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New T7Design Heater For The Vx220

heater fan hot cold air elite heating cooling vents blower

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#141 EdT



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Posted 18 May 2017 - 06:25 PM

Is that a group buy price or will that be the list price? I'm interested but don't want to commit yet. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

#142 'Buchos'


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Posted 18 May 2017 - 06:34 PM

Is that a group buy price or will that be the list price? I'm interested but don't want to commit yet. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I believe that'll be the off the shelf price some time in the future when they are sold from the T7 site. However, a commitment has been made to honor the order of the list in this first run of fifty or so heaters.

#143 The Batman

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Posted 18 May 2017 - 07:35 PM

when are these coming, i have to fit one when they do :lol:


have a fez to fit this weekend, could make a interesting comparison!

#144 'Buchos'


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Posted 18 May 2017 - 07:56 PM

when are these coming, i have to fit one when they do :lol:   have a fez to fit this weekend, could make a interesting comparison!

I heard from T7 today, all the brackets will be ready to collect from the CNC machinist next week and then a couple weeks for anodising. The longest item is going to be the spun cones as there are 4 operations involved: Machining of the tool, making the cones, machining the profile and finally anodising. Also going on in the background, one of the .de guys on here is going to test a LHD version. Havn't heard any more on the wiring but I'm sure our opinions on it have been noted.

#145 Mushter



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Posted 18 May 2017 - 09:08 PM

This thread is starting to give me wood Buchos. I don't know what a spun cone is but if it takes four operations to create it then it's ideally suited for a VX. Everything I do on mine takes four operations to complete. 1: Identify the problem. 2: Buy another new part. 3: Mend what I've just broken trying to fix the original problem. 4: Slam the garage door and wander off to the pub muttering to myself.

#146 'Buchos'


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Posted 18 May 2017 - 09:19 PM

This thread is starting to give me wood Buchos. I don't know what a spun cone is but if it takes four operations to create it then it's ideally suited for a VX. Everything I do on mine takes four operations to complete. 1: Identify the problem. 2: Buy another new part. 3: Mend what I've just broken trying to fix the original problem. 4: Slam the garage door and wander off to the pub muttering to myself.

At some point you will stand back and be proud to say 'I built that' , it's just a different way of building a new car... by replacing it bit by bit with better parts rather than buying all those parts in one go in a big kit :)

#147 Mushter



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Posted 18 May 2017 - 09:27 PM

Hold on. Let me go and find the missus. She won't believe there's someone else as mental as me. 😆😆😆

#148 'Buchos'


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Posted 18 May 2017 - 09:33 PM

Hold on. Let me go and find the missus. She won't believe there's someone else as mental as me. ���

Are you nuts showing her this place, she'll find out what all this stuff really costs !!. Remember those Fez headlights you "bought on eBay for £50" wink... or those tyres you get really cheap because they don't have much tread pattern :)

#149 Sellsey



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Posted 18 May 2017 - 09:39 PM

Remember, the first rule of VX club, you don't talk about VX club ;)

#150 Strugs


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Posted 18 May 2017 - 09:54 PM

Remember, the first rule of VX club, you don't talk about VX club ;)


:lol:  :lol:

#151 Mushter



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Posted 18 May 2017 - 10:00 PM

I told her I joined because the VX community all bands together and shares parts so once you have bought the car there's nothing else to buy.....ever. Joking aside though, here's a good example of a "shake your head" moment I had tonight. The cars due an MOT on Saturday and I noticed one of the number plate lights wasn't working. On a "normal" car this wouldn't be too much of a problem but the scenario which played out went like this, Try to undo the screws holding the clear plastic lens on only to find one screw is missing and the lens is cracked and the only screw remaining crumbles when you try to undo it. I was however pushing fairly hard on the screw when the light dissapeared into the boot. Open the boot and pull back the carpet to find both light brackets have become unglued from the body and have been secured back on with layers of gaffer and masking tape. Replace the bulb and find it still doesn't work as there is a broken wire in the loom. Loop a new piece of wire from one light to the other so they both work and as I don't have any Tiger Seal to hand stick the buggers back in (after repairing the lens with sellotape)with more gaffer tape. Unbelievable. Why didn't someone repair it properly before ? It does work now though.

#152 Wolfstone



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Posted 18 May 2017 - 10:23 PM

The gaffer and masking take were probably OEM Lotus factory fitment. :lol:

#153 navx


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Posted 21 May 2017 - 05:00 AM

[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]1. Strugs[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]2. Molly196655[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]3. Wolfstone[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]4. leevx2.2[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]5. D-Dawg83[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]6. ChrisS1[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]7. Bee[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]9. Bakazan[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]10. 7thheav[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]11. Adamvx220[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]12. C8RKH[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]13. Rob3770[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]14. glitch[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]15. iRobut[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]16. Southstack[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]18. MIN[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]19. james.a[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]20. Bargi[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]21. jonn75[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]22. Vladimir(LHD)[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]23. vxt5[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]24. ginek (LHD)[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]25. ultimate (LHD)[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]26. Mopeytitan[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]27. MartynM [/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]28. Welderman[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]29. Jetpilot[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]30. Hainesy[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]31. Acidpopstar[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]32. james4563[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]33. Oz2044[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]34. Wreelybro[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]35. Lolat400[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]36. DX220[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]37. Mushter[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]38. Sdf1965[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]39. Sellsey[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]40. Firehawk[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]41. Madmitch[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]42. Lordm695 [/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]43. BrianJ[/color][/font]
44. Navx

#154 'Buchos'


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Posted 28 May 2017 - 09:26 PM

With no way of buying the OEM connectors it looks like we’re going to cut the original fan loom and fit a new connection as we thought. T7 will supply the inline butt crimps, outer sheath and shrinkwrap to do this. I didn't find this an issue with the prototype, it's only four wires and I'm glad a hunt for original connectors isn't going to add any delay.

Edited by 'Buchos', 28 May 2017 - 09:27 PM.

#155 The Batman

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Posted 28 May 2017 - 09:29 PM

I have a few wiring looms if anyone wants to buy them :lol:

#156 'Buchos'


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Posted 10 June 2017 - 06:50 PM

The parts for these are mostly ready except the cone as the supplier has let T7 down so these are a bit late. I think Adam will offer heaters from the middle of the month with plastic cones for those who can't wait. Now the sun is out I wanted to show what the heater blows like on cold. It's not the most scientific test, but the video below shows a bit of file paper attached to a window vent to give you an idea... https://youtu.be/cdydOrxXwWQ

#157 Mushter



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Posted 10 June 2017 - 10:26 PM

You sure that's not the tassels from your bicycle handlebars Buchos ?😂😂

#158 Mushter



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Posted 10 June 2017 - 10:26 PM

You sure that's not the tassels from your bicycle handlebars Buchos ?😂😂

#159 'Buchos'


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Posted 11 June 2017 - 03:15 PM

I'm two tyred to rise to that :)

#160 Midlife



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Posted 12 June 2017 - 05:09 PM

[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]1. Strugs[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]2. Molly196655[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]3. Wolfstone[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]4. leevx2.2[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]5. D-Dawg83[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]6. ChrisS1[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]7. Bee[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]9. Bakazan[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]10. 7thheav[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]11. Adamvx220[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]12. C8RKH[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]13. Rob3770[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]14. glitch[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]15. iRobut[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]16. Southstack[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]18. MIN[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]19. james.a[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]20. Bargi[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]21. jonn75[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]22. Vladimir(LHD)[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]23. vxt5[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]24. ginek (LHD)[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]25. ultimate (LHD)[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]26. Mopeytitan[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]27. MartynM [/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]28. Welderman[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]29. Jetpilot[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]30. Hainesy[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]31. Acidpopstar[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]32. james4563[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]33. Oz2044[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]34. Wreelybro[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]35. Lolat400[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]36. DX220[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]37. Mushter[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]38. Sdf1965[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]39. Sellsey[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]40. Firehawk[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]41. Madmitch[/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]42. Lordm695 [/color][/font]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);][font="helvetica;"]43. BrianJ[/color][/font]
44. Navx

45. Midlife

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: heater, fan, hot, cold, air, elite, heating, cooling, vents, blower

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