A large say out of 751, perhaps we have a different version of large. Our meps are nothing more than representatives, a lot like our local mp's, they are utterly irrelevant no matter who we elect to those 73 positions in the scheme of things if the government never changes, that is not democracy.
What is the EU manifesto over the next four years?
The number is representative to your population, so it is a large say. Unfortunately when it comes to a negotiation you are 1/7th the size of the rest of the EU so that will only go one way. As for the effectivenes of your MEPs, I do not have a clue, but in fairness the UK has shaped and developed some seriously good EU policy since the day you joined. I for one am gutted ye are going. Coming from one of the smallest countries in the EU regardless what way it turns out it will only be bad for us!
73 meps out of 751, the 2nd largest economy in the eu, 5th in the world and all of that means sweet fa when it comes to making our own decisions because of our size and population, even less democratic when you put it that way.
However, you are absolutely right, the Eu have made some excellent policies there is no denying it, but and its a big but, who is to say we wouldnt have adopted those policies or made our own that are equally as good, it is complete conjecture that we would have bungled along had we not joined the single market and our current status (2nd largest economy in the eu and 5th in the world) is all thanks to the EU, being apparently we couldnt stand up if we left i think personally is bo&&cks.
Great post.
I was actually referring to bills and proposals made by the uk and passed into EU law, of which there are quiet a few that have of massive benefit to ALL EU countries. Best example I can think off hand is the Mobile phone roaming act limiting silly call roaming charges that used to occur while traveling in Europe That was successfully brought through by UK MEPs with much opposition.
In my opinion the UK, and all it brings to the table, is a huge loss for the EU. I would hope the EU would admit this and provide the right concessions to ensure a smooth exit strategy for both side.
Of course the UK will prosper, it did before joining the EEC, while it was part of it, and after you exit the EU. I imagine there will a few rocky months but that is purely down to the so call politicians.
The level of frustration detailed on this tread is mind blowing. I wish the you all, and the country, all the best on this