Thanks so much Hairy! Pics will follow - I have our IT team (20yr old son) working on it. The car is here. Engine / running gear loosely fitted for transport. Hopefully, all out in a couple of weekends.
I did a lot of work on my VX, but had amazing guidance from .org which made the process 'understandable'. And all my work was replacing / updating the running gear to date, to make it better and safer, not faster, maybe a wee bit!
This is a bit scary. The car is in primer, but not totally stripped for painting - to be removed: (bonded) glass, all fore and aft fluid and electric pipework, fuseboxes, relays etc., I have no idea what else.
The salvageable running gear bits will be sand blasted and all new bushes fitted.
I am going to have a go myself / friends at the engine.
The Lancia Montecarlo Consortium doesn't have the resources .org has - that is a disappointment.
This is not criticism of that club, it is a HURRAH for .org
My target is summer 2026.
But, hopefully I will club do a run with the VX before that,