My last word on this.
We are a nation composed of invaders and refugees, the Anglo-Saxons, the Jutes, the Vikings, the Normans, the Jews, the Hugenots, the list is endless. They have been coming to our shores for centuries and we have never found it difficult to absorb them. Their skills and cultures have enriched ours and added to our intelligence, mongrels are always the brightest dogs! We have always been outward looking and we are not overcrowded, if you want to see overcrowding go to India
We are a trading nation and have always been such. In times past we became the richest nation on the planet, the most powerful too and all off the back of trade. Today we still rely on trade although the nature of that trade has changed, we can no longer send a gunboat to force our exports on an unwilling market, we have to trade by treaty and agreement and most of those have been put in place since we joined the EU. It is utterly absurd to imagine we can leave and then just carry on as before. Our nearest and biggest market will be well and truly p***** off with us and not in any mood to have much to do with us again, they will also be working their socks off to take all the trade that we will no longer be able to transact by virtue of the trade barriers now erected against outsiders, as we would then be. Don't imagine the Americans will help either, I'm old enough to remember that after WWll we ended up paying our debts by giving them companies like du Pont, allowing them to make the $ the principal currency instead of the £, we gave them the all flying tailplane and early jet engines and plans for the Miles supersonic research aircraft which became the Bell X1, oh yes, the Yanks will be in there too looking to help themselves.
Instead of running away from this latest challenge and turning inwards and away from the world we should be standing up and dealing with it, fixing what is wrong, leading by example, doing the things we have always done best. Honestly, I have read so much sad negativity on this thread, so much blaming everyone else, it's incredible!
I hope we vote to stay in tomorrow, that will be a statement to the world that we are players, that we believe in ourselves, a vote to leave will be a vote to pull the door shut and to hoist the white flag. The End.
Edited by Madmitch, 22 June 2016 - 01:51 PM.