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What Gets On Your Tits?

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#6041 techieboy


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 03:18 PM

Is the world a better place for knowing any of this stuff "officially"? Do you feel any more or less secure for knowing what you do now? Has your life materially changed since the great revelation? Does knowing what Hilary Clinton might think of Nicolas Sarkozy affect your personal view of either of them?


Most of it is hardly a revelation anyway and reading any vaguely literate and researched spy novel or techno thriller of the last 20 years or so will have revealed the power of electronic intelligence means and methods (and that doesn't mean watching a season of 24). Surprise surprise, governments spy on their population and nations spy on other nations and sometimes they even co-operate by spying on each others populations. Wow. Who'd a thunk it? Blimey, it even turns out some people don't like or think much of their opposite numbers in a different government and sometimes even have some vague idea of each others negotiating positions ahead of time. Strewth, that's truly shocking. Damn, it even turns out governments pass on certain snippets of competitive information to their favoured home based corporations to give them a leg up. Amazeballs.


The only thing I've read that I didn't know (for sure) was the NSA having a crafty poke around in Cisco kit before it got shipped to non-friendly countries.


Frankly, a much scarier breach of privacy was the not wholly surprising discovery that Apple tracked your movements via your mobile phone as a matter of course (and Google likewise) even though you knew your airtime provider did or could. Government spy agencies being able to do the same is of much less surprise and even less interest given there's not much danger of me trying to re-enact the gunpowder plot (and I certainly wouldn't be advertising it electronically, if I were), given they can pretty much follow you till their heart's content via CCTV networks, ANPR, congestion cameras, wifi hotspots and Oyster cards etc if they so desire. Personally, I find the concept of personalised targeted commercial adverts and content appearing on bill boards and devices in my vicinity much more insidious and much more a breach of my privacy.


Snowden, may or may not have had good intentions at the start (personally, I don't think he ever did) but now he's just turned into a self aggrandising twat and rent a mouthpiece for any privacy issue anywhere in the world. He signed away his rights to reveal any of the "secrets" he became a party to when he accepted his role at the NSA. His role didn't even permit him access to the information he's revealed, he went snooping around and digging for it and may have revealed it in revenge for some perceived wrong against him or his partner.


Hopefully, those nasty men in black from the CIA will grab him one day and he'll get a proper fisting at Guantanamo or some other deniable extraordinary rendition "black" site somewhere in the world. Fcuk him.


I'm not anti-privacy by any means and have personally told a representative of an un-named government department to take a running jump if they thought they could access customer data we hold without a a valid and very specific court order. I'm just anti-hysteria and most definitely anti-Gurniad inspired hysteria.

#6042 slindborg


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 03:56 PM

agreed. It happens, Meh... its the corporate side of things that is far scarier.

Although it is great fun screwing with clubcard code by buying odd stuff together to get some fun offers and deals appearing in store :lol: Or browsing odd stuff on Amazon to see what they email through as a must have.


I found out that the USA only has about 4 times the number of CCTV cameras as the UK (we have a sh*t load!!!) but we have 4 times the number of "systems" controlling/viewing them. So whats worse.. Many CCTV cameras or less people watching them to spy more effectively?

#6043 Goosenka


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 04:01 PM

I agree. Couldn't give a toss if some law was passed so they could see what web sites i was looking at.

#6044 NickA


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 04:16 PM

Really?  What about monitoring everything you type that gets submitted over the net (like passwords, banking details, 'yes but it's SSL enabled so they can't see it!' keep dreaming - lawfully redirected DNS, fake certificates)? What about associating you with anyone you've been even remotely near? (your facebook's friends, friends, maybe friends of theirs too.. not far off 6 degrees of separation eh?)  You were driving down the M1 around the time someone dumped a body in a layby.. the data says you're a candidate for interrogation - who pays for your time off work?  Extreme examples: yes, likely: Not really, absolutely possible for the 'sysadmin' that decides he needs to cover something up/earn some extra pocket money/do something with your data that we know the government has 'lost' on several occasions publicly and an unknown number of times privately.  If only I could sit under that umbrella of naivety.

#6045 Goosenka


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 04:23 PM

Firstly I meant which sites I visit. I agree I draw the line with them snooping passwords, bank details etc etc. Secondly I have been involved with IT security and data protection for some 10 years.  I have nothing to hide.  Should they say, well we ned to see what websites you regularly visit my answer is go for it.  I am not guilty of anything so I don't care at all.  


Naive? Moi? Not in the slightest.

#6046 NickA


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 04:33 PM

Unfortunately the rushed nature of the bill means everything will be included so you simply won't have the choice of 'opting out', it won't be a case of them asking whether they can monitor you. :(


I didn't intend to insult your intelligence, I'm just aware there are a lot of people that couldn't care less about it because they think their web site visiting history is the only thing that will be monitored.

#6047 Goosenka


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 04:36 PM

Unfortunately the rushed nature of the bill means everything will be included so you simply won't have the choice of 'opting out', it won't be a case of them asking whether they can monitor you. :(   I didn't intend to insult your intelligence, I'm just aware there are a lot of people that couldn't care less about it because they think their web site visiting history is the only thing that will be monitored.

Don't be silly...never take offence. Its like the uproar of id cards. I just do not get it. In my grumpy and mis guided opinion people who have something to hide object the loudest.

#6048 G-Bob


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 05:04 PM

 people who have something to hide object the loudest.





Them and the people who believe that the government are interested in the fact they bought a hoover from amazon last week and watch them through the screen.  It's not 1984.

#6049 Bargi


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 07:48 PM


99 pickup anyone?

Posted Image

Edited by Bargi, 15 July 2014 - 07:49 PM.

#6050 Kieran McC

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Posted 15 July 2014 - 07:52 PM

Looks as tidy as your car interior LOL

Edited by kieranmcc, 15 July 2014 - 07:53 PM.

#6051 RabnaKS


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 11:36 PM

I'm not jealous ffs. Read what I've written rather than trolling. He is an IT man who came across something and decided to expose it against his terms of employment and the law. He lacks integrity.  He's not an expert on policy or security.  I have no sympathy for him.   Edward Snowden is not Einstein. He does not have a talent for other things. He is passing comment because he's listened to by plebs and the guardian gets exposure.   There are plenty of other people worth listening to on these matters that have a greater insight into policy and security.        

Just another scenario, that allegedly happened. An IT repair person was repairing someone's PC & found inappropriate material, he informed the police who investigated & helped find the owner of the PC guilty. What was allegedly found was bad & hopefully not what anyone on here wants to see or take part in. Should the repair person have repaired it & kept quiet or reported it in the hope the public will be protected from the things the people speak out against?

#6052 G-Bob


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 02:27 PM

Reported it because he was not under contract to keep data secret nor did he have any data protection responsibilities.



#6053 G-Bob


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 02:30 PM

Something that has really been doing my tits in again recently:


When going to get yourself a coffee/tea whatever and you ask your collegues if they would like a drink.  “A Gin&Tonic please” was not a funny answer from the first person when it was said eleventy billion times ago, and it still isn’t so just STFU.


Those people get nothing!

#6054 LY_Scott


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 02:46 PM

Reported it because he was not under contract to keep data secret nor did he have any data protection responsibilities.




Exactly this.

#6055 myles



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Posted 16 July 2014 - 02:52 PM

I'm not jealous ffs. Read what I've written rather than trolling. He is an IT man who came across something and decided to expose it against his terms of employment and the law. He lacks integrity.  He's not an expert on policy or security.  I have no sympathy for him.


Edward Snowden is not Einstein. He does not have a talent for other things. He is passing comment because he's listened to by plebs and the guardian gets exposure.


There are plenty of other people worth listening to on these matters that have a greater insight into policy and security.







fcuking trolling gets bandied about as a counter-argument too often these days.

#6056 LY_Scott


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 02:57 PM

Isn't that an ironic statement to make?

#6057 myles



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Posted 16 July 2014 - 03:00 PM

Isn't that an ironic statement to make?



Not when the subject of the thread is 'What Gets On Your Tits?'. All the world's woes are blamed on trolling these days.

#6058 LY_Scott


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 03:03 PM

I'm sure thats what the palestinians were saying just last night...

#6059 myles



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Posted 16 July 2014 - 03:04 PM

I'm sure thats what the palestinians were saying just last night...



They are just waiting on you to do it for them.

#6060 NickA


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 03:04 PM

I'm sure thats what the palestinians were saying just last night...


I see what you did there..

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