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The Friday And Saturday Night Gang

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#841 Tashyboy


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 12:10 AM

Friday going home wi roof off doing 4000 revs in 5th wi roof off and twatted a spuggy, Christ what a bang. Blood, sh*t and feathers everywhere. had roof down so could'nt use wing screen wipers/wash. There were 2 of um together so a spuggy just joined sparras singles club. am not happy :( Cleaned car sat morning and set it up to blast to work @ half time. Did 25 miles in 21 mins on empty roads and weather red hot, to watch 2nd half and wished I had'nt bothered. Had 3/4's of me mexicana pizza, 2 slices to eat at 2 am. its dark outside. bought a fan today. its hot. oh and some pencils, rulers and bits and bobs for me daughters best mate, er house burnt down , Lock stock and two smokers, Poor sodding dog died. Poor kid & rest of family have sod all bar clothes they ave on there backs. Kids come round wi a collecting bucket for them. Even had a mufty day @ skool. its dark outside. The missus has just rung half hour ago, the toilets running :blink: said she woke up and could hear running water. She could hear a worm p*ss our lass. Shes not had a good day, rung me up @ 9pm to say kitchen has been invaded by thousands of flying ants. its dark outside. good night sleep tight & don't let the bed bugs bite. me nana used to tell me that.

#842 CupidKnewRap


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 12:52 AM

:unsure: this thread still alive :) My only reason for being here is that I slept yesterday so i'm covered till monday night ;) ermm... whats a spuggy? :unsure:

#843 iceman



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Posted 02 July 2006 - 01:03 AM

:unsure: this thread still alive :)

;) As with all threads, it's as alive as we make it thumbsup

My only reason for being here is that I slept yesterday so i'm covered till monday night ;)

thumbsup No sweet dreams for you then :rolleyes: :(

ermm... whats a spuggy? :unsure:

:unsure: Lord knows :unsure:

#844 Tashyboy


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 01:03 AM

A spuggy is a sparrow, be it a house or hedge,

#845 iceman



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Posted 02 July 2006 - 01:07 AM

Friday going home wi roof off doing 4000 revs in 5th wi roof off and twatted a spuggy, Christ what a bang.
Blood, sh*t and feathers everywhere. had roof down so could'nt use wing screen wipers/wash.
There were 2 of um together so a spuggy just joined sparras singles club. am not happy :(
Cleaned car sat morning and set it up to blast to work @ half time. Did 25 miles in 21 mins on empty roads and weather red hot, to watch 2nd half and wished I had'nt bothered.
Had 3/4's of me mexicana pizza, 2 slices to eat at 2 am.
its dark outside.
bought a fan today. its hot.
oh and some pencils, rulers and bits and bobs for me daughters best mate, er house burnt down , Lock stock and two smokers, Poor sodding dog died. Poor kid & rest of family have sod all bar clothes they ave on there backs. Kids come round wi a collecting bucket for them. Even had a mufty day @ skool.
its dark outside.
The missus has just rung half hour ago, the toilets running :blink: said she woke up and could hear running water. She could hear a worm p*ss our lass.
Shes not had a good day, rung me up @ 9pm to say kitchen has been invaded by thousands of flying ants.
its dark outside.
good night sleep tight & don't let the bed bugs bite. me nana used to tell me that.

:o Gosh!...if i wasn't for bad-luck you'd have no luck at all :(

Hope the tables turn for you soon mate and you get your share of the good-stuff :grouphug:

A spuggy is a sparrow, be it a house or hedge,

Ohhhh...it all becomes clear now thumbsup chinky chinky

#846 Tashyboy


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 01:13 AM

Luck, it'll come, life's a great leveller. :D

#847 iceman



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Posted 02 July 2006 - 01:45 AM

Luck, it'll come, life's a great leveller. :D

thumbsup Very true (or so i like to believe) :)

#848 iceman



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 06:39 PM

So.....what is everyone up to tonight?? :unsure:

#849 pfw


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 07:07 PM

So.....what is everyone up to tonight?? :unsure:

Evening icey thumbsup

Probably :drink: once the kids are in bed. And shortly afterwards :sleepy: for myself too - been a long week at work...

3 day weekend coming up though :groupjump:

Hope you're having a good evening yourself thumbsup

#850 Ash


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 07:22 PM

Hi icey, hi guys, just waiting for a colleague who has moved to my area to come round for chinese, he's late and I'm starving, but looking forward to a good evening. icey, have you seen Battlestar Galactica (the new one) yet? If not you should hire it out or better buy it, it's most impressive. thumbsup What are you up to anyway, hope you have a great evening whatever it may be. thumbsup

#851 iceman



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 07:34 PM

So.....what is everyone up to tonight?? :unsure:

Evening icey thumbsup

Probably :drink: once the kids are in bed. And shortly afterwards :sleepy: for myself too - been a long week at work...

3 day weekend coming up though :groupjump:

Hope you're having a good evening yourself thumbsup

Evening our kid :)

I know the feeling of a long week, they all seem to be nowadays but then as to contradict themselves, they fly past so quickly that it's scarey (christmas soon :blink: ) Hope your children are well and happy. Have a good drink and rewarding deserved sleep. I don't sleep so well myself (normally four to five hours) but have allowed myself medical help recently and am getting five to six hours per night now (they call them 'sleeping tablets' but should be called 'drousy tablets' :rolleyes: )

Three day week sounds good...have a good week my friend thumbsup

Not too bad an evening myself. Just drinking milk and watching the television (not alot of interest as usual) :rolleyes: ...might move on the reading my book soon (oh the exciting life of icey :( :beat: ) :lol:

chinky chinky Thanks for your reply...

..have a good evening yourself too :)

#852 iceman



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 07:50 PM

Hi icey, hi guys,
just waiting for a colleague who has moved to my area to come round for chinese, he's late and I'm starving, but looking forward to a good evening.

icey, have you seen Battlestar Galactica (the new one) yet? If not you should hire it out or better buy it, it's most impressive. thumbsup

What are you up to anyway, hope you have a great evening whatever it may be. thumbsup

Hello there Ash (good to see you again)

Awww...i can hear you tummy rumbling from here ;) ...i'v not had a chinese for awhile now but used to love them when i did (apart from the darn smell in the morning..too lazy to bag and tie all the empties away i guess) Hope he gets there soon thumbsup (order the take away delivery now and stick his in the microwave, it'll probably take an hour to be delivered anyway) ;) ...unless like me you've got a local within walking distance. I'v got just about everything thing here (although i don't eat any more) I'v got a pizza place, indian, chinese, chip shop and 24 hour supermarket all litterally minutes away (fat gits around here :lol: )

I'v still not managed to get to see Battlestar Galactica (something i keep meaning to do) Thanks for the reminder and endorsement, as you know i do LOVE my sci-fi. Saturdays can be alittle quiet in my shop, so i take my lap-top (with DVD capacity) with me and have a StarTrek day B)

I'm watching the programe on snakes at the moment on channel 5...really cool, fantastic creatures (though i hate to see them pulled about and disturbed by these guys but this man is one of the better ones and has more respect for them.)

Have a good night my friend :)

#853 jules_s



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 08:23 PM

CBA with a new thread.


or not as the case may be :rolleyes:

#854 iceman



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 08:51 PM

thumbsdown Gosh...i couldn't turn it off quick enough :beat: :lol:

#855 jules_s



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 09:43 PM

I'll tell you what mate.... It's been a funny week. I did some background around the site with TT and thorney, because a certain twat is viewing this place and hassling me generally.... I now have nice cards being delivered to my office address...this was the latest :grouphug: Funny how people dont appreciate how much sh*t we might get outside of the forum. I don't doubt the fcuking retard will read this....so hello BUD...im still laughing at your childish attempts to unsettle me. Your a fcuking joke. Edit Glol....funny

Edited by jules_s, 25 August 2006 - 10:32 PM.

#856 iceman



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 09:52 PM

:o :rolleyes: Gosh....not only acts like a two year old but writes like one too :blink: :grouphug: Stay strong jules...you know you have the support of many a good folk (myself obviously included) Some people just can't seem the let go of the rope even though it's pulling them under and drowning them. :blink:

#857 jules_s



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 09:59 PM

:o :rolleyes: Gosh....not only acts like a two year old but writes like one too :blink:

:grouphug: Stay strong jules...you know you have the support of many a good folk (myself obviously included) Some people just can't seem the let go of the rope even though it's pulling them under and drowning them. :blink:

Cheers mate.

I just expected a little more support from the 'powers that be' on here.

Never mind.

I doubt he is online now....so I will request that my posts here get deleted before tomorrow.

I think I have made my point.

#858 iceman



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 10:09 PM

:o :rolleyes: Gosh....not only acts like a two year old but writes like one too :blink:

:grouphug: Stay strong jules...you know you have the support of many a good folk (myself obviously included) Some people just can't seem the let go of the rope even though it's pulling them under and drowning them. :blink:

Cheers mate.

I just expected a little more support from the 'powers that be' on here.

Never mind.

:unsure: That surprises me (should be simple enough to bar a certain ip address) :unsure:

I doubt he is online now....so I will request that my posts here get deleted before tomorrow.

I think I have made my point.

thumbsup That you have...

#859 willow


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Posted 22 October 2006 - 12:01 AM

i think its been a year since i said anything on this thread......... and anyone who has the time to find the exact time/date will get a crate of the finest zlaty bazant!!! (as long as they come pick it up) anyway...... its saturday, im bored, and thoughts have turned to cars again. Ok the slovak roads are not the best for vx220 life at this time of year (we go from inch thick ice to 1 foot of snow till march) - but in the summer, and living inthe hills ive found this summer (and since icey let me drive his vx again!) that this is one of the best places to drive a vx (no speed cameras, no fixed penalties, no license taking, and mountain passes a go go!) anyway..... its now sunday.... better get a job :unsure:

#860 JG



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Posted 22 April 2007 - 02:23 AM

Waiting to pick up GF from a night out, what i'd really like is just to be able to go to bed. Good day today with respect to VXs. Had Rob round for the morning and some of the afternoon, and we had a chat and did a quick oil change on his vxt. thumbsup I'm thinking i might put the vxt spoiler on mine, and then i'm not sure. Just ordering samples of leather for the car. Replacement of cloth side things on the seats with leather. Also planing on doing the door cards. Getting the trusty sowing machine out again for a bit of practice. :) Tomorrow i'm cleaning up the oil spills on the garage floor :rolleyes: :P Ho hum...

Edited by JamesGray, 22 April 2007 - 02:24 AM.

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