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The Referendum - In Or Out

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#1261 christhegasman


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Posted 04 July 2016 - 06:23 PM

New poll has confirmed that in actual fact 70% of young people (18-25yrs) voted. And the vast majority voted remain. So the older generation did in fact fcuk it up for the younger generation. I hope all the older people who were desperate to criticise the young for supposedly not being arsed to get out of bed to vote take note of this and realise just how wrong they were, and how foolish they look now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

so how do they know which way each age group voted ? Thought ballots were secret

#1262 Wolfstone



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Posted 04 July 2016 - 07:06 PM

70% of those that voted. But if turnout from that age group were low then 70% of a low number is an even lower number.

#1263 Acidpopstar


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Posted 04 July 2016 - 09:21 PM

70% of those that voted. But if turnout from that age group were low then 70% of a low number is an even lower number.

No, as I said in my first post - 70% of young people age 18-25 voted. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

#1264 christhegasman


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Posted 04 July 2016 - 09:34 PM

70% of those that voted. But if turnout from that age group were low then 70% of a low number is an even lower number.

No, as I said in my first post - 70% of young people age 18-25 voted. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well whoever voted for what it's done now time to get over it and start picking this old country up again as all the crap still going on between in and out sides ain't helping anything and won't change anything either

#1265 ghand


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Posted 04 July 2016 - 09:41 PM

% who got through our final #EUref poll turnout filter by age group: 18-24: 36% 25-34: 58% 35-44: 72% 45-54: 75% 55-64: 81% 65+: 83% This is the highest figure I can find,the lowest is 18% turnout for 18-24 so your talking some place in the middle I suspect Like I said roughly three or four managed to get out of bed to vote 👍😂 Me and Jan have seven between us and only one voted, that's about right 👍 .

Edited by ghand, 04 July 2016 - 09:44 PM.

#1266 Harry Hornet

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Posted 04 July 2016 - 09:53 PM

..70% of 36% = about 25%


..so 1 in 4 of the younger generation voted to remain...and it was a vote for their future


..just saying.....not arguing or discussing...just saying.....#fact


..the sun will rise tomorrow....just saying.......#fact



#1267 Acidpopstar


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Posted 04 July 2016 - 10:55 PM

My point is that your facts are wrong but yet again you seem to be very adept at burying your hands in the sand. Astonishing. For the 3rd time, 70% of all young people 18-25 voted. Understand? Not sure how much clearer I can be. And I don't know how old you are Harry but surely you've worked out how to write a sentence using something resembling correct punctuation by now? Gives me eye strain trying.... To.... .... work... out.... your...... drivel....... Ghand those stats were from a Sky poll that used unreliable questions in its survey. The latest figures are more accurate. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

#1268 ghand


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Posted 04 July 2016 - 11:37 PM

Actual numbers that are near as dam it correct. 18 - 24 (5,900,000 * 0.36) 2,125,000 25 - 34 (8,400,000 * 0.58) 4,875,000 35 - 44 (8,800,000 * 0.72) 6,335,000 45 - 54 (8,700,000 * 0.75) 6,525,000 55 - 64 (7,400,000 * 0.81) 5,995,000 65+ (10,500,000 * 0.83) 8,715,000 This above table totals to 34,570,000 whereas the actual total who voted was 33,577,342 which is less than 3% different (2.95%) I would suggest that within a 5% tolerance the figures above are fairly good. So from this we can see that for every young vote there were four pensioner votes. The young vote (18- 24) was only 6% of the total vote cast. If the young had voted with the same dedication as anyone above the age of 35 then the vote would have been with remain.

Edited by ghand, 04 July 2016 - 11:41 PM.

#1269 ghand


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Posted 04 July 2016 - 11:54 PM

Young people if you're so upset by the outcome of the EU referendum, then why didn't you get out and vote? It has been estimated that only 36 per cent of people in the 18 24 year old category voted in the EU referendum. 64 per cent of young people did not bother to take themselves down to the polling station and place their vote Not sure how much clearer I can be 👍😂😂

Edited by ghand, 05 July 2016 - 12:00 AM.

#1270 WrightStuff


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Posted 05 July 2016 - 11:09 AM


70% of those that voted. But if turnout from that age group were low then 70% of a low number is an even lower number.

No, as I said in my first post - 70% of young people age 18-25 voted. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk





Is there a link to this data ? Ta.

#1271 ghand


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Posted 05 July 2016 - 11:57 AM

I would also like the link please as I can't find anything saying 75% of youngsters voted only stuff like this The 75 percent The final point is about young people voting. There is a meme I have seen shared a lot on Facebook which suggests that three quarters of young people voted Remain. In response to this, the Guardian has begun referring to the 75 percent. 909 Understandably this has generated much anger, given that young people will inevitably face the consequences of Brexit for longer. They feel screwed over and I have seen lots of posts about the baby boomers destroying the EU. But whats missing from this meme is the actual turnout (the figure comes from a YouGov poll based on a sample size of 4,772 people) . As this graphic from the FT shows, turnout greatly increased with age in the referendum: lp So fewer young people are likely to have voted and more older people are likely to have voted. Had turnout been higher among younger people its influence would have been even greater, but as is usually the case, there was a general trend for turnout to increase in line with average age. So yes, 75 percent of young people who turned out may have voted Remain, but there could have been far more older people (in real terms) who voted Remain than that meme gives credit to. And even more importantly, if more young people had turned out, the result may have been different. It might have swung it for Remain Graphs didn't load but showed low young turnout figures around 30% .

Edited by ghand, 05 July 2016 - 12:02 PM.

#1272 Wolfstone



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Posted 05 July 2016 - 12:01 PM

My point exactly. But Acid seems to have a different source of young voter numbers. So let's see them.

#1273 ghand


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Posted 05 July 2016 - 12:09 PM

My point exactly. But Acid seems to have a different source of young voter numbers. So let's see them.

I live near our poll station and watched streams of manly couples walk past all day and night, very few youngsters and like I said we have seven between us and only one voted. 30% got dragged by parents 30% wouldn't get off the X box 30% wouldn't leave the pub 10% didn't know a vote was on 👍😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

#1274 Wolfstone



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Posted 05 July 2016 - 12:17 PM

I never liked the look of those manly couples. :lol:

#1275 smiley


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Posted 05 July 2016 - 06:19 PM

Just read that the scheduled activation of article 50 is end 2017.

Plenty of time to wurm out of it if needed :happy:

#1276 ghand


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Posted 05 July 2016 - 11:09 PM

I never liked the look of those manly couples. :lol:

What's wrong with manly couples 😂😂😂😂 i think you and H got on ok on the Hoon 😂😂😂

#1277 Gadget2



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Posted 06 July 2016 - 07:58 AM

Us oldies can remember what is was like before. When we first went in it was a Common Market, not a group of Un-elected overpaid people setting conditions that we cannot wriggle out of, such as fishing quotas that favour the French and Spanish fleets leading to the decimation of our industry.(and of course the steel industry) That's another thing - decimalisation - what happened to pounds and ounces, pints and gallons - at least I know my VX will only do 18 miles per gallon when pushed, not x kilometres per litre. Anyway non of this is relevant until 2 years after artical 50 and nothing should change before this, other than panical people wondering if that lovely polish girl will still be at Domino`s serving pizza! rant over!!

#1278 Phear


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Posted 06 July 2016 - 08:13 AM

Us oldies can remember what is was like before. When we first went in it was a Common Market, not a group of Un-elected overpaid people setting conditions that we cannot wriggle out of, such as fishing quotas that favour the French and Spanish fleets leading to the decimation of our industry.(and of course the steel industry) That's another thing - decimalisation - what happened to pounds and ounces, pints and gallons - at least I know my VX will only do 18 miles per gallon when pushed, not x kilometres per litre. Anyway non of this is relevant until 2 years after artical 50 and nothing should change before this, other than panical people wondering if that lovely polish girl will still be at Domino`s serving pizza! rant over!!


Thanks Grandad, of course going back to the 1960's is exactly what we all wanted, what could be better. In fact why don't we go back to the way things were in the dark ages, it was much better back then.

#1279 LY_Scott


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Posted 06 July 2016 - 10:25 AM

Us oldies can remember what is was like before. When we first went in it was a Common Market, not a group of Un-elected overpaid people setting conditions that we cannot wriggle out of, such as fishing quotas that favour the French and Spanish fleets leading to the decimation of our industry.(and of course the steel industry) That's another thing - decimalisation - what happened to pounds and ounces, pints and gallons - at least I know my VX will only do 18 miles per gallon when pushed, not x kilometres per litre.

You sure the EU destroyed the steel industry? I'm pretty sure unions then Thatcher governments shut down profitable plants...maybe it's just me? As for decimalisation. Get with it grandad. It makes much more sense. Fishing was thrown under the bus, british fisheries got grants for boats too, they built bigger boats and over fished. Peterhead is still the largest fishing market in Europe. As for the polish girl...that's what says it all isn't it.

#1280 ghand


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Posted 06 July 2016 - 04:17 PM

Hang on Scot 😄 The EU reduced our fishing distance from 200 mile to 12 mile ! and that's a good thing for our fleet 😂😂😂They then put limits on the fish we could catch. We now have EU ships fishing in our waters and selling the fish back to us ffs. Our fleets quotas have dropped to a fraction of what they had over the last few years. The limits sees hundreds of tons of fish dumped back into the sea, now that's conservation of fish stocks gone mad. The steel fiasco wasn't helped by the fact that non of the member states could agree on increasing tariffs and our government was one against a rise. EU rules stops us bailing out the industry ! America have a 200% steel import tariff and the EU 9 % so the heavily subsidised steel from China is decimating all EU steel plants not just ours but like everything else they can't agree 😂😂😂 Oh and how far is a Kilometre again 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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