Very interesting and I'd be interested in hearing views of exit voters (or undecided). Doubtful most exit voters will even watch that and if they do it's likely they'll ignore the detail and decide to gamble anyway. As LY Scott says - the level of debate is poor as most people seem fixed in their views already and dismissive of facts that counter their position.Watch this.......................

The Referendum - In Or Out
Posted 20 June 2016 - 10:15 AM
Posted 20 June 2016 - 10:24 AM
Posted 20 June 2016 - 12:39 PM
Posted 20 June 2016 - 01:51 PM
Very interesting and I'd be interested in hearing views of exit voters (or undecided). Doubtful most exit voters will even watch that and if they do it's likely they'll ignore the detail and decide to gamble anyway. As LY Scott says - the level of debate is poor as most people seem fixed in their views already and dismissive of facts that counter their position.
Ive been listening, so
..Ive decided to change my mind and vote "remain"....
..but then I ask myself why?....and start argueing with myself... and come to the or out will all be shaken about..
Posted 20 June 2016 - 01:55 PM
The deed has been done. Envelope sealed but hasn't got as far as the postbox yet......
Posted 20 June 2016 - 01:57 PM
Thanks for putting this up. EVERYONE whether wishing to remain or exit should spend the time to watch this. This professor has no ulterior motives to stay or exit. It is purely evidence based & factual information regarding what is likely to happen if we leave.
...Those who want to exit should listen to the facts & not from a bunch of political individuals trying to put forward an alternative option, in the hope that disillusioned UK residents will make them popular. They might as well, they've got jack sh*t to lose & everything to gain!
Posted 20 June 2016 - 02:03 PM
Good decision H 👍🏻Ive been listening, so ..Ive decided to change my mind and vote "remain".... ..but then I ask myself why?....and start argueing with myself... and come to the or out will all be shaken about..Very interesting and I'd be interested in hearing views of exit voters (or undecided). Doubtful most exit voters will even watch that and if they do it's likely they'll ignore the detail and decide to gamble anyway. As LY Scott says - the level of debate is poor as most people seem fixed in their views already and dismissive of facts that counter their position.
Posted 20 June 2016 - 02:05 PM
....... what is likely to happen if we leave... his opinion only .....its not #fact as there is no historical evidence either way..... was worth watching and listening but there are flaws in every argument.....whatever side you sit on.....nobody knows said Pooh to Piglet.
Posted 20 June 2016 - 02:09 PM
Posted 20 June 2016 - 02:19 PM

Posted 20 June 2016 - 02:31 PM
Agree it is difficult Rob but I suspect they'll be listening a bit harder for a while after this... As we have the right to stand for parliament it is possible like minded people can group together to become influencers following this process - common people (me) can make a difference if they gather in sufficient numbers! FYI the UK has been very influential on the EU over the last 40 years. Things haven't been "done to us" we have been involved all the way. If you read an earlier post of mine you can see how the EU is governed and the pivotal role we play. Plus if you watch the link above you will get a sense of the reality behind much of the misinformation, lies and simple misunderstanding from both sides.Push our politicians my arse!!
How much influence have we had so far on the EU? Genuine question as i don't know
Posted 20 June 2016 - 03:11 PM
Good decision H 👍🏻
Ive been listening, so ..Ive decided to change my mind and vote "remain".... ..but then I ask myself why?....and start argueing with myself... and come to the or out will all be shaken about..Very interesting and I'd be interested in hearing views of exit voters (or undecided). Doubtful most exit voters will even watch that and if they do it's likely they'll ignore the detail and decide to gamble anyway. As LY Scott says - the level of debate is poor as most people seem fixed in their views already and dismissive of facts that counter their position.
...Ive been listening to my inner now that a good decision as well about you, me , Ghand and some others start a .Org party..we have 2 years of campaigning ...we should get at least 700 votes from the members..and I say make Joe Primeminster if he isnt allowed to be a mod...
..and Im serious and havent been drinking..... (well not for while)..what the world or at least the uk, eu..needs right now is commonsense and honesty
Posted 20 June 2016 - 03:19 PM
....... what is likely to happen if we leave... his opinion only .....its not #fact as there is no historical evidence either way..... was worth watching and listening but there are flaws in every argument.....whatever side you sit on.....nobody knows said Pooh to Piglet.
It is in moments like this that I really despair. Given that this Professor is far more learned in this area than ANY UK politician on either side. It's so typical that many of the Old & (badly informed) Exit bunch will just continue with blind apathy & Pooh Pooh's his evidence based comments.
...If your doctor told you you needed surgery for an ongoing serious condition, would you just ignore him, think you know better, ask advice from your neighbour or perhaps use a crystal ball???????
Posted 20 June 2016 - 03:33 PM
....... what is likely to happen if we leave... his opinion only .....its not #fact as there is no historical evidence either way..... was worth watching and listening but there are flaws in every argument.....whatever side you sit on.....nobody knows said Pooh to Piglet.
It is in moments like this that I really despair. Given that this Professor is far more learned in this area than ANY UK politician on either side. It's so typical that many of the Old & (badly informed) Exit bunch will just continue with blind apathy & Pooh Pooh's his evidence based comments.
...If your doctor told you you needed surgery for an ongoing serious condition, would you just ignore him, think you know better, ask advice from your neighbour or perhaps use a crystal ball???????
Max..I dont disagree with any of your statements above....howvere working on campus at Cambridge University I have sat in many forums of late of such like Professors who have argued for both sides of the fence..please read my is a matter of opinion and how facts are being relayed to the common man....not just one mans statements..who i havent ignored, but ive also listened to the xit man as please dont POOH POOH my thoughts on what is a serious debate.
i am not POOH POOHing (although he is my favourite bear)...anything being said...
its a said state of affairs that everyone wants to be a TIGGRR and bounce along when we are looking for our heffalump who doesnt even exist....remain and there well could be a recession its happended before..and if we leave there could be a recession..they have happened before..
the future is anknown whatever side of the fence you sit on....perhaps we should all abstain??
An OUT will imo give a rocket up the arses of the political circuit..The UK isnt the only ones who are pissed off either...I am of the old adage do the same you get the something different if you want a for me OUT.. ..unless convinced otherwise..
Edited by Harry Hornet, 20 June 2016 - 03:34 PM.
Posted 20 June 2016 - 03:42 PM
Posted 20 June 2016 - 03:50 PM
Do you think the collapse of the EU would be a good thing?
Posted 20 June 2016 - 03:54 PM
Let's face it, You're not about to change your mind even if God (No no,not Boris) appeared in front of you & told you otherwise.
I have read many, many articles & debates from both sides (many many hours worth). I will not be voting in the hope that all will be alright or perhaps rosier based on all the information I have heard from the exit bunch. Sure all politicians will of course have to do what's best for the country if we exit. But it doesn't mean we will be in a better position.
We will have years of uncertainty. The UK is no longer the great power house we once were, so take off the rose tinted glasses.
Posted 20 June 2016 - 04:03 PM
Posted 20 June 2016 - 04:04 PM
Do you think the collapse of the EU would be a good thing?
No I dont.want to see the EU collapse..but I do want change.. when it was the Common Market which I voted for in 1975 it was good thing. is now a Union...that doesnt just govern trade..
..Serious question back..was the Soviet Union a good thing..with all the Slovakia's, etc in it.....why did we want it broken up....why did the little countries want their sovereignty back...please do tell..
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