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What Gets On Your Tits?

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#2681 Zoobeef


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Posted 25 May 2011 - 04:01 PM

I work for Heineken.

I used to work for Scottish&Newcastle before we got taken over by HK.

We brew all sorts of crap:

John Smiths
San Miguel
Deuchers IPA
All Tesco Lager
Newcastle Browne Ale

Don't work in a Brewery though. Am in a nice plush office in Edinburgh where we have a bar as the reception. thumbsup

Fancy sending a care package to me. Lables would need to be coke or similar though and hope the RAF dont do a taste test :P

#2682 turbobob


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Posted 25 May 2011 - 04:10 PM

where we have a bar as the reception. thumbsup

Nice B)



I knew the rest were brewed here but that's another bunch of fancy 'foreign' lagers that aren't actually foreign.

Anyway I digress what were we rant ing about :unsure:

Put me down for a beer its almost 5pm :D

Amstel. Why is Amstel some p*ss weak 4.1% tasteless sh** in this country, whereas in Greece its a nice 5.0%

ETA yes I know Amstel is Dutch, but it's a big beer in Greece and my favourite beer over there.

Edited by turbobob, 25 May 2011 - 04:11 PM.

#2683 techieboy


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Posted 25 May 2011 - 04:26 PM

Amstel tastes rank in most of the world. :sick:

#2684 turbobob


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Posted 25 May 2011 - 05:41 PM

Amstel tastes rank in most of the world. :sick:

Its sh** here. But I've been drinking it in Greece since I was 10 18, and I like it.

#2685 turbobob


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Posted 25 May 2011 - 05:51 PM

Damn you Bob. I don't normally drink during the week, but all this talk of beer has made me crack one open :rolleyes:

#2686 G-Bob


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Posted 26 May 2011 - 08:31 AM

Damn you Bob. I don't normally drink during the week, but all this talk of beer has made me crack one open :rolleyes:

Heineken is only brewed on the continent.
We only do Sol now because Heineken took over a mexican company.
Agree....not an Amstel fan.

We do a beer called Zipfer over in Europe that is awesome but we can't get it here.

Anyway, back to ranting!!!

Worked until 12:40 last night and was in the office at 07:45 this morning. I don't usually get out of bed until 8:10am so I'm a bit cranky! (queue jokes/pictures) Doesn't look like today is going to be any better. thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown

On a brighter note I got a UCL branded 12pack sitting on my desk this morning and a branded glass. thumbsup

#2687 turbobob


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Posted 26 May 2011 - 11:59 AM

Damn you Bob. I don't normally drink during the week, but all this talk of beer has made me crack one open :rolleyes:

Heineken is only brewed on the continent.
We only do Sol now because Heineken took over a mexican company.
Agree....not an Amstel fan.

We do a beer called Zipfer over in Europe that is awesome but we can't get it here.

Anyway, back to ranting!!!

Worked until 12:40 last night and was in the office at 07:45 this morning. I don't usually get out of bed until 8:10am so I'm a bit cranky! (queue jokes/pictures) Doesn't look like today is going to be any better. thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown

On a brighter note I got a UCL branded 12pack sitting on my desk this morning and a branded glass. thumbsup

8:10 :o I've been at work nearly an hour by then :rolleyes:

I take it you are rather busy at the moment?

#2688 slindborg


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Posted 26 May 2011 - 12:09 PM

Damn you Bob. I don't normally drink during the week, but all this talk of beer has made me crack one open :rolleyes:

Heineken is only brewed on the continent.
We only do Sol now because Heineken took over a mexican company.
Agree....not an Amstel fan.

We do a beer called Zipfer over in Europe that is awesome but we can't get it here.

Anyway, back to ranting!!!

Worked until 12:40 last night and was in the office at 07:45 this morning. I don't usually get out of bed until 8:10am so I'm a bit cranky! (queue jokes/pictures) Doesn't look like today is going to be any better. thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown

On a brighter note I got a UCL branded 12pack sitting on my desk this morning and a branded glass. thumbsup

8:10 :o I've been at work nearly an hour by then :rolleyes:

I take it you are rather busy at the moment?

Youve been at work 2 hours before I get into the office then :lol:

Today I am mostly fcuked off with looking at data sheets for Audio Codecs

#2689 turbobob


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Posted 26 May 2011 - 12:10 PM

Damn you Bob. I don't normally drink during the week, but all this talk of beer has made me crack one open :rolleyes:

Heineken is only brewed on the continent.
We only do Sol now because Heineken took over a mexican company.
Agree....not an Amstel fan.

We do a beer called Zipfer over in Europe that is awesome but we can't get it here.

Anyway, back to ranting!!!

Worked until 12:40 last night and was in the office at 07:45 this morning. I don't usually get out of bed until 8:10am so I'm a bit cranky! (queue jokes/pictures) Doesn't look like today is going to be any better. thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown thumbsdown

On a brighter note I got a UCL branded 12pack sitting on my desk this morning and a branded glass. thumbsup

8:10 :o I've been at work nearly an hour by then :rolleyes:

I take it you are rather busy at the moment?

Youve been at work 2 hours before I get into the office then :lol:

Today I am mostly fcuked off with looking at data sheets for Audio Codecs


Yep, I hear you there with the datasheets. I spend too much of my time having to review them :rolleyes:

#2690 The Batman

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Posted 27 May 2011 - 11:56 AM

Foreign call senders :9mm: I fecking hate them with a passion :9mm: Even more when you ask to speak to a english person they get the right ars.... I'm not racist I just don't understand you!!! Plus it doesn't help you speak faster than.... A really fast speaking person :lol: :9mm:

#2691 turbobob


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Posted 27 May 2011 - 12:04 PM

Foreign call senders :9mm:

I fecking hate them with a passion :9mm:

Even more when you ask to speak to a english person they get the right ars.... I'm not racist I just don't understand you!!! Plus it doesn't help you speak faster than.... A really fast speaking person :lol: :9mm:

You been booking a table at chez Fab again? :lol:

#2692 The Batman

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Posted 27 May 2011 - 12:05 PM

Fab would tip me over the edge right now :lol:

#2693 turbobob


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Posted 27 May 2011 - 12:09 PM

Fab would tip me over the edge right now :lol:

How's the diet going? :lol:

#2694 The Batman

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Posted 27 May 2011 - 12:11 PM

It makes me seriously angry :lol: And if i see any of the monkeys from the Jammy dodger advert I will eat them :lol:

#2695 turbobob


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Posted 27 May 2011 - 12:15 PM

It makes me seriously angry :lol:

And if i see any of the monkeys from the Jammy dodger advert I will eat them :lol:

Do you mean these - Monkeys

#2696 The Batman

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Posted 27 May 2011 - 12:17 PM

I'm not clicking that :lol:

#2697 turbobob


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Posted 27 May 2011 - 12:19 PM

I'm not clicking that :lol:

:lol: Awwwww :P

#2698 Mangham54



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Posted 27 May 2011 - 12:38 PM

Dosey twats who think that University is only for the 'who should be entitlted' and that the hike in fees is going to be the end of the earth... As graduates won't be able to justify the extra debt - hello do you not know how the repayment system works! FFS

#2699 The Batman

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Posted 27 May 2011 - 12:48 PM

Oh another thing .... Why are uk companies so sh** at getting back to people and showing good customer relations etc In this current economic climate you thin that this would be a must bbut people just don't give a sh** :9mm: Today is turning into a bad day :lol: what's dominos pizzas number :lol:

#2700 LY_Scott


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Posted 27 May 2011 - 12:53 PM

Deuchers IPA

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw :wub:

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