What Gets On Your Tits?
Posted 29 September 2017 - 11:09 AM
Posted 29 September 2017 - 11:59 AM
Oh to get a bonus.... 🙄😄
You have the bonus of an all action job, protecting property, saving lives, then making love to grateful (yet supple and eager) young nubies, filled sexual abandon at the sight of your uniform; panting with lust at the sheer bad-boy, devil may care, derring do of that action hero that is you.
We've all seen Backdraft and there isn't a man alive who'd not swap with you in a heartbeat.
All I get is a sweaty commute, a bunch of HR people moaning about inappropriate websites and sexual harassment. And then there's the paperwork.
The only way I'd get up to the buffers in something is by leaping onto the track in front of the inbound 21:30 at London Bridge.
The bonus barely scratches the surface of the disappointment of our empty, soulless office-worker drone lives.
We salute you Rob.
Edited by Stevie Dubyah, 29 September 2017 - 12:00 PM.
Posted 29 September 2017 - 12:34 PM
Posted 29 September 2017 - 01:37 PM
Oh to get a bonus.... 🙄😄
Posted 29 September 2017 - 01:37 PM
Steve, that's got to be contender for post of the year
Posted 29 September 2017 - 06:27 PM
Steve, that's got to be contender for post of the year
Posted 29 September 2017 - 07:31 PM
Posted 29 September 2017 - 07:44 PM
Trying to decide what I want to do for a living.
Any ideas?
Posted 29 September 2017 - 07:54 PM
Posted 29 September 2017 - 09:05 PM
Ah, so you've taken the VX back to Uni then 😄😄Students. Who moan about student loans while driving round in sports cars (albeit, silly plastic fake ones).
Posted 29 September 2017 - 09:10 PM
Edited by Captain Vimes, 29 September 2017 - 09:15 PM.
Posted 29 September 2017 - 11:50 PM
Taxman/student loans/National Insurance. Did an extra weekend at work and an extra night. Yaldi, £720 will go towards shiny stuff for the vx - oh. More tax, bigger student load repayment and an extra big chunk for National Insurance. £330 the bastards left me. Less than bloody half! Oh well, no more overtime for me
Yup, like when it's bonus time at work... I actually receive ~48%. That ultra-socialist tw@t Corbyn would like to see that reduced even further.
I remember when IR35 started, I did the calcs and simply closed my company down and took 4 years off. When I started again, I just went offshore like everyone else. Over taxing hard working people and then letting the likes of Google and Lord Black pay fcuk all simply backfires in the long run.
Not to mention the £2300 council tax I have to pay PA, for which I get one street light and a black bin!
Edited by Nev, 29 September 2017 - 11:59 PM.
Posted 30 September 2017 - 10:39 AM
Credit card seems to have been hacked but I'm not sure, could be a billing cock up. Payments to Southwark council and BA for a plane ticket would seem easy to trace.
Posted 30 September 2017 - 11:16 AM
The jealousy I get for being in a low tax canton in Switzerland.
Almost unbearable.
Posted 30 September 2017 - 03:27 PM
People who keep posting multiple for sale posts on Facebook. REALLY gets on my nerves
Edited by fiveoclock, 30 September 2017 - 03:28 PM.
Posted 30 September 2017 - 03:57 PM
Posted 30 September 2017 - 03:58 PM
Posted 30 September 2017 - 06:28 PM
Oh to get a bonus.... 🙄😄
But you do get to retire on a full pension at 55. I've got to work until 69 to get my mine, so that will be 52 years working - just shy of the total time on the planet you can retire at! So that's sort of a bonus
I get fed up hearing about public sector pay and conditions. The packages for many are not so bad and what many in the public sector fail to factor in is their generous pensions - it is not all about pay now, it is also a lot about pension in the future. For sure, for some in the public sector the pay is shite. I get that. But then it can also be even shiter in the private sector for some.
Came across this perfectly legal "scheme" that allows GP's to access their NHS pension early by retiring for 24 hours and even warns them to make sure that they then do not fall into the over 50% tax bracket with over £150k pa earnings. Jeez, it's a completely different world. https://www.lmc.org....p?group_id=2969
Neighbour of mine was a copper. Never got to a higher rank than Sergeant then managed to get his "Inspector" about 12 months before he retired at 55 - £150k lump sum and whopping pension right there. Walked straight into a job with Borders Control. 9 years in there and wham, retired with another pension.
Teachers - retire because the job is too stressful. Start back the following Monday on supply. Aye right.
Gotta love it really. At least it gives me something to get on my tits! hahahaha......
Posted 01 October 2017 - 04:44 PM
Edited by rob999, 01 October 2017 - 04:52 PM.
Posted 01 October 2017 - 05:19 PM
The retirement age increase to 60 was not for all fireman if I recall, was it not for those under the age of 45 in around 2012? Still, 60 is considerably less than most private sector schemes and an average contribution for firefighters of up to 12.7% is in line with the private sector of 10% given that they continue to contribute for another 7-9 years. The Private Sector are increasingly reliant on annuities that are not index linked (or significantly more expensive if you want index linked), as opposed to most Public pensions that are.
I can imagine that just like a ceo/md in the private sector, the Brigade Chief's pensions are pretty nice to have. Though most of us (public and private workers) never get those levels of remuneration in work, let alone in retirement.
Don't want to get into a full blown argument, but the Private Sector pensions were battered by New Labour and Brown in particular, have been further battered by the drop in annuity rates of over 200% and the low interest rates, so from my perspective, the FPS looks pretty good. I am currently paying in 26% of my pre tax salary a year to top up my projected pension to around £15k a year if I retire at 69. Hardly a great deal.
Not saying anyone does not do a great job or does not deserve a great pension, but I get hacked off when in general the Public Sector (mostly their out of touch unions to be fair) talks about pay (jam today) and ignores their pension provision (and jam tomorrow)
Anyway, we all have the choice where to work, I just chose badly by joining the private sector were pension is concerned.
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