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What Gets On Your Tits?

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#1201 kjb



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Posted 07 August 2008 - 11:57 AM

This may already be on here but 60 pages is too much to read going work in 30mins. It just happened to me now. Went to fill her up at the peccy station and the car in front doesnt drive to the furthest pump it just stops at the nearest one meaning the furthest one is blocked and im stuck queing behind her. The stupid bint gets out like she used up her daily amount of brain cell(s) applying the layers off war paint (make up) on her face. I gave her a bit off a look and a sort of move forward wave and she just shrugged her shoulders. Resisting the urge to call her all the names under the sun and lower myself to her standard I thought I'll show her. Reversed out the petrol station drove round the other side and reversed into the pump in front of her. By then she was paying so I took my time filling up and then had a browse of the car mags and pondered over what drink to buy. As im walking out she was waiting in her car with a car behind her and me in front holding her up. I just shrugged my shoulders as I gently strolled back to my car started removing the roof and putting it in the boot and then driving off. It was quite a childish reaction but served its purpose hopefully next time she will go to the right pump.

Hahahahaha! Good lad!

The ignorance of some people on our roads riles me something rotten.


quality .lol
shame it wasnt a BP you could av stoped for a coffee as well

#1202 Jaysith


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Posted 07 August 2008 - 12:05 PM

rant people undertaking on motorways!!!! Everyday i drive home on the M25 from the M3 to Junction 8... everyday its busy, so most you can normally do is around 60, if you're lucky and somebody hasn't decided to crash and make you all do 10. EVERY day some total twunt wants to go 5 mph faster than is possible, so they tailgate you at 1m for 30 seconds, then undertake you on the next lane in (cutting up the car there of course), overtake as fast as possible, then get caught behind the person in the lane... who is doing 60.. as that's how fast the road is going.. because it's rush hour.... Some day i just want it to all queue up with one of them next to me so i can get out and lamp him through his window. UNDERTAKING IS DANGEROUS AND UNNECCESSARY YOU !£(%!N!!(F&(&% LEARN TO DRIVE!!!!! rant ....aaaaaaand breathe

#1203 Richy


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Posted 07 August 2008 - 12:09 PM

Do you ladies actually like it when a man does this then? I suppose it depends if they are goo dlooking.

Yes this we like.

Hanging out the window shouting "show us yer tits love"...not so much. :lol:

well..... I'm waiting :lol:

I worked out on site with a bloke that used to do that, he also used to shout 'oi oi tits out' from the van and beep the horn etc.. to basically anything female with a pulse.. twas well embarrassing i tell thee. What made it worse is that he looked like Sloth from the Goonies.

It must have worked when he was out in town and they were pissed, because he went out with plenty of good looking, but i can only imagine 'desperate', women.

Personally i've never seen the need to shout at someone when your 80ft up or doing 50mph past them, i much preffer to be standing infront of them when they tell me to feck off :blush:

#1204 Code Monkey

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Posted 07 August 2008 - 12:23 PM

rant people undertaking on motorways!!!!
Everyday i drive home on the M25 from the M3 to Junction 8... everyday its busy, so most you can normally do is around 60, if you're lucky and somebody hasn't decided to crash and make you all do 10. EVERY day some total twunt wants to go 5 mph faster than is possible, so they tailgate you at 1m for 30 seconds, then undertake you on the next lane in (cutting up the car there of course), overtake as fast as possible, then get caught behind the person in the lane... who is doing 60.. as that's how fast the road is going.. because it's rush hour....

Some day i just want it to all queue up with one of them next to me so i can get out and lamp him through his window. UNDERTAKING IS DANGEROUS AND UNNECCESSARY YOU !£(%!N!!(F&(&% LEARN TO DRIVE!!!!! rant

....aaaaaaand breathe

Hmm so the other driver can change lanes pull past you and get back in lane in the space left?
Not saying they are in the right but i wonder how the letter of the highway code would see those staying in the outside lane.

#1205 Tfp


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Posted 07 August 2008 - 12:35 PM

rant people undertaking on motorways!!!!
Everyday i drive home on the M25 from the M3 to Junction 8... everyday its busy, so most you can normally do is around 60, if you're lucky and somebody hasn't decided to crash and make you all do 10. EVERY day some total twunt wants to go 5 mph faster than is possible, so they tailgate you at 1m for 30 seconds, then undertake you on the next lane in (cutting up the car there of course), overtake as fast as possible, then get caught behind the person in the lane... who is doing 60.. as that's how fast the road is going.. because it's rush hour....

Some day i just want it to all queue up with one of them next to me so i can get out and lamp him through his window. UNDERTAKING IS DANGEROUS AND UNNECCESSARY YOU !£(%!N!!(F&(&% LEARN TO DRIVE!!!!! rant

....aaaaaaand breathe

Hmm so the other driver can change lanes pull past you and get back in lane in the space left?
Not saying they are in the right but i wonder how the letter of the highway code would see those staying in the outside lane.

You are refering the the ones that sit in the middle lane of a deserted motorway.

I have seen the M25 idiots who undertake at any oppurtunity and then pull into the safe gap you have left.

What actually happens there is everyone sees this happening and then closes the gaps to not let them in, so all of the safe gaps become dangerously close ones, many accidents are caused by this.

Ive not read the highway code for many years but Im sure it says something about not undertaking and keeping a safe distance.

#1206 Jaysith


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Posted 07 August 2008 - 12:40 PM

rant people undertaking on motorways!!!!
Everyday i drive home on the M25 from the M3 to Junction 8... everyday its busy, so most you can normally do is around 60, if you're lucky and somebody hasn't decided to crash and make you all do 10. EVERY day some total twunt wants to go 5 mph faster than is possible, so they tailgate you at 1m for 30 seconds, then undertake you on the next lane in (cutting up the car there of course), overtake as fast as possible, then get caught behind the person in the lane... who is doing 60.. as that's how fast the road is going.. because it's rush hour....

Some day i just want it to all queue up with one of them next to me so i can get out and lamp him through his window. UNDERTAKING IS DANGEROUS AND UNNECCESSARY YOU !£(%!N!!(F&(&% LEARN TO DRIVE!!!!! rant

....aaaaaaand breathe

Hmm so the other driver can change lanes pull past you and get back in lane in the space left?
Not saying they are in the right but i wonder how the letter of the highway code would see those staying in the outside lane.

You are refering the the ones that sit in the middle lane of a deserted motorway.

I have seen the M25 idiots who undertake at any oppurtunity and then pull into the safe gap you have left.

What actually happens there is everyone sees this happening and then closes the gaps to not let them in, so all of the safe gaps become dangerously close ones, many accidents are caused by this.

Ive not read the highway code for many years but Im sure it says something about not undertaking and keeping a safe distance.


#1207 james141



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Posted 07 August 2008 - 12:47 PM

rant people undertaking on motorways!!!!
Everyday i drive home on the M25 from the M3 to Junction 8... everyday its busy, so most you can normally do is around 60, if you're lucky and somebody hasn't decided to crash and make you all do 10. EVERY day some total twunt wants to go 5 mph faster than is possible, so they tailgate you at 1m for 30 seconds, then undertake you on the next lane in (cutting up the car there of course), overtake as fast as possible, then get caught behind the person in the lane... who is doing 60.. as that's how fast the road is going.. because it's rush hour....

Some day i just want it to all queue up with one of them next to me so i can get out and lamp him through his window. UNDERTAKING IS DANGEROUS AND UNNECCESSARY YOU !£(%!N!!(F&(&% LEARN TO DRIVE!!!!! rant

....aaaaaaand breathe

Hmm so the other driver can change lanes pull past you and get back in lane in the space left?
Not saying they are in the right but i wonder how the letter of the highway code would see those staying in the outside lane.

You are refering the the ones that sit in the middle lane of a deserted motorway.

I have seen the M25 idiots who undertake at any oppurtunity and then pull into the safe gap you have left.

What actually happens there is everyone sees this happening and then closes the gaps to not let them in, so all of the safe gaps become dangerously close ones, many accidents are caused by this.

Ive not read the highway code for many years but Im sure it says something about not undertaking and keeping a safe distance.

This really got my goat on the way back from the national at 1am after the camping disaster!

Most of the mways were empty but I saw countless numptys in the middle lane :beat:

One bit was dead straight you could see for miles in front and behind and there was nothing yet she felt the need to sit in the middle lane!!!!

#1208 Jaysith


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Posted 07 August 2008 - 12:55 PM

yea that winds me up too, its even worse when they're doing it at 50! you're int he inside lane obviously.. as the road is empty. so you haev to go 2 lanes across to go around them (or 3 if it's really quiet and you're on the m25, because i just want to steer well clear of people driving that badly!)

#1209 james141



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Posted 07 August 2008 - 01:11 PM

Yeah there were that many people doing it I gave up in the end :(

#1210 Fightmonkey



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Posted 07 August 2008 - 01:13 PM

rant people undertaking on motorways!!!!
Everyday i drive home on the M25 from the M3 to Junction 8... everyday its busy, so most you can normally do is around 60, if you're lucky and somebody hasn't decided to crash and make you all do 10. EVERY day some total twunt wants to go 5 mph faster than is possible, so they tailgate you at 1m for 30 seconds, then undertake you on the next lane in (cutting up the car there of course), overtake as fast as possible, then get caught behind the person in the lane... who is doing 60.. as that's how fast the road is going.. because it's rush hour....

Some day i just want it to all queue up with one of them next to me so i can get out and lamp him through his window. UNDERTAKING IS DANGEROUS AND UNNECCESSARY YOU !£(%!N!!(F&(&% LEARN TO DRIVE!!!!! rant

....aaaaaaand breathe

Hmm so the other driver can change lanes pull past you and get back in lane in the space left?
Not saying they are in the right but i wonder how the letter of the highway code would see those staying in the outside lane.

You are refering the the ones that sit in the middle lane of a deserted motorway.

I have seen the M25 idiots who undertake at any oppurtunity and then pull into the safe gap you have left.

What actually happens there is everyone sees this happening and then closes the gaps to not let them in, so all of the safe gaps become dangerously close ones, many accidents are caused by this.

Ive not read the highway code for many years but Im sure it says something about not undertaking and keeping a safe distance.

This really got my goat on the way back from the national at 1am after the camping disaster!

Most of the mways were empty but I saw countless numptys in the middle lane :beat:

One bit was dead straight you could see for miles in front and behind and there was nothing yet she felt the need to sit in the middle lane!!!!

Was that specific one a lady?

Middle laners are always so vacant that they don't even realise your 3 lane drift is because of them!

#1211 james141



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Posted 07 August 2008 - 01:42 PM

rant people undertaking on motorways!!!!
Everyday i drive home on the M25 from the M3 to Junction 8... everyday its busy, so most you can normally do is around 60, if you're lucky and somebody hasn't decided to crash and make you all do 10. EVERY day some total twunt wants to go 5 mph faster than is possible, so they tailgate you at 1m for 30 seconds, then undertake you on the next lane in (cutting up the car there of course), overtake as fast as possible, then get caught behind the person in the lane... who is doing 60.. as that's how fast the road is going.. because it's rush hour....

Some day i just want it to all queue up with one of them next to me so i can get out and lamp him through his window. UNDERTAKING IS DANGEROUS AND UNNECCESSARY YOU !£(%!N!!(F&(&% LEARN TO DRIVE!!!!! rant

....aaaaaaand breathe

Hmm so the other driver can change lanes pull past you and get back in lane in the space left?
Not saying they are in the right but i wonder how the letter of the highway code would see those staying in the outside lane.

You are refering the the ones that sit in the middle lane of a deserted motorway.

I have seen the M25 idiots who undertake at any oppurtunity and then pull into the safe gap you have left.

What actually happens there is everyone sees this happening and then closes the gaps to not let them in, so all of the safe gaps become dangerously close ones, many accidents are caused by this.

Ive not read the highway code for many years but Im sure it says something about not undertaking and keeping a safe distance.

This really got my goat on the way back from the national at 1am after the camping disaster!

Most of the mways were empty but I saw countless numptys in the middle lane :beat:

One bit was dead straight you could see for miles in front and behind and there was nothing yet she felt the need to sit in the middle lane!!!!

Was that specific one a lady?

Middle laners are always so vacant that they don't even realise your 3 lane drift is because of them!

Yeah it was a she.

I think of the 5 I actually bothered going round only one noticed and decided to pull in to the slow lane!! :beat:

#1212 VXTim


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Posted 07 August 2008 - 03:51 PM

Some day i just want it to all queue up with one of them next to me so i can get out and lamp him through his window. UNDERTAKING IS DANGEROUS AND UNNECCESSARY YOU !£(%!N!!(F&(&% LEARN TO DRIVE!!!!! rant

....aaaaaaand breathe

:yeahthat: couldnt have written it better myself!

#1213 Yellow_or_black?



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Posted 08 August 2008 - 10:20 AM

Do you ladies actually like it when a man does this then? I suppose it depends if they are goo dlooking.

He most definitely wasn't typical white van man, and it was very tastefully - in fact charmingly - done. Even the 'Get yer tits out' scenarios can raise a smile depending on how they're done and what mood you're in :D

This may already be on here but...It was quite a childish reaction but served its purpose hopefully next time she will go to the right pump.


Most of the mways were empty but I saw countless numptys in the middle lane :beat:

One bit was dead straight you could see for miles in front and behind and there was nothing yet she felt the need to sit in the middle lane!!!!

Drives. Me. Mental. Is de rigeur on the M4 every evening :angry:

Another: spilling tea over the practically new lap-top I was going to put on ebay over the weekend, rendering the keyboard dead :angry: PC World quoted £240 :o to fix it...

#1214 p4cks


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Posted 08 August 2008 - 10:22 AM

People who pronounce the second 'n' in environment.

#1215 Yellow_or_black?



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Posted 08 August 2008 - 10:27 AM

People who pronounce 'specific' 'pacific'. And people who pronounce 'theatre' 'thee-eh-ter'.

GrumpsRUs eh p4cks :lol:

#1216 LY_Scott


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Posted 08 August 2008 - 10:29 AM

how about people who pronounce 'film' as 'filim' whats that about!!?

#1217 Yellow_or_black?



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Posted 08 August 2008 - 10:32 AM

That's the Irish pronounciation, no? We need johnaachen along. Also so I can take the p*ss on the pronounciation of 'Now' - which I have no idea how to put into text...Bit like 'Nuyyy'...

#1218 Victor Xray

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 10:36 AM

People who pronounce 'specific' 'pacific'.

I read packsy's quote and that reminded me of the "pacific" thing, that really is one of my pet hates! Then you'd already done it!!

I really don't know how that started, but I think it makes people look really silly. I've heard a couple of high-up people in my company say it and I just couldn't believe it!! How ridiculous.

Something else I hate is Friday's when they drag.....

Edited by Victor Xray, 08 August 2008 - 10:38 AM.

#1219 Fightmonkey



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Posted 08 August 2008 - 10:42 AM

And why did the Americans have to bastardise our words. Aluminum? Labratory? Pants? Also, not releveant for those not using puiblic transport in London, but why do people get to the barriers and then stand there rummaging through their handbag/manbag to find the pass when they've known all along that they'd need it when they get their! If it wasn't iilegal, they'd get a plank of wood in the back of the head! Oh and Oxford street any time!

#1220 Yellow_or_black?



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Posted 08 August 2008 - 10:47 AM

I really don't know how that started, but I think it makes people look really silly. How ridiculous.

:yeahthat: And 'arks' for 'ask'.

why do people get to the barriers and then stand there rummaging through their handbag/manbag to find the pass when they've known all along that they'd need it when they get their! If it wasn't iilegal, they'd get a plank of wood in the back of the head!

Oh and Oxford street any time!

:lol: :yeahthat:

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