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How To - Fit Harness Eye Bolts Into Chassis Behind Seats

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#1 swast4


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 09:13 PM

I've recently fitted harnesses to my VX and wanted to fit the lap straps to the chassis rather than to the seat.

I bought 4 long (50mm)eye bolts

And 4 eyebolt back plates.

You have to remove the seats first (4 bolts on both, lots of extensions on your rachet needed) and also remove housing that the cigerette lighter socket is in, so you can reach the rear seat bolts.

Measure in 60mm from the seat rear fixings and drill a pilot hole. Then drill a 20mm hole from below under the car,, using a hole saw. When you can see where the pilot hole is, make any slight adjustments to centralise it in the rebate, then drill through with different drills until you have a big enough hole for the eye bolt (I think it's 11mm).

Then get the backing plate and grind off about 3 - 4mm on one edge, so that it lines up with the hole underneath and sits flush with the bottom panel. Then bolt it up roughly, mark the 2 holes in the backing plate. Remove the backing plate again, drill the holes to accept 2 self tappers. Then put some mastic on the back of the baking plate, put a washer between this and the floor and screw it to the floor.

Then insert the eye bolt and tighten up.
Cut off the excess thread of the eye bolt under the car with an angle grinder. Then clean up excess mastic and paint the end of the bolt and nut.

You can buy some specific backing plates that are a bit neater but they are expensive for what they are.

I hope this helps someone.

If I was doing it again, I'd put loads of making tape on the center console to protect it, as the front of the passenger seat runner has scratched it to buggery. Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

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#2 Ormes


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 10:09 AM


#3 swast4


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 12:24 PM

I realised I said drill 2 holes in the plate for the self tappers but it's only one, this is just too hold or while you thread the eye bolt

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