The problem is a simple question of numbers and stupidity. If you can't support one child how the hell do you think your going to support six? These families never seem to be a single child family which is their tradition. Have a bucket load of kids and there will be someone to look after you IF you get old, this mindset is what needs changing.
If they ever start asking for donations for mandatory sterilisation I'll give generously. Heartless, maybe, but the sentiment has to be lost if the problem is going to be improved.
Ok so that's my seat in hell booked :rolleyes:/>
Comic relief is 25 years old. If money works, why is it still needed?
We have all seen the horrible dieing kids videos for 25 years and sod all as changed.Why make new ones every year.Save a fortune and show the old ones, know one will tell the difference its the same every year.
I think most agree it a birth control problem
Then again I once read about some catholic crusader types going into villages burning all the condoms supplied by health organizations
Religion has a lot to answer for in this world
Only seen bits of comic relief as its been crap, is this year the least funny ever ?