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What Gets On Your Tits?

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#1801 iceman



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Posted 25 December 2009 - 08:41 PM

My garage, because I have to take the roof off the car to get in / out.

Yes it is that narrow :o

Perhaps the day is the day to think out of the box, I have the same problem, so can one of the whiz kids on this website design a folding door for the VX, or a concertina one, any drawings to show what it might look like ? !

Cheers, and Happy Christmas.

... thumbsup give it a try :poke: I'll have a door that silently sinks into the lower black sill please chinky chinky :D

#1802 Ouchie


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Posted 25 December 2009 - 09:22 PM

I think that something like the loading chutes from Thunderbirds would be coolF.A.B. Or maybe the Wallace and Gromit contraption for those with a room above their garage.


#1803 iceman



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Posted 25 December 2009 - 09:26 PM

I think that something like the loading chutes from Thunderbirds would be coolF.A.B. Or maybe the Wallace and Gromit contraption for those with a room above their garage.


:lol: :rolleyes: now you're just going into the realms of fantasy :P ..where as! i'm being serious ;) :lol:

#1804 Ouchie


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Posted 25 December 2009 - 10:04 PM

Fantasy? Welcome to my head.

#1805 iceman



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Posted 27 December 2009 - 07:56 AM

Fantasy? Welcome to my head.

Mine too B) ..(obvious smut linkage aside)..apart from the 'world of mine own' stick to hit me with, i'm also wide open to ridicule for my 'child-ish/like' hanker towards the film/toon genre of 'fantasy'. Science fiction/fantasy really seems to light the dark recesses of my rather strange mind..witches and warlocks, dragons and elves, warp drive and quantum leaps and vampires and demons, all seem to spark-up the blue touch-paper of my over-active imagination B)

#1806 Yellow_or_black?



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Posted 03 January 2010 - 08:41 PM

Hiccups :angry:

#1807 snowwhite


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Posted 03 January 2010 - 11:34 PM

Hiccups :angry:


#1808 TurboTomato


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Posted 04 January 2010 - 09:28 AM

Hiccups :angry:

If you have someone with you - get a glass of water. Put both fingers in ears. Get the other person to tip the glass of water (into your mouth, obviously :P) and drink. Hiccups should be gone. Seriously, it works.

#1809 Yellow_or_black?



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Posted 04 January 2010 - 10:31 AM

Ah, thank you for the tip - I shall try that next time. Had three bouts last night - was getting a bit fed up :D

#1810 Ouchie


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Posted 04 January 2010 - 02:35 PM

Drink some (malt) vinegar. Just a teaspoon will do. Don't drink anything else for a good few minutes else you lose the effect.

#1811 Yellow_or_black?



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Posted 04 January 2010 - 03:01 PM

Drink some (malt) vinegar. Just a teaspoon will do. Don't drink anything else for a good few minutes else you lose the effect.

What's the effect? Barfing distracting you from the hiccups? :D

#1812 siztenboots



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Posted 04 January 2010 - 03:09 PM

Drink some (malt) vinegar. Just a teaspoon will do. Don't drink anything else for a good few minutes else you lose the effect.

What's the effect? Barfing distracting you from the hiccups? :D

isn't this the diaphragm having a spasm . iirc its linked to the same nerve as the little finger.

[sets off the QI alarm]

#1813 Ouchie


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Posted 04 January 2010 - 10:55 PM

Drink some (malt) vinegar. Just a teaspoon will do. Don't drink anything else for a good few minutes else you lose the effect.

What's the effect? Barfing distracting you from the hiccups? :D

It's the acidity of the vinegar that stops them somehow.

#1814 Guest_Mikey (Guest)

Guest_Mikey (Guest)

Posted 04 January 2010 - 11:19 PM

I just breathe very slowly and deeply and relax my body and they go in a couple of minutes. Several of mates also use this method. Doesn't work on everyone though.

#1815 iceman



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Posted 11 January 2010 - 03:08 AM

Time wasters. Why bother asking the question if you already know your answer to a positive response will still be no. Some customers/people just want everything for nothing. A potential customer recently made an enquiry stating that they wanted to use a local trader (they live literally just around the corner from my shop) for the purchase of their desired gas cooker. An amiable sentiment and good/recommended idea. After alot of time and trouble invested by myself (not to mention money on telephone calls, time wasting people don't think of that) i found the cooker which was a top of the range zanussi gas cooker (that retails for £599.99 on curry's and dixon's website that is always cheaper on-line than in-store) with full manufacturers guarantee but with the smallest of scratches on the bottom left handside, that i would deliver for £500. Only to then receive a call from her saying that they have seen it online elsewhere for £450 (a joe-blogs website) so unless i could match that, they'd not buy it from me. It's a real knife in the side when that happens. Obviously i (through gritted teeth) politely refused her backing of me into a corner and wished her all the best but still felt insulted and annoyed that she had put me through so much trouble. It's not the first time that an enquiry that has seen alot of time and energy invested into it by myself has led to nothing (it's the nature of the beast i run) but sometimes, like these times when every penny counts, it cuts deep. [/moaning]

#1816 Yellow_or_black?



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Posted 12 January 2010 - 02:45 PM

Waiting for expected 'phone calls - I just hate it. I can't concentrate on doing anything else, and just get nervous waiting for the 'phone to ring. And I know I'll jump when it does :wacko:

And why can no-one on here spell 'warranty'? It's not warrantee, or warrinty, or anything else :D

Oh yes, and the ghastly Thomas Cook ads with the Redknapps: Louise's fake-sexy voice and accent - which changes from Essex to Lumley half-way through, her bizarre writhing around in the sand, and the numerous 'It's - the latter of which just reminds me of that scene from 'White Men Can't Jump': 'What is it Billy?' It. It it it it...'

Oh yes, and the Paul Whitehouse ads for Aviva :sick:

#1817 TurboTomato


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 02:51 PM

...her bizarre writhing around in the sand,...

Let me think for a moment..... no, I don't have a problem with that :P

#1818 Jimmo


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Posted 05 February 2010 - 07:32 PM

Ha, I haven't posted on the Org in ages and i dive straight to the WGOYT thread. :groupjump: Am I the only muppet that can't get the plastic bags open at the supermarket self serve? :rolleyes: Put the fiver in the slot, scoop the change, move over to the spikey bag holders thingies and suddenly the clock is ticking, 5 seconds passes, 10, 15 then the next victim in the queue starts sniggering. He he he he!, that looser can't get the bags open hoo hoo! Its time to bail out, it was a good attempt, I tried rubbing it, blowing on it, fingering it, massaging it, seducing it, F***ing singing to it! but NOOOO! I leave the shop, red faced :blush: (without bag) waving receipt in the air, in order that nobody thinks i'm trying to nick anything! :lol: :lol: And as for separating the bin bags (sorry refuse sacks)! At least I can hide the shame as I fondle with the blasted things in the privacy of my own home! Ahh thats better! Sorry if this has been dealt with already, there's no way I'm reading all of this thread. I've got enough effffffing problems without reading all yours! :lol: :lol: Hello All! chinky chinky

#1819 Yellow_or_black?



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Posted 08 February 2010 - 07:22 PM

The Halifax 'radio show' ads :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: The pinnacle of tragedy - they should all be thoroughly ashamed and embarrassed. And what cheap drugs were the ad execs on when they thought the 'storylines' up: a man with a bin on his head calling from a space station, a huge gong, and an air-borne horn :wacko:

#1820 Code Monkey

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:37 PM

Ha, I haven't posted on the Org in ages and i dive straight to the WGOYT thread. :groupjump:

Am I the only muppet that can't get the plastic bags open at the supermarket self serve? :rolleyes:

Simple way to open these, people who have no problems I have realised are all a bit sweaty.

If your struggling after a wander round the air conditioned shop just a little lick of a thumb same as for turning a page in a book works a treat. Less is more though only after traction don't go slurping all over your fingers will make people in the queue giggle again.

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