and the ignition is between 23 and 26 at WOT
Edited by CHILL Gone DUTCH, 30 September 2016 - 12:54 PM.
Posted 30 September 2016 - 12:55 PM
i think i still need more in at the high rpm range
Posted 30 September 2016 - 12:59 PM
also i think the KR is more agreesive in the pro version i think this is becaue you can set it up to ignore the knock
Posted 30 September 2016 - 01:02 PM
Curious to see where it ends up.
(For the 2.0 engine the optimum ignitioon is somewhere around 24 degrees (on E85...) before it doesn't make any more power, but will check that number)
its not making any more power
Posted 30 September 2016 - 01:04 PM
Are you sure what you see is real knock?
Easy to add 50% methanol in your watertank to see what effect it has...
Posted 30 September 2016 - 01:07 PM
that fact its now reducing suggests what i was seeing before was real knock
this has always been the million dollar question what is actual knock and false knock with the software
my argument is if you can get rid of what is recorded you know theres no knock
Posted 30 September 2016 - 02:46 PM
I tried to look for explanations about the "too low ignition knock" problem and this was the most believable description I found:
Lowing your timing can cause a pre-ignition that is really not a pre-ignition. Having to little timing can cause the cylinder mixture to ignite on its own, it may not be "too early" but its not a controlled flame front, since your timing is so little so late your cylinder pressures continue to increase (piston coming up) but still no spark, it will get to the point of auto ignite, and the flame front is uncontrolled (well less controlled anyway) and scatters - this will cause somewhat of a knock.. This happens MORE on forced induction cars as cylinder pressures are much higher than NA cars - giving the mixture more of a reason to auto ignite...
Posted 30 September 2016 - 02:53 PM
I tried to look for explanations about the "too low ignition knock" problem and this was the most believable description I found:
Lowing your timing can cause a pre-ignition that is really not a pre-ignition. Having to little timing can cause the cylinder mixture to ignite on its own, it may not be "too early" but its not a controlled flame front, since your timing is so little so late your cylinder pressures continue to increase (piston coming up) but still no spark, it will get to the point of auto ignite, and the flame front is uncontrolled (well less controlled anyway) and scatters - this will cause somewhat of a knock.. This happens MORE on forced induction cars as cylinder pressures are much higher than NA cars - giving the mixture more of a reason to auto ignite...
i found this was quite common on some of the very early base maps and required rather a lot of ignition to over come it
any way ive been working on the high end ignition and have found by highering the ignition further is causing more knock so have gone back to where i was beforearound the 23-26 mark
its been rather a long day but hopfully what i have now is no more than 1.5 degree of KR which is a lot better than things were and now the knock is a lot less obvious in my log files and just leaving the sharp spikes which i have always thought was false knock
so feeling more confident but the fact ive not managed to get it all under 1 has bothered me, maybe it just needs more time
Edited by CHILL Gone DUTCH, 30 September 2016 - 03:02 PM.
Posted 30 September 2016 - 02:56 PM
the flame front speed varies with the A/F ratios, and optimum timing varies accordingly
Posted 30 September 2016 - 03:01 PM
the flame front speed varies with the A/F ratios, and optimum timing varies accordingly
i have been reluctant to go to much leaner at this point but it might something i will have to try to do a little more
please keep the ideas coming as where i have made good progress today its been quite slow and ideas will only help me on my way
Posted 30 September 2016 - 03:31 PM
here is the last log i did and with less knock than there has ever been on the water injection map
these are the type of short spikes which ive always considered to be false knock through bumps on the road
but also fall in the transient between getting on WOT and cruising
Posted 30 September 2016 - 04:50 PM
the flame front speed varies with the A/F ratios, and optimum timing varies accordingly
can you explain briefly a little more sizeten
leaner = (more or less ignition timing )
richer = (more or less ignition timing )
Posted 30 September 2016 - 07:33 PM
Google and you'll find graphs like this:
Posted 30 September 2016 - 09:18 PM
Posted 01 October 2016 - 07:00 AM
So do we want flame velocity at 100% ??
Yes if you want max power, no if you want to keep EGTs and exhaust valves temps etc from getting very high and (very considerably) reducing engine life expectancy.
Edited by Nev, 01 October 2016 - 07:06 AM.
Posted 01 October 2016 - 01:10 PM
My issue was with some of the oem protection which was switched on in the pro software
power run
knock and ignition now holds on
yesterday i was getting a lot of unnecessary retardation caused by some oem protection
the results this morning also gave more consistent results so thumbs up and move on to fine tuning for the water ignition
Posted 01 October 2016 - 02:13 PM
Has anyone had good results injecting water pre supercharger to lower the IAT?
I thinking about it as I'm already using e85 and I don't have any problems with knock. I just want to get the IAT down.
Posted 01 October 2016 - 02:25 PM
Has anyone had good results injecting water pre supercharger to lower the IAT?
I thinking about it as I'm already using e85 and I don't have any problems with knock. I just want to get the IAT down.
i think peter was injecting pre charger
and he indicated he had good results but last time a spoke with him he was worried about what would happen to the rotors
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