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'anti-dust' Sock Mod

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#61 Purebob


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Posted 25 June 2004 - 01:33 PM

I'm with Jneill, even a pop sock restricts the airflow from demisting the windscreen. I just live with the dust and vac it out :(

#62 BradW


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Posted 25 June 2004 - 01:57 PM

Purebob, on Jun 25 2004, 14:33 , said:

I just live with the dust and vac it out :(

(Where IS the grit-in-eye Emoticon? :lol: )

#63 Jase_MK


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Posted 25 June 2004 - 02:23 PM

jneill, on Jun 25 2004, 14:22 , said:

I've given up for the time being and have closed all the dash vents for the summer...

Me too, but a word of warning. Open them once a week or so when you are washing the car and put the fan on full blast for a few seconds to empty the crap out.

Otherwise, like me, you'll leave them shut for about 2 months then one day when it's a bit cold and you fancy some heat on your face on the way to work you switch them on and get showered with shite. Had to spend a minute or two when I got to work picking dead flies and wasps out of my hair :beat:

#64 WoodenDummy


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Posted 25 June 2004 - 02:28 PM

Jase_MK, on Jun 25 2004, 14:23 , said:

and wasps

What was my ex GF doing in your car!??!! :angry:

#65 jneill


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Posted 25 June 2004 - 02:42 PM

Jase_MK, on Jun 25 2004, 15:23 , said:

...get showered with shite. Had to spend a minute or two when I got to work picking dead flies and wasps out of my hair :beat:

Yup, it didn't amuse the wife when she used the VX one misty morning...


#66 njc11


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Posted 01 July 2004 - 12:25 PM

Eventually got round to fitting the cooker hob extractor fan filter last night...(cut down of course!!) Once done i went for a drive... after 10 mins came back home and took it off!! As people have said it restricts the air flow too much, theres no chance it would demist the screen!! Im just going to have to live with all the dust etc the comes into the cabin :( Gedi... whats the filter you have got?? i guess its a vauxhall part?? if so any one got a part number?? How do you find it with regards the airflow?? week or quite good?? If it is good do you reckon i'll be able to get it fitted to my N/A under warranty?? Cheers Nick

#67 sixspeed


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Posted 31 January 2005 - 09:37 AM

Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but being a new owner and noticing that the kind souls at the council have gritted my dashboard as well as the roads to prevent icing, I thought I'd look into how to avoid this problem... Anyone able to fill in the gaps on the part no. for the standard Vaux mesh/filter? -andy-

#68 Muncher


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Posted 31 January 2005 - 10:31 AM

Use a pair of tights, double layer of them. Mine has been like that for a couple of months now, no dust/dirt on the dashboard and airflow is not really restricted either. The vauxhall part is a quite large mesh so would only stop really big bits getting through.

#69 laidback50


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Posted 31 January 2005 - 11:05 AM

But it's the big bits that are most tasty !!!! :blink: Why restrict yourself to small inedible stones when you couls actually have some nice juicy flies and moths in your teeth ????? :sick: Graham (I use my girlfriends tights !!!!! ;)

#70 PaulCP


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Posted 31 January 2005 - 01:39 PM

After trying tights & other materials i used some fine fibre glass repair mesh from Halfords which gives better airflow than the tights but keeps out most of the crap. It is a finer mesh than the VX stuff

#71 carlos vxt

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 05:14 AM

what year did they fit filters as standard?

#72 cyberface


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Posted 08 March 2007 - 05:23 AM

Holy thread resurrection!!! :) After last weekend's hoon (450 miles or so) my previously-clean car is now utterly filled with dust and grit. I've got to sort this out - I've never had any problem previously because it's always been raining.... but come the drier spring and summer weather and I can see my car becoming seriously filthy inside. Two layers of normal girl's tights does the job, I take it?

#73 Matt


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Posted 08 March 2007 - 06:51 AM

This is just a thought to mill over as I have no idea on the technical side of it, but could we replace the blower unit/upgrade the fan or fan motor unit? Or after having a 111r as a courtesy car and noticing how amazing the new heating etc.. unit is, can we nick the heating stuff from one of them? Only problem i see from my limited knowledge is that its not cable driven but electronic!!

Edited by Matt, 08 March 2007 - 06:53 AM.

#74 robfenn


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Posted 08 March 2007 - 04:13 PM

I guess the standard heater was chosen for it's size/weight but i am wondering if an Astra/Corsa heater would be a straight swap?

#75 carlos vxt

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Posted 12 March 2007 - 01:33 AM

i was going to do this mod to my new turbo today, but when i looked at the end of the pipe (where it connects) there was what looks like a piece of foam? did vauxall put this on the later models? (mines a 06 plate) :huh:

#76 laidback50


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Posted 16 March 2007 - 06:26 PM

Seeing that I no longer actually own a VX and that I now drive a car that has a heater that actually works and doesn't cover me in sh you-know-what everytime I switch the blower on, you will gauge the sympathy I have for you guys by the following:

If you go to http://www.moto-conc...de/en/index.php and then click on Vauxhall-220 and then Vauxhall accessories you will find two different types of cartridge type filters that seem to have been made for the VX !!!

There are all sorts of other goodies on there as well.

I hope this is useful to somebody. :)


#77 framauro


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Posted 16 March 2007 - 09:54 PM

Two handy filters here €28,00 and here €58,00.

#78 Dazzer



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Posted 10 April 2007 - 07:38 PM

framauro, on Mar 16 2007, 22:54 , said:

Two handy filters here €28,00 and here €58,00.

I have ordered the cheaper one. Will give the verdict soon.

#79 Kev M

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 08:08 PM

I ordered the cheaper one on line as they now take visa. I then had an e-mail saying they would post it in a small bag and therefore only charge me 10 euro for the postage, about half the price quoted. :D Arrived about 3 days later and fitted dead simple. thumbsup I would recommend to anyone, Very pleased with the product and the service. Kev M

#80 Porker


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 01:54 PM

Purebob, on May 17 2003, 09:54 , said:

Folks, a daft question - I see the wide diametre silver corrugated pipe under the hood, and I assume it is this one that I must cover with a filtering cloth/sock/etc in order to stop my car being showered in crap every time I drive it. Can anyone tell me which end I need to remove & refit with the "sock" in place - the dash end or the seemingly inaccessible bottom end?

Thanks ! :ph34r: :rolleyes:

As I was tired of sand and dust hitting my eyes when driving at higher speeds, I decided to fit a second nylon sock over the silver pipe... Sadly while doing so, the pipe broke in two, so I had to pull the pipe off at the bottom end too... Went to buy the same pipe again, but after two hours of swearing and bleeding, decided the bottom end really is inaccessible, so I'm left without any pipe whatsoever... thumbsup

Any advice on how to reach the bottom end? I tried to fit a smaller drainpipe to make the bigger pipe fit better, but it didn't work for me.. A productive two hours it has been!

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