Non stop charity begging envelopes being pushed through my letter box. I must get about 2 or 3 a week, which go straight into a large bin I have to keep near the front door specially.
This happens despite having a large clear message on the letter box flap saying "No junk mail, no flyers".
If people want to give to charity then they will do so IMO, however a non stop irritating (and wasteful) barrage of begging slips is more likely to just switch them off.
I also used to dislike the "social bullying" of can rattlers walking round the office, looking at you as if you were some sort of ogre for not putting 25p in their can. At one of my old companies their favoured charity was "Walace and Grommit foundation" - I looked up this charity's accounts on the companies website and over 55% of it's income was frittered away on expenses and rent for their offices (on one of Bristols most expensive roads)... classic legalised embezzlement.
Edited by Nev, 28 October 2016 - 07:50 AM.