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What Gets On Your Tits?

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#3301 Craig S

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 01:29 PM

HSBC - If you want to remain sane never attempt to get a mortgage from this shower.

#3302 2.2_na


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Posted 18 April 2012 - 02:19 PM

My two nearest Shell petrol stations both closed! :beat:

#3303 iceman



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Posted 18 April 2012 - 07:10 PM

Me... ..or more exactly: My insecurities, jealousy, and lack of confidence and self worth [/damn]

Edited by iceman, 18 April 2012 - 07:10 PM.

#3304 Zoobeef


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Posted 18 April 2012 - 07:27 PM

HSBC - If you want to remain sane never attempt to get a mortgage from this shower.

Whats your issues? Im in the process with them now too. Only bad thing ive seen so far is that they are mega busy because of their really good rates for 90% mortgages so taking 2 weeks to get a yes or no :/

Edited by zoobeef, 18 April 2012 - 07:27 PM.

#3305 Craig S

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Posted 19 April 2012 - 07:57 AM

HSBC - If you want to remain sane never attempt to get a mortgage from this shower.

Whats your issues? Im in the process with them now too. Only bad thing ive seen so far is that they are mega busy because of their really good rates for 90% mortgages so taking 2 weeks to get a yes or no :/

Oh where to start -

1. I have a business account (just set up in Jan) with them but they treated me as a new customer so had to go through setting a new profile.
2. Trip to branch to give them all the stuff they wanted (way more than they need), they cock that up and do not copy all the compmanies accounts so have to go back to the branch again (even though they have all the companies accounts on record for the business account).
3. Because of the delay with the company accounts, the 3 months statements are now a month out of date so visit to branch yet again to give them the latest statements of all current accounts we have.
4. Get the OK over the phone and think that is it, oh boy was I wrong!
5. The legal side starts with "Your conveyencing" HSBCs lawyers, they send you an email with accout details to say you can see how the change is progressing.
6. Get a letter from Your conveyencing asking where all my documentation is. I phone to find the account has documents you have to print at home, they agree there welecome email does not state that you have to do anything.
7. Spend ages printing out loads of pages, then sign our names away in front of a witness.
8. Get a new message on my account saying that the signatures do not match (do 10 signatures ever match exactly) so again have to print out and sign again.

That has been since January, the slowest and worst mortgage change over I have ever done. All our local HSBC's are new (less than 4 months old) the staff do not have a clue.

On the business account they cocked up 4 direct debits which ended up with my broadband almost being cut off (working from home this would have been a disaster).

Very tempted to stop the process and go with someone else.

#3306 Goosenka


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Posted 22 April 2012 - 07:16 PM

Wet dogs when you've just washed the floor :angry:

But then again :wub:

Posted Image

#3307 rob999


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Posted 22 April 2012 - 07:29 PM

This tossy programme I am being forced to watch : The Voice. Can you all shut the fcuk up.

#3308 Wolfstone



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Posted 22 April 2012 - 07:32 PM

This tossy programme I am being forced to watch : The Voice.

Can you all shut the fcuk up.

You're beginning to sound like Techieboy. :lol:

#3309 wanabee


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Posted 22 April 2012 - 07:36 PM

Pigeons - One just bullseyed the grille on the front cover. Ever tried getting pigeon sh** out from under that grille? It ain't easy believe me. :angry2:

#3310 G-Bob


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Posted 22 April 2012 - 07:37 PM

But then again :wub:

He's a cutie! :)

This tossy programme I am being forced to watch : The Voice.

Can you all shut the fcuk up.

Same here... that last battle was shocking! thumbsdown

#3311 rob999


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Posted 22 April 2012 - 07:38 PM

This tossy programme I am being forced to watch : The Voice.

Can you all shut the fcuk up.

You're beginning to sound like Techieboy. :lol:

Do one Kenneth!! Screw you all I'm selling the VX to get a Porker. ( that close enough?) :lol:

#3312 techieboy


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Posted 22 April 2012 - 07:43 PM

Fcuk the fcuking lot of you, I've never told anyone to "do one"! :D

#3313 Goosenka


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Posted 22 April 2012 - 07:51 PM

But then again :wub:

He's a cutie! :)

This tossy programme I am being forced to watch : The Voice.

Can you all shut the fcuk up.

Same here... that last battle was shocking! thumbsdown

He is a she :)

#3314 rob999


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Posted 22 April 2012 - 07:51 PM

Just bought another exhaust that promises it's track friendly....12th time lucky. That better Matt? ;)

#3315 JG



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Posted 22 April 2012 - 07:54 PM

HSBC - If you want to remain sane never attempt to get a mortgage from this shower.

Whats your issues? Im in the process with them now too. Only bad thing ive seen so far is that they are mega busy because of their really good rates for 90% mortgages so taking 2 weeks to get a yes or no :/

Oh where to start -

1. I have a business account (just set up in Jan) with them but they treated me as a new customer so had to go through setting a new profile.
2. Trip to branch to give them all the stuff they wanted (way more than they need), they cock that up and do not copy all the compmanies accounts so have to go back to the branch again (even though they have all the companies accounts on record for the business account).
3. Because of the delay with the company accounts, the 3 months statements are now a month out of date so visit to branch yet again to give them the latest statements of all current accounts we have.
4. Get the OK over the phone and think that is it, oh boy was I wrong!
5. The legal side starts with "Your conveyencing" HSBCs lawyers, they send you an email with accout details to say you can see how the change is progressing.
6. Get a letter from Your conveyencing asking where all my documentation is. I phone to find the account has documents you have to print at home, they agree there welecome email does not state that you have to do anything.
7. Spend ages printing out loads of pages, then sign our names away in front of a witness.
8. Get a new message on my account saying that the signatures do not match (do 10 signatures ever match exactly) so again have to print out and sign again.

That has been since January, the slowest and worst mortgage change over I have ever done. All our local HSBC's are new (less than 4 months old) the staff do not have a clue.

On the business account they cocked up 4 direct debits which ended up with my broadband almost being cut off (working from home this would have been a disaster).

Very tempted to stop the process and go with someone else.

By way of contract:

I have an HSBC account for which i didn't need a new profile.

HSBC business customer services couldn't be better in my experience.

#3316 GeorgeBC


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Posted 22 April 2012 - 08:51 PM

That circlip on the fuel pump :9mm:

#3317 jules_s



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Posted 22 April 2012 - 09:37 PM

Avoiding all forms of media in an attempt to not know the Liverpool result Checking Man U run in to remind Ian I told him the derby was going to be a massive game :(

#3318 The Batman

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Posted 23 April 2012 - 03:33 AM

People that spit Girls that drink pints There's another 2!

#3319 LY_Scott


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Posted 23 April 2012 - 08:36 AM

People who request read receipts for their emails then phone you when they see you've read it. fcuk off with that, reading it doesn't mean I have time to look at it or know whats fking wrong. Phoning me doesn't change that. Its monday morning, lots of other sh** to look at. ....and breathe.

#3320 G-Bob


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Posted 23 April 2012 - 09:08 AM

People who request read receipts for their emails then phone you when they see you've read it.

fcuk off with that, reading it doesn't mean I have time to look at it or know whats fking wrong. Phoning me doesn't change that. Its monday morning, lots of other sh** to look at.

....and breathe.

Use the preview pane at the bottom and you can read it without opening it.
I only open stuff I want to reply to.

The other answer is "I'll put it on the list"

never ever disclose:
1. Any timescales
2. How long the list is
3. Which list it's going on i.e. the "do not bother" list
4. The fact that there is no list.

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