The Referendum - In Or Out
Posted 25 June 2016 - 07:00 AM
Posted 25 June 2016 - 08:52 AM
The petition for a 2nd Referendum is now up to 870,000 and going up like a lift. If you are a remain voter or a leave voter having second thoughts get on there and sign the petition, it's not too late to climb out of the worst decision for the UK made in my lifetime. If you still think it's a wonderful idea ask yourself why Gove does NOT want to be PM, why BJ is back pedalling on Article 50, why Farage now says there is no £350m for the NHS, why Marine Le Pen has changed her Twitter pic to a Union Jack and so on ad infinitum.
Posted 25 June 2016 - 09:04 AM
The petition for a 2nd Referendum is now up to 870,000 and going up like a lift. If you are a remain voter or a leave voter having second thoughts get on there and sign the petition, it's not too late to climb out of the worst decision for the UK made in my lifetime. If you still think it's a wonderful idea ask yourself why Gove does NOT want to be PM, why BJ is back pedalling on Article 50, why Farage now says there is no £350m for the NHS, why Marine Le Pen has changed her Twitter pic to a Union Jack and so on ad infinitum.
The petition will do nothing. 870,000? Thats a fraction of over 17 million that voted to leave. Even if the petition goes above 17 million its meaningless. The country has voted and that will stand
Edited by fiveoclock, 25 June 2016 - 09:05 AM.
Posted 25 June 2016 - 09:29 AM
Posted 25 June 2016 - 09:38 AM
Or if you want every time we have a general election we can have the loosing side put up a petition to have another election, that will work..The petition will do nothing. 870,000? Thats a fraction of over 17 million that voted to leave. Even if the petition goes above 17 million its meaningless. The country has voted and that will standThe petition for a 2nd Referendum is now up to 870,000 and going up like a lift. If you are a remain voter or a leave voter having second thoughts get on there and sign the petition, it's not too late to climb out of the worst decision for the UK made in my lifetime. If you still think it's a wonderful idea ask yourself why Gove does NOT want to be PM, why BJ is back pedalling on Article 50, why Farage now says there is no £350m for the NHS, why Marine Le Pen has changed her Twitter pic to a Union Jack and so on ad infinitum.
Posted 25 June 2016 - 09:52 AM
Out votes were 17,410,742 and in votes were 16,141,241, a difference of 1,269,501. Any petition running to more than 100,00 has to be put to Parliament for consideration, this petition only started after the referendum and is already over 1,010, 000 and going up incredibly fast. With respect, it is not meaningless, if Parliament says yes to another Referendum in the debate which it now has to have, and enough vote to stay then that will stand, that is the democratic process.
Posted 25 June 2016 - 10:06 AM
Out vote won that's it sorry but we need to move on nowOut votes were 17,410,742 and in votes were 16,141,241, a difference of 1,269,501. Any petition running to more than 100,00 has to be put to Parliament for consideration, this petition only started after the referendum and is already over 1,010, 000 and going up incredibly fast. With respect, it is not meaningless, if Parliament says yes to another Referendum in the debate which it now has to have, and enough vote to stay then that will stand, that is the democratic process.
Edited by NickB787, 25 June 2016 - 10:08 AM.
Posted 25 June 2016 - 10:10 AM
Oh and if Theresa May thinks she wants to be the new PM.....no no no no no no no no
I think there's quite a good chance she could get it (firemen and policemen not withstanding ). She's kind of remained above the Leave/Go bunfight and sort of begrudgingly supported Cameron, she'll probably cop some grief over immigration numbers (as if she could control them anyway) from the Brexit posse though. If we do have to do the PC thing and have at least one female candidate, I'd rather it was her and not the human shire horse that is Nicky Morgan. Anyway, with those heels of hers, she'll probably scare Juncker witless when it comes time to negotiate on anything.
The petition for a 2nd Referendum is now up to 870,000 and going up like a lift. If you are a remain voter or a leave voter having second thoughts get on there and sign the petition, it's not too late to climb out of the worst decision for the UK made in my lifetime.
But it is meaningless. At best, all it can do is get a question asked in parliament and not necessarily even answered. I'm guessing there'll be more than a few of those being asked in the coming months/years anyway. The whole e-petition thing is a pointless gimmick and certainly isn't democracy at work. It's the governments version of Facebook and as such is a waste of space and full of wacko's on their own personal missions to get stupid questions answered. I'd rather they just dumped that site altogether.
Posted 25 June 2016 - 10:17 AM
Edited by dw1, 25 June 2016 - 10:18 AM.
Posted 25 June 2016 - 10:25 AM
Out votes were 17,410,742 and in votes were 16,141,241, a difference of 1,269,501. Any petition running to more than 100,00 has to be put to Parliament for consideration, this petition only started after the referendum and is already over 1,010, 000 and going up incredibly fast. With respect, it is not meaningless, if Parliament says yes to another Referendum in the debate which it now has to have, and enough vote to stay then that will stand, that is the democratic process.
Ahh, so you like democracy? But only if it suits?
And if in just gets it and the out lot do a petition with a million signatures, do we have another? Or if out just pip it again will the in lot do another until they win and then put a halt on democracy.
Do you realise how stupid you sound.
Edited by Zoobeef, 25 June 2016 - 10:26 AM.
Posted 25 June 2016 - 10:42 AM
Exactly, now holding up the EEA system as the solution, after repeatedly saying it wasn't during the campaign, is a little disingenuous and the ramifications certainly don't seem to match with what a lot of the Brexiter's thought (assuming they did much of that in the first place) they were voting for.Regarding going a Norway style option, no thank you. I don't think a half way house approach is good, nor does their prime minister in the context of us (article in the Independent)... Brexit: Norway's Prime Minister Erna Solberg warns Britons wont like life outside EU 'Brussels will decide without the Brits being able to participate in the decision-making' So we are either all out or all in, in my view. We've chosen out so we must carve our own path in the world now.

Posted 25 June 2016 - 10:44 AM
The great thing is MS announced they weren't moving anyone yesterday.
Posted 25 June 2016 - 10:47 AM
Posted 25 June 2016 - 11:03 AM
Posted 25 June 2016 - 11:08 AM
But we've voted to leave. The leaving process will now start and we will leave. Any further vote would be to decide if we want to go back in and then see if they would accept us. We've voted out, we're out. No silly petition can reverse that process. It's as meaningless as the protests in London tomorrow.Out votes were 17,410,742 and in votes were 16,141,241, a difference of 1,269,501. Any petition running to more than 100,00 has to be put to Parliament for consideration, this petition only started after the referendum and is already over 1,010, 000 and going up incredibly fast. With respect, it is not meaningless, if Parliament says yes to another Referendum in the debate which it now has to have, and enough vote to stay then that will stand, that is the democratic process.
Posted 25 June 2016 - 11:15 AM
Edited by dw1, 25 June 2016 - 11:19 AM.
Posted 25 June 2016 - 11:38 AM
The voting profile: http://media.fyre.co...hcroft data.JPG The older and less educated voted out. As a nation we can't blame them, we must take responsibiltiy. We've created that society, we've (consciously or unconsciously) allowed that to happen. So when people in those demographic groups feel that way, we have to respect it. I imagine they feel marginalised, hopeless, displaced so want a change.
"Educated"? Educated in what? What does educated mean? I've met many people who have been educated to the highest level and they've had fcuk all common sense and been clueless about current affairs and such like. Dont forget all the MP's are "educated" and most of those are half wits when put in the real world
Edited by fiveoclock, 25 June 2016 - 11:40 AM.
Posted 25 June 2016 - 11:41 AM
Edited by dw1, 25 June 2016 - 11:43 AM.
Posted 25 June 2016 - 11:41 AM
The voting profile: http://media.fyre.co...hcroft data.JPG The older and less educated voted out. As a nation we can't blame them, we must take responsibiltiy. We've created that society, we've (consciously or unconsciously) allowed that to happen. So when people in those demographic groups feel that way, we have to respect it. I imagine they feel marginalised, hopeless, displaced so want a change.
This is beginning to feel a bit like a mud slinging exercise, lets blame the old and the stupid. Yes the data shows a lean towards leave from older and less well educated voters but are we now saying that their voice should not be heard. And lets remember that they could not have pushed leave over the finish line without millions of younger or more well educated voters help. I'm university educated as are many of my friends who also decided that remaining a member of the eu is not in our national interest. Please do not imply that our vote should carry less weight than yours simply because we do not share your point of view.
Not aimed at you dw1, this is just a general response to the rubbish I'm seeing and hearing at the minute.
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