Just looking for some theories on a problem i am having with my car before i take it to get the suspension set-up at Back on Track. When i drove it home from buying it the car ran perfectly straight. I put on Gaz Monos, refurbed the brakes and fitted Spitfire toe-links . The tyre pressures are all spot-on and the tyres are all brand new. Once i had done these jobs i took the car out for a run and it still ran straight. The only outstanding job was to reconnect the ARB to the front nearside wheel and bolt it up. This i couldn't do because the nut was missing and i didn't have a nut with the correct thread. I ordered the nut and some new drop links and when it came to fitting them i had a major wrestling match trying to get the nearside ARB end through the droplink and when i did mange it it was definitely under a lot of tension even before i had bolted it up so presumably would be under a lot more once it was secured. I took the car out and it was clearly pulling a bit to the left. I now have concerns that the car is bent ( it was in a serious front end crash) . Is it possible that the ARB was bent in the accident or is it more likely that the chassis was damaged? I have spent a lot of time under the car and cannot see any signs that anything, chassis or suspension, is distorted but i have no experience of this type of chassis so would welcome any advice or ideas. I know it seems a bit daft asking about this before i take it for the alignment but i don't want to turn up there to be told that something is so wrong that it's not worth doing the job until it is sorted out. I have made a start on removing the ARB and am assuming that each end should be identical i.e if i lay it on a flat surface the two ends should mirror each other for reach and height.
Dave C