Exactly why do every other country not have the same benefit system but then tell us we can't remove some of the benefits we pay out which would then make us the same as every other eu country ? That would then reduce the scroungers who head through Europe to get here , why do they not stop at the first safe country ? Because we are in the eu and a soft touch but while we are in the eu we will remain a soft touch untill we sink or go bankrupt 😡You will never get that - but be honest, we're a lot closer to that now than 30/40 years ago aren't we? In any case - America is a big single market, they have massive differences in all of those things, but seem to manage. Anyway, intra-EU migration hasn't been the big problem people thought it might be. What has disturbed people is people coming from outside the EU and going to the UK, and while the EU hasn't handled that at all well its route cause is the awful mess that is North Africa and the Middle East.
this only works if all the countries are equal... same wages same health care same crime same police same lack of racism. I really like the idea of open borders, and end to nationalism, the ability to travel and work in other countries without big barriers.
Edited by christhegasman, 15 June 2016 - 03:16 PM.