My paedo neighbor.
You aint a child any more mark. You can't call him a paedo 
If hes on the register and they've had their daughter taken off them because she was at risk then hes earned the label.
1 council house in the whole village and its next to me.
While I'm on my own and he puts my bin in I can normally tolerate him. If I had someone else here with me and I was still away through the week I'd have to do what the rest of he neighbors have done and tell him to stop knocking on the door.

He doesnt work. Always wears those overalls. Has bells on his shoes to keep bad spirits away. Wanders the village at 1-2am with his wife.
He knocked on my door at midnight the other night to drop off a parcel that had been delivered to his!
Luckily if I'm in the garden I can here his bells all the way from the bus stop so have time to hide.
Sounds more like care in the community & he just wants a friend?
He does, but he made his bed with the road he took in life.
The old lady next to me said when her husband was alive he eventually told him to stop popping round as it would get random and he'd take liberties.
The lady on the other side of him would just find him in her back garden randomly and told him to stop coming round.
The woman that owns the pub opposite told him to leave her alone as he latched himself onto her when she moved here.
The only one with no bother is the ex royal marine and prison guard opposite haha.
They used to neglect their daughter and give minimal food etc, so one of the other mums used to give her daughter a little extra food to give to her at school. He found out and banned her from taking any food from anyone.
They are also pagans, bloody stone henge hippies.