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The Referendum - In Or Out

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#1501 C8RKH


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Posted 24 April 2017 - 02:46 PM

No concerns on the hard border in NI then?


Turkeys voting for christmas comes to mind.


There won't a hard border between NI and Ireland. there really is no need as we have the Irish Sea between there and the rUk so the border / immigration / customs checks will be done at the ports and airports.


Can't see too many refugees transiting through cold and wet Ireland then risking a dip in the bloody freezing Irish Sea in a small boat to get to the rUK.


Now, if Scotland gets its Independence and the rUK is out of the EU and we are in, then feck me, that lovely outlet village in Gretna just off the A74/M74 will be repurposed in as quick as a flash of my arse in a kilt on a windy day to a customs and border checkpoint.  Will be a right pain in the arse when I travel down south for work too (if they don't use enough KY on the customs search that is....)

#1502 Rosssco


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Posted 25 April 2017 - 10:56 AM

Going to guess DUP voting, flute band loving, bowler hat wearing, loyalist union man. Just in case anyone doesn't get the nuances here.


And you're an SNP-voting, Hail Hail wailing, tartan-bloodier social justice warrior. Just in case anyone doesn't get the nuances and we're being stereotypical here.. ;)  

#1503 GracieJ



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Posted 04 May 2017 - 02:30 PM

Just what I expected from a the small minded individual, did not however expect to find one on this site.  By the way you are right I do/did vote DUP but we are not all loyalist bigots....I just believe in the UNION, and am entitled to it jut like you and everyone else on this site.


If you don't, which I guess you do not from your post then, as per your legal democratic right ......vote. Please however leave the abuse for one of the "dubious" sites that you no doubt follow. 


Regards and may I wish you and yours well for the future..........from a family man, who does not care for this type of rhetoric/hatred.


#1504 oblomov



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Posted 05 May 2017 - 11:56 AM

Just what I expected from a the small minded individual, did not however expect to find one on this site.  By the way you are right I do/did vote DUP but we are not all loyalist bigots....I just believe in the UNION, and am entitled to it jut like you and everyone else on this site.


If you don't, which I guess you do not from your post then, as per your legal democratic right ......vote. Please however leave the abuse for one of the "dubious" sites that you no doubt follow. 


Regards and may I wish you and yours well for the future..........from a family man, who does not care for this type of rhetoric/hatred.


I think you should have the courage of your convictions and say what you really think. :D

#1505 PaulCP


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Posted 05 May 2017 - 03:03 PM

Just what I expected from a the small minded individual, did not however expect to find one on this site.  By the way you are right I do/did vote DUP but we are not all loyalist bigots....I just believe in the UNION, and am entitled to it jut like you and everyone else on this site.   If you don't, which I guess you do not from your post then, as per your legal democratic right ......vote. Please however leave the abuse for one of the "dubious" sites that you no doubt follow.    Regards and may I wish you and yours well for the future..........from a family man, who does not care for this type of rhetoric/hatred.  

I think you should have the courage of your convictions and say what you really think. :D
or, as a relative newcomer, read through the previous history to understand that it might just be a bit of long standing banter 😄

Edited by PaulCP, 05 May 2017 - 03:06 PM.

#1506 KurtVerbose


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Posted 05 May 2017 - 05:52 PM

I visited Northern Ireland in 2014 and didn't see even one bowler hat.


The people were very nice.


My only complaint was the very long queue at the fish 'n chip shop.


It might have been because I was wearing an orange dress though.

#1507 TheHood


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Posted 07 May 2017 - 09:39 PM

Strange (and admittedly loaded) question. Did anyone on here that does the whole Facebook thing get any pro-leave advertising in the run up to the referendum?

#1508 Captain Vimes

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Posted 13 October 2017 - 12:14 PM

Not wishing to start arguments but I quite enjoyed reading the opinions of fellow .org'ers on Brexit so back to the top..



A quote from today's news:


"Speaking in Luxembourg, Mr Juncker used the analogy of someone covering the bill after ordering 28 beers at the bar to explain the EU's position"


This stood out to me for two reasons:

(1) Does Mr Juncker think that the British are all thick lager louts that need a beer analogy to understand what's going on?

(2) The analogy is completely wrong. If we knew we were getting 28 beers then at least we'd know whether the bill is reasonable. It's more like walking into a bar and immediately being asked to settle the bill for the night before even ordering a drink or being allowed to see the menu.


A more enlightening quote from Mr Juncker came when reflecting on the lack of progress: "They have to pay, they have to pay". Which nicely summarises the current position from the EU. No reason, no legal stance just an angry little man not getting his way and stamping his feet.

#1509 PaulCP


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Posted 13 October 2017 - 04:06 PM

It would be an interesting situation if the UK held a second referendum. I'm sure that some of the original "out" voters would now vote "in" because they weren't appraised sufficiently of the process and expected immigration to cease immediately and extra cash to be given to the NHS. I'm equally sure that some who voted "in" would now vote "out" due to the EU showing their true colours with individuals desperate to justify their personal long term existence. It is impossible to negotiate with someone who either doesn't want to negotiate or doesn't have the authority to do so.

#1510 Captain Vimes

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Posted 14 October 2017 - 11:55 AM

Agreed. It would be interesting but it would need to wait until 2019. Theres a lot of games being played at the moment on both sides, so any re-vote would be skewed until we know what Brexit really looks like.

#1511 fiveoclock


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 01:28 PM

There wont be a re-vote. A Conservative government would be too afraid the vote would be remain and they'd have to change tack and a Labour government would be too afraid the vote would be still to leave and make them look like bellends, which, of course, they already do.

#1512 LY_Scott


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Posted 14 November 2018 - 01:07 PM



Here we are then:


Does the government go for it?

Does the PM last beyond Monday?


Whats the point in it all?

#1513 WrightStuff


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Posted 14 November 2018 - 02:28 PM

I see the PM is having one on one meetings with the cabinet today to outline the deal tieing us into an indefinite customs union.
Presumably so each can be individually bullied and browbeaten into accepting it.
Won't be surprised to see more resignations before the day is done.
Even if it gets cabinet approval, I can't see it getting through the house :
Labour won't vote for it if they think there is a chance of an election.
The DUP won't vote for it anything which separates NI from the rest of the UK.
The SNP won't vote for it because they don't want to leave the EU anyway.
The ERG won't for it because it doesn't deliver Brexit.
Seems the deal won't have many friends.

#1514 hairy



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Posted 14 November 2018 - 05:46 PM

Where is HH anyway?

#1515 MAXR


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Posted 15 November 2018 - 05:28 AM

It's a total shambles at best and a major compromise for both in/out sides. Whether it's best for the country will never be known. One thing I do believe is that regardless of if you voted in or out, long term, the UK as an economy WILL find ways to prosper grow and move on. However, we will remain and for many years, a divided nation.

#1516 Captain Vimes

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Posted 15 November 2018 - 08:11 AM

MaxR - agree with you completely. The sooner we get to a new final agreement with the EU the sooner some of the division can start to heal.

However, I don’t think what TM has brought back from the EU is going to help. My prediction is that it won’t be approved by parliament. It seals us in to a middle ground with no way out. Neither side will agree to that.

#1517 PaulCP


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Posted 15 November 2018 - 08:59 AM

This whole ordeal has proven one thing that many have suspected for years. MPs do not represent anyone other than themselves and their own ambitions.

Corbyn will oppose anything that is put in front of him by those he believes he has to oppose, it’s just his militant past showing through.

As for the rest of the politicians, the majority felt able to comment without seeing the deal, everyone of them knows best don’t they 😄😄

#1518 SteveA



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Posted 15 November 2018 - 09:49 AM

Brexit is a bit like the Hokey Cokey at a party for me now, I don't care if we are in or out I just want it to end.


Also, I can't quite believe Dominic Raab has just resigned over the proposed agreement. He bloody proposed it!

#1519 JG



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Posted 15 November 2018 - 10:32 AM

‘When you strip away the detail, the choice before us is clear, this deal, leave with no deal or no Brexit at all’

Still sure there won’t be a vote?

She knew last night there would be a mass resignation.

#1520 PaulCP


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Posted 15 November 2018 - 02:37 PM

When you look at Corbyn’s army and their reasons for voting against everything proposed, they do so for only one reason, to try to force a general election.
They don’t care what’s in the deal, probably most don’t even understand it. All they want is for Jezza to save the world, hopefully then he will do what he has always promoted, go to meet ISIS and negotiate a settlement 😄😄😄.
Please put that in your manifesto Jezza and, rather than deplete public funds, I’ll pay your air fare to Syria👍

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