I can't believe this would happen in the uk
Not sure why, nutters have been bombing and killing in the UK for 50 years
I like to pretend we are more civilized then the rest of the world
Posted 18 June 2016 - 01:54 PM
I can't believe this would happen in the uk
Not sure why, nutters have been bombing and killing in the UK for 50 years
I like to pretend we are more civilized then the rest of the world
Posted 18 June 2016 - 02:01 PM
Edited by christhegasman, 18 June 2016 - 02:04 PM.
Posted 18 June 2016 - 02:03 PM
i agree it is disgusting that anyone is mental enough to to do this but I don't think anyone in brexit suggested to the nutters out there to go around killing the opposition and your comments to even consider farage or any others on the brexit side would support this type of action is just as inciting and disgusting and to be honest not the sort or comment I would expect from you or any other sane adultThe assassin has just appeared in court. He was asked to guve his name and he replied...
So if there was any doubt...thats what happens when people like farage and golding whip up xenophobia and hate. DisgustingThomas Mair gave his name as "Death to traitors, freedom for Britain"
Edited by christhegasman, 18 June 2016 - 02:07 PM.
Posted 18 June 2016 - 02:58 PM
Scott. I would have thought better of you...The assassin has just appeared in court. He was asked to guve his name and he replied...
So if there was any doubt...thats what happens when people like farage and golding whip up xenophobia and hate. DisgustingThomas Mair gave his name as "Death to traitors, freedom for Britain"
Posted 18 June 2016 - 07:20 PM
I may not be youngNow where is that popcorn emotions. .. If every one voted out..then we would have a country where everyone one was on same page..then we may want to vote in..one step at a time ..don't rush things young man. .I don't redistribution of money would solve anything, if anything make things worse. It's about getting the world to make decisions collectively which would eventually even things out a bit more. Once we had many small tribes, with the merger of smaller tribes came fewer bigger tribes for the benefit of the group, now we have countries. Hopefully continents soon, then a world. Many generations would have to pass before such a thing could happen.
Edited by gaffer1986, 18 June 2016 - 07:21 PM.
Posted 18 June 2016 - 10:49 PM
Sorry but what an utterly ridiculous statement, the guy is obviously mentally ill and to try and score points of this is detestable. Not even the morally corrupt lying politicians tried that. You should be ashamed of yourself.The assassin has just appeared in court. He was asked to guve his name and he replied...
So if there was any doubt...thats what happens when people like farage and golding whip up xenophobia and hate. DisgustingThomas Mair gave his name as "Death to traitors, freedom for Britain"
Posted 18 June 2016 - 11:08 PM
Posted 19 June 2016 - 03:42 AM
Posted 19 June 2016 - 06:42 AM
My feelings as wellIt was the use of the tragic death of this poor woman for scoring political points I took exception too. Mental illness is easy to dismiss but does his conduct and rantings really suggest a well balanced person to you?
Posted 19 June 2016 - 07:44 AM
Many religious people, many football fans etc don't suggest balanced either.... Not sure what being mentally ill has to do with it.....aside from being more vulnerable to someone's ideas and having no self controlIt was the use of the tragic death of this poor woman for scoring political points I took exception too. Mental illness is easy to dismiss but does his conduct and rantings really suggest a well balanced person to you?
Posted 19 June 2016 - 08:59 AM
There have been many great orators in history, good and bad, who have used their speaking skills to influence people, sometimes whole populations. Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Mussolini, Churchill were all able to influence and inspire huge numbers of people to do things they might not have ordinarily done. Today, look at Trump and his outrageous utterings and see the way his audiences cheer him hysterically and the riots his speeches have provoked. All public speakers, especially politicians, have a responsibility to couch their speeches in ways that will not encourage the mentally ill, the deadheads and the xenophobic bigots to commit acts of violence against others. If you think I exaggerate then think back to the burning of books in Germany before WWII, think of Mao and his Cultural Revolution with millions of people mindlessly waving his little Red Book, think of Oswald Mosely and his Blackshirts goosestepping through the streets of London and think of all those radicalised in the name of religion. I think that is the point Scott was trying to make.
Edited by Madmitch, 19 June 2016 - 09:00 AM.
Posted 19 June 2016 - 09:27 AM
Didn't Boris make a comparison to Hitler just recently!!! Totally agree politicians and media need to be responsible to avoid "radicalising" the mentally weak, gullible and plain stupid. Clearly no-one reasonable would actually wish their opponents to be killed by an unbalanced nutter (on the left or right of the political spectrum). I have heard people in the exit camp stating they would let the migrants in boats drown!! Maybe only words but that kind of statement influences idiots. The really sad thing about this is I see society locally, in Europe and globally beginning to fracture more and more. The rise of myopic nationalist tendencies and a general lack of humanity concerns me.There have been many great orators in history, good and bad, who have used their speaking skills to influence people, sometimes whole populations. Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Mussolini, Churchill were all able to influence and inspire huge numbers of people to do things they might not have ordinarily done. Today, look at Trump and his outrageous utterings and see the way his audiences cheer him hysterically and the riots his speeches have provoked. All public speakers, especially politicians, have a responsibility to couch their speeches in ways that will not encourage the mentally ill, the deadheads and the xenophobic bigots to commit acts of violence against others. If you think I exaggerate then think back to the burning of books in Germany before WWII, think of Mao and his Cultural Revolution with millions of people mindlessly waving his little Red Book, think of Oswald Mosely and his Blackshirts goosestepping through the streets of London and think of all those radicalised in the name of religion. I think that is the point Scott was trying to make.
Posted 19 June 2016 - 02:44 PM
If we leave or stay we will still be controlled by politicians and Joe public will have little say in our destiny.
Posted 19 June 2016 - 04:09 PM
The remain camp bolstering its position of the back of this poor woman's death before her heart had even stopped beating.
This is about as low as it gets in political argument.
Edited by phippsy, 19 June 2016 - 04:09 PM.
Posted 19 June 2016 - 04:31 PM
Euro MPs corrupt?
I think we need to look at our own squeeky clean MPs and Ministers
Posted 19 June 2016 - 06:18 PM
Posted 20 June 2016 - 08:49 AM
Posted 20 June 2016 - 08:50 AM
Posted 20 June 2016 - 08:52 AM
Edited by LY_Scott, 20 June 2016 - 08:52 AM.
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