His car seems fine, driving it around to meets and enjoying it on the road. Which is more than many VX220s...
It's easy to be scathing. Lets see your efforts.
His roof ripped off a month or so back, I don't think anyone got hit by the debris, but very dangerous for anyone behind.
This is why he gets a bad reputation though Nev. While my question about what happened was a bit of a gossip gathering exercise, it seems like this car can't go a few months without some sort of mishap. In fact I'm pretty sure the roof ripped off before, unsettling the aero at brands and sending him into an unrecoverable flat spin.
I'm all for modifying cars and the outside of the norm ones are an especially good read (some of the things you have done to your car that aren't your average modification have shown some real thought with the theory/understanding to support them) but the things that have been done to this car, the way it has been 'tested' and the other issues (WTA just giving, not paying for services such as with HPE) just do not do it any favours. What he is doing is a danger to both people and the ability to be able to modify. When someone gets a roof stuck in their head, how long until legislation is passed that cars cannot be modified.