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Driving Question

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#81 siVX220



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Posted 21 February 2005 - 07:02 AM

Excellent thread, really made my morning so much better, if you are real ELMO then you are a very lucky boy but you seem to take it for granted.

I am unsure about your quote:
A couple of you have helped me shed loads via PM and given me advice and told me how some people here are complete twats and to just ignore them thanks a lot.
I thought we were quite a nice group here and i would be surprised if this were true, could thorney or a mod check up and see if this is true, i remember another incident where PMs were to be checked to see if any wrong doing occured, i am not asking for names or any details but would be nice to know if our new friend was telling us the truth in this statement or not.

#82 Pipo


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 07:22 AM

Boys, Personnally after reading this topic I feel it's a disgrace for our forum. Let's end this discussion, leave poor Elmo for what he is and let's go on with our lives! :grouphug:

#83 LazyDonkey


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 07:29 AM

I know this has all been said before, but i did a search on Elmos name and found two posts...

ONe was about pads and geo set up :blink:

and the other was this gem

If I Lived In England, and owned a VX...

I'd swing the back end out and smash it in to a lamp post on every rounabout I take.

Sound like you are living up to that quote my boy ! Now back to the serious topics !

Cold custard - good or bad ? :D

#84 Pipo


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 07:40 AM

Cold custard - good or bad ?

It depends of the weather I think. On a hot summerday a cold custard sounds good

#85 Crunchie


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 08:16 AM

I'm a new member too. And if this topic is anything to go by - then I shall be back for more. Laugh I nearly wet myself. What a fantastic start to the morning!! :groupjump:

#86 walkes


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 08:17 AM

Elmo - Do yourself a favour and do some things. 1 Post a piccy of the motor. 2 Stop worrying about how much money you have. 3 Give these guys the respect they are due. Everyone else give the guy a chance :grouphug: sh*t that sounds gay :gayfight: poof

#87 willow


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 08:20 AM

Elmo - Do yourself a favour and do some things.

1 Post a piccy of the motor.
2 Stop worrying about how much money you have.
3 Give these guys the respect they are due.

Everyone else give the guy a chance

sh*t that sounds gay :gayfight: poof

yeah ill agree with the poof :gayfight: poof :gayfight:

but its true - someone lock this frickin thread haha! - or atleast give us some other reasons to start bitching!

#88 LazyDonkey


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 08:29 AM

Lock it ? and lose my custard debate ? :o

#89 willow


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 08:36 AM

Lock it ?

and lose my custard debate ? :o

Good point! custard is what is important here -

Personally i cant stand the sh*t, but hell if it floats your custard boat then its all good with me, hot or cold.

#90 LazyDonkey


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 08:43 AM

Should have stated my preference up front... Personally I like it when its cooled a bit and the skin has formed Yum ! :D

#91 Jaakko



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Posted 21 February 2005 - 08:57 AM

Very amusing, made my Monday morning much better :D Just a note here to say that there are (criminal) consequences for just spinning your car (Undue care and attention et al), in the eventuality you hit someone and injury is caused there are bigger consequences that whoever your daddy is, he will not be of use, Fact.

#92 RichH


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 09:10 AM

its only a 13 thousand pound car for fcuk sake

Seriously mate, if you can't see what's wrong with saying things like this then you really need a kick up the arse to try and provide a check with reality!! From what you’ve said this sort of money isn’t a big deal to you but for most people it really is. How many people do you thing actually goes out and spends this kind of money on a car? A lot less than you probably think, as most people will be buying a typical family hatchback second hand that is perhaps half this amount (obviously some will spend more and some less, but I’m pretty sure that most of the brand new cars on the roads are company cars rather than private ones. Perhaps some of the dealers who frequent this site can give you a more accurate figure. It really is this kind of attitude that won’t make you any friends on here and in life generally. It’s particularly ignorant to treat people in this way and yet expect them to help you out by answering your questions!!

The best advice I can give you is to hand the keys back to your dad (for now), get something a little less extreme (for now) and preferable FWD, whilst you take some advanced driving lessons (pass plus AND a high performance course) to try and understand why your car is doing what it’s doing, so that you can then drive accordingly. Then and only then should you try to drive the VX, especially to its limits. You will be a better driver for it. thumbsup

To be honest, to come on to a forum and admit that you don’t appear to have control of your car is a pretty brave thing to do and it is commendable that you’re attempting to doing something to remedy it, but, if you’ve spun as often as you say you have then you are doing something seriously wrong. Yes other people have had the back of their cars out (and sometimes caused a lot of damage) but it’s usually a one off that has then caused them to be a lot more careful in future. I can’t recall a single other post on here saying that they’ve lost it as often as you (especially in such a short period of time).

Listen to the other people’s opinions on here (yes they do actually know what they are talking about) and learn from their advice and experiences (good and bad). After all that’s exactly what you (as a 17 year old who has just passed their test) haven’t got. It’s one thing to be able to drive a car from A-to-B and quite another to be able to read (correctly) the road and it’s variable conditions, and in particular other drivers behaviour. It’s only experience that enables one to instinctively react to these things in the right way. This unfortunately is something that you don’t have at the moment (whether you think you have or not) and makes you a hazard when you are in a car that requires serious respect and driving in a manner that means you are unable to concentrate fully on the bigger picture. As far a I can see there is only two ways of doing this, one is to get a more “normal” FWD car and spend time driving about and picking things up from trial and error (as most of us have done) but in a way that is safe and controllable, the second is to undertake some intensive training with a highly proficient instructor in the car on both airfields etc and on the road and even then take things easy to start with when you are on your own. A search on here will throw up a few people you could contact with regards to the latter.

Failing any of this, and I really hope you listen and act on some of it, please please please, stay away from me and my family. You may not think that people can get killed at 20mph but I can tell you that they can, and even though most won’t die (statistically anyway), many can and will get seriously injured. I’m sure that neither you, them nor their family would want the weight of having paralysed someone for life due to your lack of judgement and stubbornness on your shoulders for the rest of your life.


#93 Ricky2772


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 09:19 AM

Elmo in his Speedster.... :D

Attached Files

#94 PJG


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 09:49 AM

I'd be well miffed if my dad was on the Times rich list and only bought me a VX. Cheepskate.

#95 nakajima


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 09:50 AM

thumbsup :D

#96 Jase_MK


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 09:51 AM

:lol: OMFG I can't believe I missed this! cocksucker

#97 Jaakko



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Posted 21 February 2005 - 10:09 AM

[QUOTE]Elmo in his Speedster

Very funny :D

Elmo, you have yet to prove that you are anything other than a joker (or loser, which do you prefer?)

Show us a pic of your car and that you know where the bonnet release is then maybe I'll waste some time on you.

If you are an internet kid, get some 'REAL' friends. These are commonly 'PEOPLE' that you have mutually enjoyable interactions with rather than the grey box in the corner of the room.

Please dispell the cynicism that now surrounds you! I think it's fair to say that you have been / are quite amusing and most people have enjoyed having a laugh AT you.

If you are for real, take some of the advice above. It is not critising you as a person.

#98 njc11


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 10:20 AM

Spoon fed, spoilt rich kid springs to mind... :rolleyes: Oh dear.... if you adopted a different attitude throughout your posts people might be more willing to help... Name dropping, my dads this, my dads that, im getting an F430, does nothing to fight your cause.. If you do a have a VX lets see a pic of it.... becuase im sure you have the best camera money can buy.. " Its only a £3k Canon " :lol: Again if all this is true, your going to grow up one arrogant fcuker :angry: god help you :beat:

#99 TurboTomato


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 11:35 AM

No i will sell the car and get anova because obviously no one of my age is allowed to have a fun good car


#100 TurboTomato


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 11:42 AM

Elmo in his Speedster.... :D

Posted Image

:groupjump: :groupjump:

Am off work sick atm, cheers Ricky, that cheered me up :lol: :D

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