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The Referendum - In Or Out

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#761 techieboy


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 02:29 PM

We are a nation composed of invaders and refugees, the Anglo-Saxons, the Jutes, the Vikings, the Normans, the Jews, the Hugenots, the list is endless.  They have been coming to our shores for centuries and we have never found it difficult to absorb them.  Their skills and cultures have enriched ours and added to our intelligence, mongrels are always the brightest dogs!  We have always been outward looking and we are not overcrowded, if you want to see overcrowding go to India

Say's the man in France with a population density a quarter of what it is here. :lol: Much easier to absorb invaders, when they're pointing a spear/sword/gun at you and you didn't have a choice. Easier still when the population density was only 1 man per square mile. Ballcocks, I mis-voted. :beat:

#762 Captain Vimes

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Posted 22 June 2016 - 02:34 PM

One of my concerns about the EU is that we want different things from it compared to our allies. The fact we rejected the Euro means that we view the world differently on the key aspect of budgets. The remain side claim we're better being at the table to negotiate and influence.. . we're one of the big 3 and have significant sway in these decision. So.. Is our voice heard? How often do we disagree with proposals being made and how often are we able to influence the other nations to hear our point of view? The stats are here: http://ukandeu.ac.uk...l-of-ministers/ On budgets and security, where it goes to a vote, we're outvoted on a third of all decisions. In comparison, Germany gets its way in 98% of votes on the same topics! Across all votes, we're more than twice as likely to be outvoted than any other country. Hmmmm.. Not sure how much influence we're having whilst siting at the table.

#763 Rosssco


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 02:36 PM

Anyone else sort of waiting for this to be over so we can get parts in Euros or USD a bit cheaper? :D

#764 christhegasman


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 02:44 PM

Anyone else sort of waiting for this to be over so we can get parts in Euros or USD a bit cheaper? :D

If we leave will euro parts close down ? 😀

#765 Harry Hornet

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Posted 22 June 2016 - 02:51 PM

Probably not my last word on this..see in.line a rsponse from the leave camp


My last word on this. 


We are a nation composed of invaders and refugees, the Anglo-Saxons, the Jutes, the Vikings, the Normans, the Jews, the Hugenots, the list is endless.  They have been coming to our shores for centuries and we have never found it difficult to absorb them.  Their skills and cultures have enriched ours and added to our intelligence, mongrels are always the brightest dogs!  We have always been outward looking and we are not overcrowded, if you want to see overcrowding go to India


Response = Dont disagree about being abunch of mongrels, you only have to go a VX National, but seriously and I think this is where your 15 (I think) years away from the UK hasnt hit home....but also we export through migration alot of great people, due to "over crowding"  we have to import skills especially in NHS just to provide a service.


A journey from N Herts to Guildford or Maidstone or Reading 15 years ago use to take no longer than 80 minutes any time of day...now during rush hours is at least 3 hours..4 on a Friday

Ask IanRM from this parish, he has taken a mortgage for his part of the M25




We are a trading nation and have always been such.  In times past we became the richest nation on the planet, the most powerful too and all off the back of trade.  Today we still rely on trade although the nature of that trade has changed, we can no longer send a gunboat to force our exports on an unwilling market, we have to trade by treaty and agreement and most of those have been put in place since we joined the EU.  It is utterly absurd to imagine we can leave and then just carry on as before.  Our nearest and biggest market will be well and truly p***** off with us and not in any mood to have much to do with us again, they will also be working their socks off to take all the trade that we will no longer be able to transact by virtue of the trade barriers now erected against outsiders, as we would then be.  Don't imagine the Americans will help either, I'm old enough to remember that after WWll we ended up paying our debts by giving them companies like du Pont, allowing them to make the $ the principal currency instead of the £, we gave them the all flying tailplane and early jet engines and plans for the Miles supersonic research aircraft which became the Bell X1, oh yes, the Yanks will be in there too looking to help themselves.


Response = And we were a great trading country before the EU, not because of the EU., we havent become any "better". Our debt has grown since weve been in the EU, partly bexcause of poor successive governments but also becuase the EU sees it is thir duty to keep "pooer" economies afloat so they can "steal" their economies and industries.We use to own many of our companies as well. We use to be able to dictate were the govenment helped out industries..e.g. Steel when now the EU tells us not to.


Im not as old as you but I voted in to the Common Market, this ideal no longer exists, it s now no longer about trade and open borders..its much much more..we shouldnt sell our sovriegntyW


Why should every EU country be told to import 20% foodstuffs when they can be self suffcient..wtf..



Instead of running away from this latest challenge and turning inwards and away from the world we should be standing up and dealing with it, fixing what is wrong, leading by example, doing the things we have always done best.  Honestly, I have read so much sad negativity on this thread, so much blaming everyone else, it's incredible!


Response = we have had our chance to stand up to the EU over the last 2 years when we know this referendum was going to take place, has any thing altered?...please do tell.

We can lead by example, doing what we do best  and taking your WW2 as an example when every one else ran or didnt standup we "were on the beaches"...Do the same ylu get the same...try something else it "may " just work


I hope we vote to stay in tomorrow, that will be a statement to the world that we are players, that we believe in ourselves, a vote to leave will be a vote to pull the door shut and to hoist the white flag.  The End.


Response = Some tortology in your words here me thinks, if I swapped around your words "stay and leave"  it has exactly the same meaning...



I doubt if there are many people who are still undecided and wont decide until they are in the voting booth..is it heart or mind...is it me now or the future for our families..what ever on Friday (hopefully) everyone on here is still breathing, we have our health and mind...will either vote really make that much difference...I doubt it, ... chinky chinky


..not a bad thread that is now 30 odd pages, nearly as good as trying to sell a TV.Whatever are going to discuss next   :)  

Edited by Harry Hornet, 22 June 2016 - 02:54 PM.

#766 techieboy


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 03:02 PM

One of my concerns about the EU is that we want different things from it compared to our allies. The fact we rejected the Euro means that we view the world differently on the key aspect of budgets. The remain side claim we're better being at the table to negotiate and influence.. . we're one of the big 3 and have significant sway in these decision.

Same concerns here and I certainly don't want a Remain win being taken by Juncker (and the UK government to a lesser degree) as tacit acceptance of the status-quo.


Despite our pretty lousy record, the one thing for sure is if we're not in it, we'll have no influence on it. Whilst what happens in there will still influence us. I'm hoping the sense of malaise with the current EU that seems to be spreading across the population of Europe will make them actually sit up and take notice and realise that things do need to change. We just need to get better at doing things and maybe not have Farage and his boys ranting constantly in the EU Parliament and p!ssing everyone off and hardening feelings towards us.


If they still want to rush headlong towards the whole Federal superstate thing, we have the automatic option of another In/Out referendum written into UK law if more migration of power happens.


We certainly can't get out, then discover in 5 years time that it was a major mistake and get back in there. Not on our existing terms anyway. We'll be like everyone else, Schengened up, using the €, rebate-less and still liable to being invaded by hordes of Turks.

#767 techieboy


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 03:06 PM

..is it heart or mind...is it me now or the future for our families..


Indeed. And the second part of that statement cuts both ways, depending on your point of view.

#768 WrightStuff


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 03:09 PM

Interesting viewpoint from Portillo ! #sadmanonatrain


#769 techieboy


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 03:14 PM

Except even he's gone off that possibility now after all parties have said "not happening".

#770 NickB787


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 03:17 PM

http://www.express.c...e-reform-Remain After reading this good luck to the uk on reforming Europe

#771 Rosssco


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 03:22 PM

http://www.express.c...e-reform-Remain After reading this good luck to the uk on reforming Europe


Does anyone think perhaps the Express is 'slightly' biased when you click on that link and look at stories 1 - 5 down the side? :lol:



#772 techieboy


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 03:26 PM

And what has that supercilious b£$%&^d Juncker actually said there? There will be no more changes to our deal. Nobody is expecting any. Well, other than Portillo.



#773 LY_Scott


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 03:30 PM

The papers are after money. The Express openly backs UKIP, they see a market there and will sell to it.


If you compare the English and Scottish Editions of the Daily Mail today you'll see they have no position other than to offer something their audience will buy.


The express is more bewldering as I don't think anyone actually reads it but it fills up anti-EU groups with links. I'm sure they're happy for traffic revenue cash and a distraction from using Princess Diana for sales.

#774 techieboy


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 03:40 PM

I'm sure they're happy for traffic revenue cash and a distraction from using Princess Diana for sales.

So true. :lol:

#775 Andrew aka Stuwy

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Posted 22 June 2016 - 04:08 PM

still undecided

#776 phippsy


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 04:24 PM

Think the Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan gets his point across nicely. Only a six and half minute clip. Vote leave :) 

#777 christhegasman


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 05:59 PM

One of my concerns about the EU is that we want different things from it compared to our allies. The fact we rejected the Euro means that we view the world differently on the key aspect of budgets. The remain side claim we're better being at the table to negotiate and influence.. . we're one of the big 3 and have significant sway in these decision.

Same concerns here and I certainly don't want a Remain win being taken by Juncker (and the UK government to a lesser degree) as tacit acceptance of the status-quo.   Despite our pretty lousy record, the one thing for sure is if we're not in it, we'll have no influence on it. Whilst what happens in there will still influence us. I'm hoping the sense of malaise with the current EU that seems to be spreading across the population of Europe will make them actually sit up and take notice and realise that things do need to change. We just need to get better at doing things and maybe not have Farage and his boys ranting constantly in the EU Parliament and p!ssing everyone off and hardening feelings towards us.   If they still want to rush headlong towards the whole Federal superstate thing, we have the automatic option of another In/Out referendum written into UK law if more migration of power happens.   We certainly can't get out, then discover in 5 years time that it was a major mistake and get back in there. Not on our existing terms anyway. We'll be like everyone else, Schengened up, using the , rebate-less and still liable to being invaded by hordes of Turks.
Same concerns here and I certainly don't want a Remain win being taken by Juncker (and the UK government to a lesser degree) as tacit acceptance of the status-quo Think That is the main fear if we stay in

#778 Captain Vimes

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Posted 22 June 2016 - 06:49 PM

Well after all the fear mongering on trade barriers including from Wolfgang Schäuble (german finance minister), it's comforting to see that German businesses have a more rational view. http://www.bbc.co.uk...siness-36596060

#779 Captain Vimes

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Posted 22 June 2016 - 06:57 PM

Still undecided but leaning towards a leave on the assumption that common sense will prevail and I don't like the idea of giving Juncker and Merkel the green light to ignore our opinion/concerns going forward, especially now given we've played our once in a generation threat to leave.

#780 Captain Vimes

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Posted 22 June 2016 - 07:04 PM

At the table, influencing the decisions in Britain's best interest... https://www.theguard...juncker-vote-eu We're great at rallying the other countries to consider our view and come up with a position that works for the UK.

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