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What Gets On Your Tits?

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#2881 ChrisS1


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 09:16 AM

:yeahthat: I can wholeheartedly relate to that

#2882 spuk87



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Posted 09 December 2011 - 10:16 AM

BUSES! Every time there is an unexpected queue of traffic on my commute you eventually see that it's a f***ing bus at the front. As Karl Pilkington says, "get rid of 'em."

#2883 Noodle1791


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 10:17 AM

:yeahthat: I can wholeheartedly relate to that

Wasnt you in the mini was it? lol

Edited by Noodle1791, 09 December 2011 - 10:17 AM.

#2884 ChrisS1


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 10:20 AM

:yeahthat: I can wholeheartedly relate to that

Wasnt you in the mini was it? lol


#2885 AliM


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 10:22 AM

I must be mistaken then. I thought that i had seen peoples [Last Active] as 'online' written in a box highlighted green with 'private' written straight afterwards where normally one sees a day and a time. I must be going mad madder.

I've been through all the changeable settings in my profile and can't find anything which would do that, sorry icey :(

#2886 G-Bob


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 10:41 AM

People in BMW Minis sitting on my backside in a 30 Zone when im doing 30! Then as i slow down for the Zebra crossing so as not to start self destruct mode (sleepin policeman type). She then considers it OK to overtake! She was half a mile from a national zone!! I couldnt live with myself if i knocked someones kid down in a residential area cos I was speeding. I could probably live with it if i was doing the speed limit and the same happened.
However i was then appalled by my response as once in the national zone i under took her and cut in very close which was not right. It didnt prove anything by my actions and i dont normally retaliate but soemthing got me today. Angry with myself!! Because of my continued aggetation i then proceed to upset a few others whilst over taking at speed in the national where i normally wouldnt.
Lesson learnt again 37 and still learning!!

Shes still a Twot though in my boooks!!..............Just i ended up the same.......bugger!!!!!!!

Let the twats on the road be twats!!! thumbsdown
My Mrs thinks it's her "responsibility" to educate the twats on the road but gets herself into situations where she could potentially be hit (the car that is). :rolleyes:
If you know someone is doing or going to do something stupid then let them and stay the hell out of there...... you will only end up having to deal with insurance companies, NCD being lost and potentially someone being hurt.
I know there is an ego thing about proving that your car is faster than theirs (been there, done that) but it's really not worth the concequences.
It's always the second person that gets caught .
p.s. I give you credit for at least waiting until you were in the national speed limit and out of town before you put the foot down. thumbsup

#2887 Noodle1791


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 11:09 AM

My point entirely. Was annoyed with myself. But I did beat the mini! :0) The day I stopped trying to police the roads was the day I got punched in the face by some dude in what was a totally uncalled-for response. No swearing just the guy got out his car in a traffic jam in front of his wife and kids. Punched me on the nose and drove off. When I reported it ti the police I was told an old boy a week earlier had a screwdriver stuck in him for a similar thing. All I'd done was asked the guy who'd pushed to the front of a traffic jam "where did that get you?" I don't want to be on the end of someone's screwdriver so as a rule I don't let myself get involved. Don't know em don't want to!

Edited by Noodle1791, 09 December 2011 - 11:16 AM.

#2888 ghand


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 11:23 AM

People in BMW Minis sitting on my backside in a 30 Zone when im doing 30! Then as i slow down for the Zebra crossing so as not to start self destruct mode (sleepin policeman type). She then considers it OK to overtake! She was half a mile from a national zone!! I couldnt live with myself if i knocked someones kid down in a residential area cos I was speeding. I could probably live with it if i was doing the speed limit and the same happened.
However i was then appalled by my response as once in the national zone i under took her and cut in very close which was not right. It didnt prove anything by my actions and i dont normally retaliate but soemthing got me today. Angry with myself!! Because of my continued aggetation i then proceed to upset a few others whilst over taking at speed in the national where i normally wouldnt.
Lesson learnt again 37 and still learning!!

Shes still a Twot though in my boooks!!..............Just i ended up the same.......bugger!!!!!!!

Let the twats on the road be twats!!! thumbsdown
My Mrs thinks it's her "responsibility" to educate the twats on the road but gets herself into situations where she could potentially be hit (the car that is). :rolleyes:
If you know someone is doing or going to do something stupid then let them and stay the hell out of there...... you will only end up having to deal with insurance companies, NCD being lost and potentially someone being hurt.
I know there is an ego thing about proving that your car is faster than theirs (been there, done that) but it's really not worth the concequences.
It's always the second person that gets caught .
p.s. I give you credit for at least waiting until you were in the national speed limit and out of town before you put the foot down. thumbsup

Hang on BOB i will get my glasses and try to read that again LOL

#2889 G-Bob


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 11:33 AM

People in BMW Minis sitting on my backside in a 30 Zone when im doing 30! Then as i slow down for the Zebra crossing so as not to start self destruct mode (sleepin policeman type). She then considers it OK to overtake! She was half a mile from a national zone!! I couldnt live with myself if i knocked someones kid down in a residential area cos I was speeding. I could probably live with it if i was doing the speed limit and the same happened.
However i was then appalled by my response as once in the national zone i under took her and cut in very close which was not right. It didnt prove anything by my actions and i dont normally retaliate but soemthing got me today. Angry with myself!! Because of my continued aggetation i then proceed to upset a few others whilst over taking at speed in the national where i normally wouldnt.
Lesson learnt again 37 and still learning!!

Shes still a Twot though in my boooks!!..............Just i ended up the same.......bugger!!!!!!!

Let the twats on the road be twats!!! thumbsdown
My Mrs thinks it's her "responsibility" to educate the twats on the road but gets herself into situations where she could potentially be hit (the car that is). :rolleyes:
If you know someone is doing or going to do something stupid then let them and stay the hell out of there...... you will only end up having to deal with insurance companies, NCD being lost and potentially someone being hurt.
I know there is an ego thing about proving that your car is faster than theirs (been there, done that) but it's really not worth the concequences.
It's always the second person that gets caught .
p.s. I give you credit for at least waiting until you were in the national speed limit and out of town before you put the foot down. thumbsup

Hang on BOB i will get my glasses and try to read that again LOL

Typed it somewhere else and C&P it over. Looks to have changed font in the process.

#2890 iceman



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Posted 09 December 2011 - 02:57 PM

I must be mistaken then. I thought that i had seen peoples [Last Active] as 'online' written in a box highlighted green with 'private' written straight afterwards where normally one sees a day and a time. I must be going mad madder.

I've been through all the changeable settings in my profile and can't find anything which would do that, sorry icey :(

Dear Ali.

Bless you for looking and thank you very much indeed for trying for me, it is/you are, very much appreciated :grouphug:

#2891 iceman



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Posted 09 December 2011 - 03:01 PM

...I couldnt live with myself if i knocked someones kid down in a residential area cos I was speeding. I could probably live with it if i was doing the speed limit and the same happened...

:o :( ...rather worrying

#2892 Noodle1791


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 04:24 PM

It's hard to convey expression on a forum but basically if a kid run out on me and I was doing twenty and hit the brakes and did all I could to avoid hitting the kid but still did I think that would be an easier struggle fir me to come to terms with. however if I was driving above the speed limit and the same happened I would have a lit of trouble coming to terms with it, as I could have done more. I'm not heartless.

#2893 2.2_na


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 05:12 PM

It's hard to convey expression on a forum but basically if a kid run out on me and I was doing twenty and hit the brakes and did all I could to avoid hitting the kid but still did I think that would be an easier struggle fir me to come to terms with. however if I was driving above the speed limit and the same happened I would have a lit of trouble coming to terms with it, as I could have done more.

I think that you make sense, in that you would be doing 'all you could' etc, by not exceeding the speed limit.

#2894 spuk87



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Posted 09 December 2011 - 05:33 PM

Think icey got the wrong end of the stick there, I know what you mean though and share the same view.

#2895 james.a


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 05:39 PM

Maintaining moron in a mini theme... Anyone who sits at 35mph in the fast lane of a short section of dual carriageway because at the roundabout that's a mile further on they want to turn right. (green mini guilty one on this occasion but she is in no way unique) Anyone who does this should be taken out and shot.

#2896 Noodle1791


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 06:38 PM

Every day on the A414 the same thing! Aaarrrgggghhh! it's an overtaking lane!! Not an I'm going fast enough lane!! Same story on motorways! Europe seem so much better at this than England IMO. Shooting them may be a little harsh but small arms fire across their bow might make them think! :0)

#2897 slindborg


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 06:47 PM

I hate it when you are sharing a pizza with a cute blonde and she just eats the topping then the base and finally hands you the crusts to eat..... pesky 3yr olds!!!

#2898 iceman



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Posted 10 December 2011 - 05:39 PM

It's hard to convey expression on a forum but basically if a kid run out on me and I was doing twenty and hit the brakes and did all I could to avoid hitting the kid but still did I think that would be an easier struggle fir me to come to terms with. however if I was driving above the speed limit and the same happened I would have a lit of trouble coming to terms with it, as I could have done more.

I'm not heartless.

Oh i seeee, i see, i see...sorry but i had! gotten the wrong end of the stick (thank you spuk87). Apologies

#2899 Jezter


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 01:13 AM

3 year old daughters who go round all the walls in her room, the landing, stairwell, hall and then into the lounge, giving said walls a good going over with a GREEN CRAYON as she goes. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

#2900 2.2_na


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 01:57 AM

3 year old daughters who go round all the walls in her room, the landing, stairwell, hall and then into the lounge, giving said walls a good going over with a GREEN CRAYON as she goes. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Which colour would be more appropriate? :lol:

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