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#21 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 02:23 PM

Put the padstones in for the lintal. Its a heavy duty one as they sold the one we had wanted so gave us that one at a loss.



Stuck it in the next day and bricked it up.




#22 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 02:30 PM

Brickies came round and got the walls up to wall plate height ready for the trusses with both lintals in for the windows.

The trusses then turned up and it was at this point I found out I was fitting them.

Couple of YouTube videos later and I got the wall plates and trusses installed. They were like a floppy set of cards until id nailed in the supports.



Brickes phoned up the next day and said they were free so came round and built the gable end up



I then took 500 tiles up to the top of the scaffolding ready to be put on.

#23 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 02:36 PM

The mrs went to magnets to get the kitchen designed.

The woman was useless, took all the info and then emailed over this heap of sh*t.








Dimensions are all wrong and really no what we wanted out the space. Its a room with a big table in ffs.

Something else I'll have to do myself then.

10 minutes and the back of a fag packet and I came up with this.


#24 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 02:44 PM

Back to building.

Got the last courses of bricks on and then cut the ends of the trusses and fitted the fascias and guttering.

Managed to drive a screw into my finger though.



Mrs dad got all the tiling done while I was at work so came home to it being finished.

Mis calculated how many tiles I needed so had to pick up an extra 6.



#25 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 02:55 PM

Started dismantling the kitchen. Would have liked to just rip it out and sell it but I was still living there so it was handy to cook.


This is what it was like (there is more worktop, cupboads/oven etc on the left).



Took the end wall out and exposed the joists ready for the the acros and strong boys for the RSJs.



Picked up the RSJs. 30kg a meter and about 4.7m long.



Acros and strong boys in place.



Scaffolders couldn't come back for a few days so I took part of it down to get it out the way and then got my brother round to help lift the RSJs in. Much happier once they were in and the house wasn't being held up by tooth picks.



#26 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 03:07 PM

Scaffolders finally came to remove the rest of it.

House needs a little weathering to blend everything together now.



This meant I could get on with making the roof for the back one.

Mrs dad cut back the garage roof to build up that layer of bricks to the right height while I cut and secured all the timber, after marking out and measuring many times.




#27 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 03:15 PM

Started to get some interior stuff done. Ripped a wall out of one of the bedrooms to make one of them bigger and the smallest a bit smaller (will be just a dressing room).



Also took out the wall between the utility and the kitchen.



Built the upstand for the roof lantern.




#28 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 03:20 PM

It was at this point I bit the bullet and took out the boiler, I could still get hot water from the emergen heater in the tank but no heating from now on.

I capped of the gas pipe. A new 22mm gas pipe would be run to the new boiler position in the utility (old one was in the garage).



It was a Baxi fitted in 1990. I moved in in 2012, lit the pilot light and haven't touched it since.


Took the ceiling down in the kitchen. That was messy.



Then took all the tiles up.




#29 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 03:25 PM

Then I decided to take the doors out and fit them (and that old garage back door i removed) into the bifold hole.

Then took the wall down in the kitchen.






#30 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 03:28 PM

By this point we had boarded the roof, insulated and then boarded again but I think it just had plastic sheeting over it for now.

Instead of just boarding and insulating between the joists, for some reason you create a sandwich with insulation between to boards ontop of your joists. Means your roof is really thick though. 

#31 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 03:32 PM

We didn't get any more skips other than those first 2.

I must have done 40-50 trips to the tip though.

That Audi has just passed 297k miles. Still going strong.



Started the stud wall for the downstairs WC.

All stud walls I've put in have been insulated and I've insulated between the floors.



#32 CocoPops


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 03:39 PM

Most impressed. I keep checking back for updates!

#33 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 03:39 PM

Got the windows put in for the upstairs extension and also ordered windows for every other room. Decided to remove a couple of courses of bricks in the diningroom window and add a couple of courses to the living room one to even out the front of the house.

Because the extension windows were in it meant I could knock through though.



A window used to be there so the hole got made narrower. It was at this point I noticed the lintal was too low for door frame height.

So back came the strongboys to take the weight of the gable and and replace the lintal for one cut to size (I think it used to be the kitchen window one).





I then noticed there was an very good offer on a fridge from currys ebay account so ordered that. Premature but it was a bargain (chuffing pain working round it though).



#34 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 03:46 PM

It was at this point we lost power, consumer unit was removed and a temporary one added with some sockets attached to run extensions.

The mrs moved out.

So given I had lost gas, electric and heat I ripped the bathroom out and sold the kitchen.


Bought a wall chaser and chased sockets in everywhere, filthy work and instantly regretted ripping out the bath. It was in the back garden though and I had a kettle......

Lovely on a November evening.

The pinnacle of council.



Had a spare few hours on a nice day at one point so pulled the noble out for a clean. That was back in November and haven't touched it since though.




#35 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 03:57 PM

Finally got some nice days so got the roof fibreglasses. You just put the mat and resin down and then the next day put the topcoat on which is a coloured resin.

After the first bit.




Looking at the next photo details it was by the 16th November I had re plumbed the whole house aswell. Used plastic JG speedfit in the ceiling and then copper chased into the walls and ground floor to the radiators with chrome plated copper going up to each radiator.

That was rather alot of work, had to buy a blowtorch and hope my soldering were as good as my soldiering ones.

So then I got a plumber round to run me a new 22mm pipe from the gas box to where I wanted the boiler and then mount the boiler (Rather large Baxi Platinum 40kw) and run the first meter of copper up into the floor space above. That cost me £80 to get done. Very nice price.


I then connected heating pipes and hot and cold feed and finished off some last bits and he came back commission it a few days later.

Heating and hot water!



The plumber said I'd need to get an electrician to install the hive as he didn't know how. So I did it myself.


Cupboard is ordered to hide the boiler so there will just be the receiver on the wall to be seen.

#36 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 04:01 PM

By mid November the new bedroom was boarded and most of the kitchen and we layed down the screed to get the floor to about final height.



The kitchen had also turned up. We couldn't delay deliver and it came fully assembled from DIY kitchens. So I had to store that in the living room.



#37 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 04:11 PM

Ceiling was mostly boarded by now.



Then the roof lantern turned up. I ordered direct from Korniche. Very nice and very easy to assemble.














Climbing out the bedroom window on your own with those glass panels is great fun.

#38 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 04:21 PM

Floor screening finished. New industrial strength double seal drain fitted.

That has been tiled straight over. Fingers crossed I'll never need access :D




Turns out where they had put the plastic soil pipe into the original clay one they had cracked it and it had been leaking. So dug up that part of the kitchen floor and removed that section of pipe. And replaced it with plastic.





#39 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 04:25 PM

Got the plumbing sorted for the main bathroom and en suite inc the pipework for the showers.


Bifolds then turned up.



Mocked up where the cupboards will be, having a coats/shoe one and then the other for ironing board and other crap.




#40 Zoobeef


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 04:34 PM

I was then away from the house for a week or so.

In that time we had some guys round to fit the bifolds and the plasterers in to do a bit of their magic.




I then extended the soil pipe up, worked out where the main toilet would have to feed in to give room for the en suit junction above and the one way air valve on top which all had to fit under the bath.

Itll all be boxed in within the cupboard.


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