ? You don't even live in the uk 😀and again how can you say with less money if we leave ? You do not know and neither does anyone else it's either stand up to your neck in sh*t waiting for it to get deeper or get out the sh*t 😀Just like that if we stay in or just like that with even less money than now if we leave.
I use 'we' because I am born and bred English, lived and worked in the UK for 57 years, still pay UK tax, may or may not one day return, still come back regularly and will be there in a fortnight for a family wedding, and so on, I am English through and through and proud of it! I fully accept that I am now less familiar with the state of the nation than you but I return often enough, and have loads of rellies there who tell me what is going, to have a pretty good idea of how it is now, thankfully I don't have to sit on the M25 anymore nor wait ages for medical care. Regarding pension age increases in France, exactly the same thing is going on here, badly needed as there are numerous categories of trades who have different retirement ages and different pensions, librarians, fishermen, train drivers, nurses, the list is endless and the system shambolic. They are protesting that but they are more preoccupied with the proposals to raise the working week from 36 hours minimum......... I have four children and five grandchildren, most in the UK, and I am as concerned as you for their future, I'm 72 now and I doubt the outcome of the referendum will make much difference to me but I just can't see all this 'taking control stuff' as anything other than a romantic pipe dream. Nothing will change for an out vote except that trade will tighten and the country will be poorer and more isolated. New trade deals will take decades to finalise and they will be nowhere as favourable as they are now. And the little rubber boats will keep coming in the night with their sad cargoes of destitute refugees.
Posted 13 June 2016 - 10:17 PM
Posted 13 June 2016 - 10:17 PM
Posted 13 June 2016 - 10:40 PM
I'm really getting the vibe that we will be voting to leave (which is good IMHO). This is of course uncharted territory and after a couple of years of uncertainty I really do believe we can sort ourselves out properly and be in control of our future.
I spoke to my Dad earlier who voted for being in the EEC in the 1975 referendum. He's in no doubt that this has not been a good decision for the UK over the last decade and is voting to leave. He reckons most he's spoken with (same era) about this are also in agreement.
Edited by Raptor, 13 June 2016 - 10:41 PM.
Posted 14 June 2016 - 06:04 AM
Posted 14 June 2016 - 07:52 AM
Posted 14 June 2016 - 08:26 AM
Posted 14 June 2016 - 08:33 AM
We're voting out I believe we can make it alone.
Tired of the scare mongering as seen in the Scottish referendum with the media reporting only what they believe and not an unbiased view
Posted 14 June 2016 - 10:01 AM
We're voting out I believe we can make it alone.
Tired of the scare mongering as seen in the Scottish referendum with the media reporting only what they believe and not an unbiased view
Dear Dear Me....It seems like the blind leading the blind....
Apparently, the Brexit Bunch's new marketing campaign posters....
Posted 14 June 2016 - 10:14 AM
Not really, I didn't even vote in the Scottish ref as it wouldn't affect me as I live and work in England and watched the campaign.....
I am just voting from what information has been provided by both sides......
Just giving my 2p
ps. I would love a job in marketing
Posted 14 June 2016 - 10:15 AM
Edited by christhegasman, 14 June 2016 - 10:31 AM.
Posted 14 June 2016 - 11:11 AM
slimy lying Cnut 😡
Yup, because Brexit hasn't got way more than it's fare share of them too. We could start a list to see which side has the biggest wnakers in.
Cameron won't get a job at the EU. He's as sceptical of the EU as the rest of us and there's no way Juncker and Co will ever roll out the red carpet for him, given the fact he's given us the chance to vote on membership. The EU power brokers probably hate him more than you seem to.
Thankfully, given the Sun has come out in favour of Brexit (well done boys, you waited for as long as possible to test which way the wind was blowing in case you made a bad call), most of it's readership are currently getting pissed and fighting in France and therefore wont be voting. Still the Murdoch's obviously see a profit (or more likely, more influence) to be made in Brexit.
Still 100% undecided.
Posted 14 June 2016 - 11:12 AM
we will be no different except we will be rid of that slimy lying Cnut 😡 to be replaced with another slimy lying cnut...regardless of their colours/flavour etc
Posted 14 June 2016 - 11:15 AM
Brexit to EEA.
Sensible, safe, practical.
Posted 14 June 2016 - 11:16 AM
👍🏻EFAwe will be no different except we will be rid of that slimy lying Cnut 😡 to be replaced with another slimy lying cnut...regardless of their colours/flavour etc
Posted 14 June 2016 - 11:17 AM
IS that what the in/out vote is for to "drop" back to EEA or ALL out?
Posted 14 June 2016 - 11:19 AM
Just like any other election really all parties promise what they can to get the vote then do none of it and blame someone else I guessslimy lying Cnut 😡
Yup, because Brexit hasn't got way more than it's fare share of them too. We could start a list to see which side has the biggest wnakers in. Cameron won't get a job at the EU. He's as sceptical of the EU as the rest of us and there's no way Juncker and Co will ever roll out the red carpet for him, given the fact he's given us the chance to vote on membership. The EU power brokers probably hate him more than you seem to. Thankfully, given the Sun has come out in favour of Brexit (well done boys, you waited for as long as possible to test which way the wind was blowing in case you made a bad call), most of it's readership are currently getting pissed and fighting in France and therefore wont be voting. Still the Murdoch's obviously see a profit (or more likely, more influence) to be made in Brexit. Still 100% undecided.
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