The FTSE is mainly full off companies that are global and so trade in dollars so due to the exchange rate there making more money by doing nothing where as the average person is worse off , next you'll be saying exporters are doing great but how many people export compared to buying imported goods, and I doubt those people who work for exporters have had pay increases , so to sum up, it's unlikely we'll have control over movement of people , ALL experts are saying prices are going to increase , fishermen won't be able to stop the Europeans fishing in our waters and without doubt the result in the USA was helped by the referendum result here , so you've given us trump and yet you still think it's all rosy . Good for you
..mmm dollar trading, dont think so, there accounts have to be in £sd, or many of the FTSE 100 are not British owned (anymore!)
...mmm average person worse off, sorry with a virtual 0% interest rate there is no incentive, except for the rich to get richer....people havnt had a decent pay rise for over 10 years...bugger all to do with Brexit
..importing goods and pay in £'s not good at the moment, why not buy British..cos for some fecking reason its cheaper to buy foriegn and has been for the last 15 years or more ( see point one) , but for those that do export get paid in Euro's and are better off..( I like that at the moment
mm..control over our borders..we have to wait and see what is managable but borders wont close to Blighty, but hopefully Blighty will patrol ours a bit better and have some sort of workable mechanism
..mmmm Fishermen...having done some close work with the Maritime Marine organisation, my friend you are well off the mark, in general the majority of the trawlermen want out asap so they are allowed to fish when they want to fish and not told by some little upstart based in Brussels
mmm..Trump...sorry for swearing but for fecks sake, the majority of Americans havent a fecking clue what Brexit was, who Farange is, and think Windsor castle should never have been built under the Heathrow flight pass...our vote having a imp[act on there's youre having a laugh
..has anything really changed or will impact the majority when we leave..I doubt it very much, the vast majority of peeps are just fed up to the hind teeth of how the politically world looks after itself and is in need of a good shake down..Brexit was just the start of the change imo..other Euro countries will soon follow suite... HH
Very good question. There may be big changes coming in Europe due to all the elections in 2017 and beyond but the big question for me is what will happen to the Euro. If the Italian banks fall over there is not enough money in the EU to prop them up and the domino effect could lead to the collapse of the €. What then?
..come on live in France which is why the euro does impact you, Brussles will do what any failing state does, print more Euros...but we'll welcome you back with open arms and you can spend in £SD instead 
Everything will be fine, those unelected bureaucrats in Brussels that run the EU have already told us so.
They will continue to bury their heads in the sand in the hope of maintaining their own bloated egos and salaries without recognising that many of the citizens of the EU have rumbled them and that they are the root of the EU problems.
No doubt they will continue to take advice from Seb Blatter on how to survive by believing that the general public are idiots. What goes around comes around, it happened eventually to Blatter and the day of reckoning in Brussels will come in the next 5 years
This is also why the referendum was flawed. As well as a simple "in" or "out" there should have been a third option of remaining as a part of a radically reformed EU.
..or even go back to why I voted have a "common market" and more open borders...not straight bananas and MEP's who never allow a vote to go through because they didnt get any votes in the Eurovision song contest
Have fun folks...this will drag on and on...democratic vote....naaahhh......Putin must be loving it
Edited by Harry Hornet, 29 December 2016 - 05:25 PM.