Posted 22 May 2014 - 02:15 PM
Airport security! You know you've fcuked up because your missus tells you what to take on a flight. Have you got your, as well as? Yes love! I've put some shampoo in a tube, take the rest of the shower gel! Took 3 fcuking attempts to go through security! If I was a terrorist I'd have already committed the atrocity in the security area or made a run for it! What the Fcuk are they trying to acheve? And the reason, there was shower gel in a 250ml bottle but less than quarter full! LETS GO THROUGH THE FCUKING BAG, IT'LL BE QUICKER. £135 worth of spark plugs only got a 'prove what they are', all the cables you need to charge your mobile, iPad, camera, iPod etc doesn't cause concern! I had to run through East Mids airport from Security to gate 23. I thought I set off with plenty of time because I've never been held up at an airport minus normal delays. Got to security at 7.30am, needed to be at gate for 08.05, flight 08.25. Left security 08.15am, didn't even get chance to see which gate my flight was from, by the time I got passed security my flight had moved off the screen. I run like there was no tomorrow! Now when I sit down & think about it, if someone was running through an airport with a fcuking bag, sweat pouring off him, does it look normal Or has Hollywood blurred my vision?