[color=rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'-apple-system-font';font-size:12px;]Good video by the poster, some perfectly valid points on the likely negative impact on our EU trade arrangements if we vote to leave.[/color]
[color=rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'-apple-system-font';font-size:12px;]Why would it be any other way ? We’ve just spent decades integrating into this system of course its going to take time to unravel and make our own way.[/color]
If you think all the uncertainty lies in the leave option you are really not having a balanced view of the issues. There are massive dangers in a vote to remain.
The EU has quite clearly shown which direction it is going in over the last 40 years. A vote to leave is not a vote to stay put, its a vote to get dragged into a lot more of the same.
You are voting for more centralising of power, less accountability, more eu officials riding the tax payer subsidised gravy train, more poor countries joining that really shouldn’t who we will have to prop op, more crises and bailouts, more civil unrest, less border controls, more net migration and sod all chance of reform.
All this to stay in such a great ‘club’ that is the worlds only declining trading block and has been stagnating for the last 10 years. Trade agreements take forever because it has to be so careful not to agree to anything that disadvantages the otherwise uncompetitive companies of any single member states.
I’m sorry but the price to remain is now just too high and we might not get another chance to leave.
This referendum will be decided on the 2 big issues of immigration and the economy.
I invite somebody, anybody, to present their case for controlling immigration if we remain because I have yet to hear a single argument for how this can be achieved.
-Anyone- ?