Abled bodied. White. British. Working or middle class. Male. Actually work for a living and usually hard and with long hours. Pay all your taxes. Claim nothing. Generally being a quiet, just getting on with it, good citizen.
The most hated and vilified group in the UK.
But then, like everyone else, I am obviously biased to what ever little designation, nomenclature, group or label the rest of society wants to put on me.
What really got on tits. This.
If you have a problem with our past, that none of us alive had anything to do with then just fook off and go live anywhere else where you feel better off / more welcomed. The UK is currently one of the most tolerant places in the world to live. One of the safest. And one that has a superb safety net of welfare and health care. Is it perfect. No. But is it good. Yes. Sick of people talking the UK down and complaining about stuff like this. I mean, do I spit on a Scandinavian countries flag because years ago their vikings came over here raping, pilaging, killing and screaming -basically living the GTA high life? No I don't. Do I expect every Scandinavian I meet to apologise for that Brutish behaviour? No. What about the Romans? Do we hold Italy and the Italians to account? How about the French who succeeded or the Spanish and Germans who failed every time. Do we hold them to account? No.
So why do people insist on holding our country to account hundreds of years later. Enough.....!
God I do love a good
I agree and don't agree here.
I also rolled my eyes a bit here when I see this video pop up on my facebook. I don't know if the chap has really investigated the racial divisions and tensions which exist in the states. They are miles worse than what it is like here. There are many alive who remember segregation there and there are some who have not so long died who were alive when they had a civil war over the subject. It's raw and it needs addressing. The thick, orange, racist, sex pest they went and elected is not helping.
That however is not to say there are not issues here the UK, there simply are. We have white priviledge. Just ask yourself if you would swap your life to be a black person. Even a rich one. Think it over a while, take your time.
As for the national anthem, I didn't know it had racial in terms of colour elements in it. Every day is a school day. I've known about the verse on Marshall Wade crushing rebellious Scots though. That's always been enough for me never to have sung it....
Yes lots of things are in the past for various nations but it's never too late to address them or address our skewed view of history delivered by the streams we are confused into trusting.
Have a listen to Shashi Tharoor to hear the realities of the British Empire for starters, read about Churchill starving indians or wanting to gas the kurds or sending the army to George Sq, Glasgow or against the dockers in Liverpool or the miners in South Wales.
We used to laugh at how Japanese children were never taught the bad of their history. What makes you think the UK has been any different?