I do love the greivance argument from yoons who have that massive chip on their shoulder about anything with a slant of Independence for Scotland.
We can roll back to 2014 if we like and remind ourselves Scotland has a positive balance of payments in trade, the UK overall doesn't.....
Being in the EU isn't just about trading within it either. The EU has negociated trade deals globally for it's members. The SWA hailing the recent trade deals with the far east which meant a reduction from 45% tarrifs to 0%...
Not sure if I'm one of these said 'yoons' (not sure what they means tbh), but if you'd care to explain the logic behind the current approach to Sturgeon's EU approach, we're all ears..
The balance of payments comments - what is the long term trend for this? I'll think you'll find its a similar profile to the UK overall. 2014 is also fairly selective as that the last year before offshore Oil&Gas related trade would have started to plummet - I know as I work in it, and overall 'trade' from this sector must be down 25% easily as producers and those with large purchasing power has massively reduced their spend profiles in order to meet cost reduction targets.
Yep, the Scottish Government has had loads of recent success in trade deals with large, communist far-eastern countries..
Anyway, nothing you've noted with regards to international trade deals isn't achievable outwith the EU. Although the benefits of trade was the primary benefit of remaining in the EU.
Can you tell us what Norway's take in Oil and Gas was last year? Can you tell us what it lets us know about the mismanagement of the resource in the UK. Thanks.
Yoons, unionists.
No Ross. The EU has.
I'm not Surgeon's spokesperson. She's more capable than either of us to know her own mind on matters. At my best guess we have indyref2 consoltation to end January 11th, A yes conference January 14th, A supreme court ruling anythime soon and Article 50 sometime before the end of March to see where we end up.
Ah, the usual "whoosh parrot don't answer a question but ask a slightly relevant sounding, but actually irrelevant to the actual topic, question in response.."
I don't know what Norway made in direct government income from offshore producer tax last year.. I know its significantly less than previous years, to the extent there is a lot of gov. budget revision ongoing. I'm sure they made more than -£100million in revenue though... What this has to do with trade with the EU / outside the EU, and Scotland, I'm not sure TBH...
Sturgeon know's the indyref2 game is dead for now, with falling support and no real appetite for a rerun from the majority. I'm sure the spin-masters at SNP HQ will come up with something to prove this isn't the case however and keep the tartan faithful motivated
So she will flog the Brexit case as much as possible to produce as much political discourse as possible, which is the point I was making previously.
Don't get me wrong, I've never supported Brexit, but it was a democratic vote that went a certain way, its just Nats like your good self are not really too fond of democracy when it doesn't go your way
(e.g. Indyref2 and fantasy separate Brexit deal)..
Edited by Rosssco, 05 January 2017 - 12:14 PM.