reception 'woman from next door office for you!!'
Me 'that's odd why are they ringing here? - put her through!'
Me ' Hello Adam Speaking'
woman next door(WND) ' Hi you don't know me but I wanted to ask you something'
Me ' Ummmmmm Go on!'
WND 'I've just seen you at the sandwich van and was wondering if you were single?'
Me '

WMD ' I was wondering if you fancied a blind date with my daughter. She is 25 and has long Blonde hair and a teacher!'
Me '

WMD ' Well take her number and speak/txt her!!
Me ' Ok, *takes number*

So after a spell of complete shock I thought this could be quite amusing. I'm pretty sure it's not a mate messing around so I decided to give you folks on the site a bit of a laugh. I am single at the moment but enjoying myself and seeing a couple of girls and basically being 25 and enjoying it. My question to you lot is shall I go ahead and do it. This could be quite funny and let you make the decision for me!!!
R1CHY don't bother posting because I know you would say do her and her mum!!!!!!

Edited by ad172, 27 July 2005 - 10:39 AM.