I'm currently on the look out for a stage 2 supercharged 2.2 VX220. I've decided I'm going to buy one that's already been converted and has been running for a few years and miles - seems to make more financial sense.
So the question I have is which SC conversion is better? Courtenay Sport or Indie/DIY and OBD Tuner Software? I don't want to start a debate on who out the Indies/DIY does the best install - that chaos can stay in a thread I read from 2016... 
There are various threads on the forum but some are quite old now. A few years and miles down the line, is there one that's fairing/standing up better than the other?
My reading suggests there are pros and cons for both. I wouldn't be looking to go beyond stage 2.
Would appreciate your thoughts/feedback/input 
As Vocky said, the main parts are OEM, so the quality of the conversion mainly comes down to how well the wiring has been modified, pipes run, how well various things like the ECU has been located, what pre-rad has been used etc. Courtenay are quite expensive now (used to be a good bit cheaper), and some of the 'Indies' can offer just as good quality.
ECU wise, I would recommend OBD-Tuner. Its about twice the cost (£900 ish vs. £450-500 ish) as the Courtenay remap (but far less hassle as you don't need to take the car to Norfolk!), but in my experience the engine just runs far more like an OEM set-up. The Courtenay map is perfectly fine in most cases if you're on a budget.
Plus some features like being able to use a T-MAP sensor (so pressure AND temperature can be measured after the SC), adjustable throttle pedal sensitivity, easy to change to different injector types, ability to self-calibrate, are all very useful and about as good as you're going to get from the standard ECU