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What Gets On Your Tits?

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#6021 slindborg


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 08:37 AM


People who cant walk properly. LIFT your fcuking feet you shuffling stumblecunts

:lol: Oh ffs had to much scotch to read stuff like that, stumblecunts. :lol: They may have a disability or very very heavy shoes :lol:



No, it seems to be a cultural thing from those in the east....

#6022 LY_Scott


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 09:52 AM

Edward Snowden And even more so the halfwits who worship him

#6023 techieboy


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 10:46 AM

Edward Snowden And even more so the halfwits who worship him


Ding and double ding. Fcuktards, the lot of 'em.

#6024 Claws


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 11:59 AM

Who? :lol:

#6025 LY_Scott


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 12:00 PM

He's been piping up today about this surveillance bill being rushed through parliament.


I'm sure we all agree that rushed polcies and big brother type stuff should be thought long and hard about but wtf does he know about it? He's a bloody contract sysadmin, a very dishonest egotistical one.


Piping up against all your agreements and law about something you came across that you disagree with does not make you an expert on the matter or the history of such polcymaking.


Fucktard. and all the hippies who wet themselves over him.

#6026 NickA


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 12:34 PM

So you are saying you agree with the surveillance bill?

And you are asking what he knows about covert surveillance privacy violations, dishonest government's use or misuse of the personal information gathered and that kind of stuff? (I just need to be clear before I respond so I can't be accused of teaching granny to suck eggs)

So you believe putting your life on the line to disclose illegal data gathering efforts by governments makes him dishonest and egotistical?


I know this is a 'what gets on your tits' thread and is here so that people can vent their anger in a fairly neutral way but I am truly interested in what has given you the position you currently hold against ES because I'm a fairly cynical person and I have clearly missed something big if I don't share your opinion - so very interested to know what lit your touch paper :D


Edit: Removed the word 'protection' because it was rubbish.

Edited by NickA, 15 July 2014 - 12:35 PM.

#6027 LY_Scott


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 12:49 PM

You clearly think the sun shines out his ass. I don't. I'd be interested to find out why you do? As I said above I think any new bill should be thought through properly. I don't see why his input is worthy of print. He's a sysadmin as far as I'm aware. Not a policymaker or a historian.

#6028 NickA


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 12:57 PM

I didn't really have any interest in him other than to think 'oh, cool, he released all those very interesting documents'


Don't you think given his current high (can anyone have a high profile when they temporary asylum in Russia?) profile is more likely to get the press all over it and therefore make our government (even for a split second) think twice about going through with it?  Wouldn't that be a good reason why his input puts us all in a better position than without it?


You clearly hold a lot of disdain for sysadmin's, I'm not sure what that adds to the point you're making here.

#6029 LY_Scott


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 01:01 PM

I don't have a disdain for sysadmins. I am one!


I'm saying that it is a job with no connection to being an expert on national security policy. He's being touted as such.


It's getting enough press as it is without rolling him out for hero worship.

#6030 NickA


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 01:11 PM

Oh I apologise, feel free to replace disdain with jealousy wherever I've written it.


I agree with the impossibility of job crossover, I too think the world would have been a much better place had Einstein simply remained in the Patent office doing patenty things and dismissed his talent for other things.


It is, but the press seem to stick around for a little bit longer when it involves high profile individuals rather than back office staff who are complaining about the same thing in the same way.  It's also more likely Joe Public will decide to tick a box labelled 'Yes I think the government should consult the entire UK before implementing this' when they recognise one of the people rallying against it in the press rather than said back office staff.


#6031 LY_Scott


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 01:28 PM

I'm not jealous ffs. Read what I've written rather than trolling. He is an IT man who came across something and decided to expose it against his terms of employment and the law. He lacks integrity.  He's not an expert on policy or security.  I have no sympathy for him.


Edward Snowden is not Einstein. He does not have a talent for other things. He is passing comment because he's listened to by plebs and the guardian gets exposure.


There are plenty of other people worth listening to on these matters that have a greater insight into policy and security.





#6032 NickA


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 01:48 PM

I have read what you've written and I am certainly not trolling your comment.  I was honestly interested to understand the views you had on him that would elicit a comment such as "f***tard".  You then accused me of worshipping him and not in a subtle way which changed the tone of this conversation somewhat.


I don't personally consider revealing information about illegal activities can put him in the category of dishonest, and you can't really unless you believe the terms of a contract (be it with a government or flower shop) override the law.

I don't even think he is that egotistical, yes he's trying to make sure the world knows who he is, but I look at that as being more about hiding in a crowd and lessening the chance of being shot than for fame and/or glory.


Yes I'm sure there are plenty of other people worth listening to and far more qualified, unfortunately none of them have the same profile as ES (who demonstrated how to do the right thing regardless of his personal safety) and a tough act to follow.


Peace LY_Scott, I'm off out to pick a few daisies.

#6033 LY_Scott


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 01:51 PM

You are entitled to your opinion thumbsup

#6034 slindborg


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 02:07 PM

careful Scott, you'll wind up with some (more) fun porn subsciptions as thats a super thing to do :lol:

#6035 ghand


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 02:12 PM

You are entitled to your opinion thumbsup

Scot what would you do if you came across something you felt very strongly the world should know about but it would fcuk you up if you let it out ? Just asking. :lol:

#6036 LY_Scott


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 02:25 PM

I would honestly keep my mouth shut. The way of the world and how things are is bigger than what my opinion is of it. You don't work at the CIA or NSA and sign secrecy agreements because you expect to work in a fluffy environment surely? It's a bit like being an airforce pilot and putting entirely out of your mind that dropping a bomb might kill some kids who are near by.


I would say the biggest mistake was hiring contractors in such a sector. Employees have a bigger buy in.

#6037 G-Bob


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 02:33 PM

I would honestly keep my mouth shut. The way of the world and how things are is bigger than what my opinion is of it. 


Quick, someone tell him something confidential on the Independence debate.  :lol:   :poke:  

#6038 NickA


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 02:39 PM

careful Scott, you'll wind up with some (more) fun porn subsciptions as thats a super thing to do :lol:


Are you referring to the directory harvest/attack that you fell foul of around the same time as me some time ago? :D

#6039 Harry Hornet

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Posted 15 July 2014 - 02:58 PM

suggestion you join the Freemason if you want to keep a secret  ;)

#6040 Harry Hornet

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Posted 15 July 2014 - 02:58 PM

suggestion you join the Freemasons if you want to keep a secret  ;)

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