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What Gets On Your Tits?

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#3721 turbobob


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Posted 30 July 2012 - 05:11 PM

BBC News at One.

First 15 minutes dedicated to the Olympics, featuring video interviews already shown numerous times today across the BBC. Then moving to a different set of reporters (and not the usual BBC Olympic team) at the venues to report live on what's happening today. Fcuk off, you've already had 8 hours (x 24 channels) of coverage this morning and have got another 12 hours of coverage to go. This program is called the NEWS, not what Tom Daley has had for breakfast and what he might do when he gets off his arse in 8 hours to go to the pool.

So can I just have some fcuking news about what's happening elsewhere in the country and the wider world.

ETA: Ooops, spoke to soon. We've since had a report on the Olympic traffic situation. Now we're back at the stadium to see the queues of people waiting for the gates to open. Oooh, and now we're following a family from Worcestshire who've taken 2 days to get to Stratford to watch the hockey. Fcuk me.

Ah, now weve moved on to how "not cheap" it was for the whole weekend. But it's alright, the baby wasn't a problem and will be able to say in future that "he was there".

Jesus fcuking wept.

Exactly this. Doing my bastard head in :angry:

ETA good to see how our licence fee is being frittered away.... How much have the bbc spent on all this shizzle?

So your best bit so far was ? :lol:

Just check your remote,see if you have a big red switch on it with a circle and a line. :lol:

There is only one person in this house who knows what the remote looks like, and that ain't me ... :D

Best bit, the drunken Friday night antics :lol:

#3722 ghand


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Posted 30 July 2012 - 08:04 PM

BBC News at One.

First 15 minutes dedicated to the Olympics, featuring video interviews already shown numerous times today across the BBC. Then moving to a different set of reporters (and not the usual BBC Olympic team) at the venues to report live on what's happening today. Fcuk off, you've already had 8 hours (x 24 channels) of coverage this morning and have got another 12 hours of coverage to go. This program is called the NEWS, not what Tom Daley has had for breakfast and what he might do when he gets off his arse in 8 hours to go to the pool.

So can I just have some fcuking news about what's happening elsewhere in the country and the wider world.

ETA: Ooops, spoke to soon. We've since had a report on the Olympic traffic situation. Now we're back at the stadium to see the queues of people waiting for the gates to open. Oooh, and now we're following a family from Worcestshire who've taken 2 days to get to Stratford to watch the hockey. Fcuk me.

Ah, now weve moved on to how "not cheap" it was for the whole weekend. But it's alright, the baby wasn't a problem and will be able to say in future that "he was there".

Jesus fcuking wept.

Exactly this. Doing my bastard head in :angry:

ETA good to see how our licence fee is being frittered away.... How much have the bbc spent on all this shizzle?

So your best bit so far was ? :lol:

Just check your remote,see if you have a big red switch on it with a circle and a line. :lol:

There is only one person in this house who knows what the remote looks like, and that ain't me ... :D

Best bit, the drunken Friday night antics :lol:

So the closing ceremony,make sure you don't run out of beer.

I may get another Black Grouse in :lol:

#3723 VXR


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 11:35 AM

Bosses that haven't got a clue!

#3724 turbobob


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 12:13 PM

So the closing ceremony,make sure you don't run out of beer.

I may get another Black Grouse in :lol:

Good point thumbsup

When is the closing ceremony? :lol:

#3725 G-Bob


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 12:36 PM

People who slag off the Olympics. Cheer up you grumpy fucks!

#3726 MWS


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 02:08 PM

1. Criminals who only bring misery to the lives of others. 2. People who moan that there are no jobs out there when there are literally thousands! 3. My VX! (at the moment anyway!)

#3727 ghand


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 03:42 PM

People who slag off the Olympics. Cheer up you grumpy fucks!

Your right Bob,I like the cycling,athletics and boxing.

But if you don't like it turn the fcuking thing off :lol:

Maybe some secretly like the Olympics so they can be grumpy and slag it off :ninja: :lol:

#3728 techieboy


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 04:26 PM

How do you turn the fcuking sack of sh*t olympics off? You can't move for it being rammed down your throat via every possible media outlet. Even the fcuking BBC news website (yes, that's news as in, things that may be reasonably important happening in the world, and not the fcuking sport/olympics site) is screwed today under the sheer weight of shite they're babbling about a load of mickey mouse "sports". Three quarters of the population couldn't give a flying fcuk about them, so why aren't the minority marginalised to the outer realms of broadcast and print media? Even the BOC & Locog are no longer talking about how many medals they predict us winning. It's now "Give me great memories and not medals". Currently flying high at 21st in the medal table. So much for the golden generation and our most successful games ever. Proper return on investment, that. :lol:

#3729 JDS


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 04:35 PM

How do you turn the fcuking sack of sh*t olympics off? You can't move for it being rammed down your throat via every possible media outlet. Even the fcuking BBC news website (yes, that's news as in, things that may be reasonably important happening in the world, and not the fcuking sport/olympics site) is screwed today under the sheer weight of shite they're babbling about a load of mickey mouse "sports". Three quarters of the population couldn't give a flying fcuk about them, so why aren't the minority marginalised to the outer realms of broadcast and print media?

Even the BOC & Locog are no longer talking about how many medals they predict us winning. It's now "Give me great memories and not medals". Currently flying high at 21st in the medal table. So much for the golden generation and our most successful games ever. Proper return on investment, that. :lol:

:yeahthat: There's no escape, even one of the girls on Babestation was wearing a team GB shirt

#3730 Darcini


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 04:44 PM

Air stewardesses on budget airlines. Or to be specific one particular doodah called Suzanne on EasyJet flying out of Liverpool. Now I appreciate the budget airlines will only ever have the pick of the dregs of trolley dollies but there surely has to be minimum standard even these fucktards have to meet. If you hate your job that much then for god's sake go back to being a heroine addicted street whore and spoil some one else's day, ideally someone who hasn't actually paid you for the privilege of being insulted by a rancid old slapper like yourself.

#3731 Harry Hornet

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Posted 31 July 2012 - 04:44 PM

How do you turn the fcuking sack of sh*t olympics off? You can't move for it being rammed down your throat via every possible media outlet. Even the fcuking BBC news website (yes, that's news as in, things that may be reasonably important happening in the world, and not the fcuking sport/olympics site) is screwed today under the sheer weight of shite they're babbling about a load of mickey mouse "sports". Three quarters of the population couldn't give a flying fcuk about them, so why aren't the minority marginalised to the outer realms of broadcast and print media?

Even the BOC & Locog are no longer talking about how many medals they predict us winning. It's now "Give me great memories and not medals". Currently flying high at 21st in the medal table. So much for the golden generation and our most successful games ever. Proper return on investment, that. :lol:

:yeahthat: There's no escape, even one of the girls on Babestation was wearing a team GB shirt

Ba Humbug, ...suggest get a one way ticket to Outer Mongolia or do foot trek to the North pole......dont like it, dont watch it or turn on Russia / Iran TV , ......all IMHO of course :tt:

HH ( one of the 1/4 population who is enjoying the Olympics)

#3732 Zoobeef


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 04:51 PM

How can you not enjoy the young things currently flipping around the arena? :)

#3733 Silent Steve

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Posted 31 July 2012 - 05:01 PM

How do you turn the fcuking sack of sh*t olympics off? You can't move for it being rammed down your throat via every possible media outlet. Even the fcuking BBC news website (yes, that's news as in, things that may be reasonably important happening in the world, and not the fcuking sport/olympics site) is screwed today under the sheer weight of shite they're babbling about a load of mickey mouse "sports". Three quarters of the population couldn't give a flying fcuk about them, so why aren't the minority marginalised to the outer realms of broadcast and print media?

Even the BOC & Locog are no longer talking about how many medals they predict us winning. It's now "Give me great memories and not medals". Currently flying high at 21st in the medal table. So much for the golden generation and our most successful games ever. Proper return on investment, that. :lol:

:yeahthat: There's no escape, even one of the girls on Babestation was wearing a team GB shirt

Dear Lord! Is NOTHING sacred? :angry2:

#3734 techieboy


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 06:25 PM

How can you not enjoy the young things currently flipping around the arena? :)

Aren't they all about 12 years old, 4 foot tall and dripping in troweled on make-up, with even worse false smiles than the ballroom dancing lot?

#3735 Goosenka


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 06:29 PM

How can you not enjoy the young things currently flipping around the arena? :)

Aren't they all about 12 years old, 4 foot tall and dripping in troweled on make-up, with even worse false smiles than the ballroom dancing lot?

Your point being? :lol:

#3736 slindborg


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 06:32 PM

How do you turn the fcuking sack of sh*t olympics off? You can't move for it being rammed down your throat via every possible media outlet. Even the fcuking BBC news website (yes, that's news as in, things that may be reasonably important happening in the world, and not the fcuking sport/olympics site) is screwed today under the sheer weight of shite they're babbling about a load of mickey mouse "sports". Three quarters of the population couldn't give a flying fcuk about them, so why aren't the minority marginalised to the outer realms of broadcast and print media?

Even the BOC & Locog are no longer talking about how many medals they predict us winning. It's now "Give me great memories and not medals". Currently flying high at 21st in the medal table. So much for the golden generation and our most successful games ever. Proper return on investment, that. :lol:

I don't dislike it, but I would like the other tv channels to atleast make an effort and put some half decent material on to watch for those who don't fancy Olympic tv for an evening or two.

#3737 techieboy


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 06:47 PM

Ba Humbug, ...suggest get a one way ticket to Outer Mongolia or do foot trek to the North pole......dont like it, dont watch it or turn on Russia / Iran TV , ......all IMHO of course :tt:

Which bit of I'm not watching it but, still can't get away from it, is it that you didn't understand? I'm objecting to the fact it's being rammed down my throat at every turn. Why shouldn't it be you as the minority that has to go and find the coverage and not the majority that have to avoid it? I can't even get within half a mile of my data centre in the middle of the West End of London to do some work, due to the cnuting VIP lanes and not being able to stop to drop something off before the inevitable hour trying to find somewhere to park within something vaguley resembling a similar postcode. But that's okay, it's the Olympics and I should revel in it. Bollox.

Every time I've ventured near the TV today, it's been plastered with people poncing around on the back of a horse or that twat Matt Baker creaming himself over some gymnast or other. My usual respite in Radio 5 is even worse. There's not even a single minute that isn't Olympic based.

I'm sure this weeks Question Time will be live from the Olympic Park, just like everything else seems to have to be. :beat:

#3738 ghand


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 06:58 PM

Ba Humbug, ...suggest get a one way ticket to Outer Mongolia or do foot trek to the North pole......dont like it, dont watch it or turn on Russia / Iran TV , ......all IMHO of course :tt:

Which bit of I'm not watching it but, still can't get away from it, is it that you didn't understand? I'm objecting to the fact it's being rammed down my throat at every turn. Why shouldn't it be you as the minority that has to go and find the coverage and not the majority that have to avoid it? I can't even get within half a mile of my data centre in the middle of the West End of London to do some work, due to the cnuting VIP lanes and not being able to stop to drop something off before the inevitable hour trying to find somewhere to park within something vaguley resembling a similar postcode. But that's okay, it's the Olympics and I should revel in it. Bollox.

Every time I've ventured near the TV today, it's been plastered with people poncing around on the back of a horse or that twat Matt Baker creaming himself over some gymnast or other. My usual respite in Radio 5 is even worse. There's not even a single minute that isn't Olympic based.

I'm sure this weeks Question Time will be live from the Olympic Park, just like everything else seems to have to be. :beat:

H.H. I don't think he is too keen on the Olympics (just a feeling) :lol:

#3739 DarrylB


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Posted 01 August 2012 - 08:16 AM

Please correct me if im wrong.. as im still not sure, but something is telling me, call it a 6th sense if you will, but I dont think Techie is too keen on the Olympics and the coverage of them? Lol Techie - why didn't do what my boss has done: Flew out to Boston on the 28th July and comes back 14th August. Olympics? What Olympics

#3740 Harry Hornet

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Posted 01 August 2012 - 08:22 AM

for hire, full box sets of MORSE and MIDSUMMER MURDERS for those that are pissed off with the Olympics...pm me .. :happy:

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