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Z22Se Clutch Comparisions

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#1 blackoctagon



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Posted 15 August 2021 - 09:09 PM

Thanks to this thread: http://www.vx220.org...rade-questions/ I found an interesting range of clutches.

I was needing a clutch for my own (currently 9 month delayed) engine.
I chose their KevTek plate.
The friction material feels felt-like and is pleasingly thick - I was worried it would be a thin disk.
The hub is as well made as the GM part, and a slightly smaller diameter, which is beneficial for reducing inertia.

(Click for bigger pictures)
Here it is against a GM clutch


I weighed it up, as one always does, and it saves 200g over the standard one (this standard one is worn, so would be a few g heavier).


Clearly I am unable to offer a view on how it performs, but info is info.

#2 Arno


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Posted 20 August 2021 - 06:25 PM

Do check with the manufacturer about a proper bedding-in procedure with a full-face kevlar clutch.


Kevlar ones are very long lasting, hard wearing and can usually take quite a bit of abuse compared to an organic one, but if they are not bedded-in correctly they have a tendency to glaze/polish the flywheel and pressureplate surfaces and start to slip badly because the friction is reduced between them.


Sometimes these need a more 'brutal' first break in engagement compared to the usual 'gently does it' for an organic one, but again check with the manufacturer for the procedure.


Bye, Arno.

#3 blackoctagon



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Posted 22 August 2021 - 04:40 PM

There is a sheet included in the package:
(click for bigger)

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