What Gets On Your Tits?
Posted 28 April 2013 - 12:11 PM
Posted 28 April 2013 - 12:17 PM
Changeable weather... Just spent the last 2hrs painting my garage door.
Then the wind picks up and it is now lightly covered in dust particles. Honestly I sometimes wonder why I even bother.

Posted 28 April 2013 - 01:09 PM
That's normally my line!!!!!!! And I recall making a comment like that some time ago when you were grumpy to which you were not happy
Can't we all just get along?
It was out of character for me and I don't normally get dragged into such incidents. I've apologised so lets get normal service resumed on here
Lol, it's a Rodney King (mis)quote
Posted 28 April 2013 - 02:50 PM
I hope that you are having a nice weekend.
That's normally my line!!!!!!! And I recall making a comment like that some time ago when you were grumpy to which you were not happy
Can't we all just get along?
It was out of character for me and I don't normally get dragged into such incidents. I've apologised so lets get normal service resumed on here
I think, that sometimes, the only real total/true freedom of choice we have available to us in our lives is that of how we treat others. A large part of that treatment being, how we initiate talking to and how we respond back to, others. This freedom of choice as to how we treat others is magnified ten-fold by the little but poignant intervention, when on-line, of having a [send] button to temper our interaction with the privilege of time to hone our responses to say what we actually want to say before we press it.
I have neither the time, want, need or right to tell anyone else how to behave, so don't and whilst i have never ever responded negatively to any form of keyboard abuse that i have suffered, it does make me sad to see that the very little extra time and effort needed to be civilised isn't wisely spent (i should make it clear, that that is not aimed at yourself).
Obviously, as i originally said, it is a choice how we interact with others and the only real way to counter the balance of other's choosing differently than ourselves, is not to let it/them adversely effect our own choices but equally as obviously, there are going to be times when outside circumstances influence our ability to choose wisely.
Onward and upward...

Posted 28 April 2013 - 03:11 PM
The doodahs on All-new Big Body Squad on Channel 5.
You fat disgusting twats living off the state with custom made beds/lifts/shoes/wheelchairs etc at huge expense so you don't have to move on your on account.
This sort of thing winds me up like you would not believe.
I (respectfully to yourself) see this from the opposite side of the fence, i genuinely think that should you ask them what their one wish would be, once their food demon had replied with ''a never ending supply of hamburgers'', their heart-of-hearts response would be ''to be normal''. I, rather than disgust and hatred, feel compassion, sympathy and empathy with them. I'll try to explain why...
As we all know, 'perfection', just as 'normal', doesn't really exist, it's all a point of a compromise of values, weighed up against a richness of wants and needs, in order to reach an acceptable balance.That achievable acceptance of a compromise of values is reached in many varied ways, some reliant on alcohol, others food and/or even physical exercise but a common denominator that runs through the core of those mentioned, is an eventual injection of a drug of one sort or another.
'Life' and the ability to live it normally (not that that last word is ever a complete possibility) depends on many things, all different for different people but the one thread that runs through every attempt of towing the line toward a full life, is 'balance', a balance of mind, body and spirit.
These people have lost that balance in their lives and they need help, understanding, compassion and love, to bring them back to a place where they have a quality of life that enables them in turn away from their 'drug' and to in turn, offer back that help, understanding, compassion and love to other souls in need of achieving their own balance.
Best regards and warm wishes...
[/Sharing my 'rather strange' thoughts, without wishing to be argumentative]
Or less FOOD would help.
Food and all the other expenses that go with them being that size that we pay for is the jist of the complaint.
If they worked and paid for it all themselves then fine be as big as you want, its not the size Icey its the cost to us.
They have to buy hundreds of thousands of pounds worth or specialist ambulances and lifting gear and so on and you pay for it never mind the food bill you pay for.
Don't do compassion for self inflicted stuff , way too many non self inflicted problems that would need it first.
Never mind "sharing views"
And argument is a set of reasons given in support of something or an exchange of diverging or opposite views
So you are being argumentative.but we like it !
Thank you Sir
I owe Darcini, yourself and the forum an apology for speaking out of turn. For this is a thread designed to let-off one's steam at subjects which get on your 'nerves', not a thread for those such as myself to be preaching on with my wishy-washy views of love and peace [/yeah man! lol]
Best regards and warm wishes...
Ha Ha wishy washy is just fine.Its just some do wishy washy stronger than others

Posted 28 April 2013 - 03:20 PM
For this is a thread designed to let-off one's steam at subjects which get on your 'nerves', not a thread for those such as myself to be preaching on with my wishy-washy views of love and peace [/yeah man! lol]
I don't read it that way. It's a chance to be humorous about something annoying -or it should be.
I agree with you Icey - really fat people deserve sympathy not abuse, and as I get fatter I agree with this more and more! I don't like paying for it though, but I guess we should be more understanding. I don't think it's just greed, no one gets that fat unless they have real problems.
Anyway, thanks for coming in and reminding us to be human.

Posted 28 April 2013 - 03:23 PM
The doodahs on All-new Big Body Squad on Channel 5.
You fat disgusting twats living off the state with custom made beds/lifts/shoes/wheelchairs etc at huge expense so you don't have to move on your on account.
This sort of thing winds me up like you would not believe.
I (respectfully to yourself) see this from the opposite side of the fence, i genuinely think that should you ask them what their one wish would be, once their food demon had replied with ''a never ending supply of hamburgers'', their heart-of-hearts response would be ''to be normal''. I, rather than disgust and hatred, feel compassion, sympathy and empathy with them. I'll try to explain why...
As we all know, 'perfection', just as 'normal', doesn't really exist, it's all a point of a compromise of values, weighed up against a richness of wants and needs, in order to reach an acceptable balance.That achievable acceptance of a compromise of values is reached in many varied ways, some reliant on alcohol, others food and/or even physical exercise but a common denominator that runs through the core of those mentioned, is an eventual injection of a drug of one sort or another.
'Life' and the ability to live it normally (not that that last word is ever a complete possibility) depends on many things, all different for different people but the one thread that runs through every attempt of towing the line toward a full life, is 'balance', a balance of mind, body and spirit.
These people have lost that balance in their lives and they need help, understanding, compassion and love, to bring them back to a place where they have a quality of life that enables them in turn away from their 'drug' and to in turn, offer back that help, understanding, compassion and love to other souls in need of achieving their own balance.
Best regards and warm wishes...
[/Sharing my 'rather strange' thoughts, without wishing to be argumentative]
Or less FOOD would help.
Food and all the other expenses that go with them being that size that we pay for is the jist of the complaint.
If they worked and paid for it all themselves then fine be as big as you want, its not the size Icey its the cost to us.
They have to buy hundreds of thousands of pounds worth or specialist ambulances and lifting gear and so on and you pay for it never mind the food bill you pay for.
Don't do compassion for self inflicted stuff , way too many non self inflicted problems that would need it first.
Never mind "sharing views"
And argument is a set of reasons given in support of something or an exchange of diverging or opposite views
So you are being argumentative.but we like it !
Thank you Sir
I owe Darcini, yourself and the forum an apology for speaking out of turn. For this is a thread designed to let-off one's steam at subjects which get on your 'nerves', not a thread for those such as myself to be preaching on with my wishy-washy views of love and peace [/yeah man! lol]
Best regards and warm wishes...
Ha Ha wishy washy is just fine.Its just some do wishy washy stronger than others
Indeed [/still unsure if i should take that as an insult or a compliment]
I try my best not to do insults, but then one mans insult is another mans norm and thats more or less what happens most of the time.
I think a group buy of that herb they take that helps with PMT is what we needed this week

Posted 28 April 2013 - 03:29 PM

Posted 29 April 2013 - 11:50 AM
Posted 29 April 2013 - 12:44 PM
I try my best not to do insults.....
You're not much of a trier are you!

Posted 29 April 2013 - 03:18 PM
I try my best not to do insults.....
You're not much of a trier are you!![]()
My rambling on here is just p*ss taking banter

Trust me you would know if it was an "Insult"

Posted 29 April 2013 - 03:20 PM
People who talk loudly on their phones on trains. Especially early in the morning when everyone else is queitly trying to wake up. Usually about work...which they'll be at shortly...can't it wait? Have consideration for the people around you.
Rips my knitting.
I'm sure he was just "touching base"

Posted 29 April 2013 - 05:59 PM
Posted 29 April 2013 - 08:35 PM

Posted 29 April 2013 - 09:59 PM

Posted 29 April 2013 - 10:09 PM
The human back bone, its a sh*t design.In total agony,drugged up to hell,can't move and its like being in a bad car smash if I do.
Not sure if it was the base jumping,the bear wrestling,the demolition derby run or getting out of bed this morning :lol:/>
No VX for a few days, in fact no anything for a few days.
Tempted to throw a scotch down on top of the Tramadol and other stuff :lol:/>
It's down hill when you retire
Posted 29 April 2013 - 10:42 PM
The human back bone, its a sh*t design.In total agony,drugged up to hell,can't move and its like being in a bad car smash if I do.
Not sure if it was the base jumping,the bear wrestling,the demolition derby run or getting out of bed this morning :lol:/>
No VX for a few days, in fact no anything for a few days.
Tempted to throw a scotch down on top of the Tramadol and other stuff :lol:/>
It's down hill when you retire

It certainty feels like it at the moment. Frigging stupid back bones, hope its better for the Hoon,good job its a few week off. How long can it take to fix a back ?
Up side, I don't have to ring in sick
Posted 01 May 2013 - 11:36 AM
Posted 01 May 2013 - 12:20 PM
Posted 01 May 2013 - 12:31 PM

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