So feel free to add your photos here

However, there are a few rules you need to abide by:
1) Picture size - please can we have them at approx 640x480 pixels? We only need an idea of the photo so they don't need to be massive. If you submit a LIFE SIZE pic you might be lucky and have someone like James resize it but I'll probably delete it

2) If you have already uploaded your picture somewhere else then that's even better - you can just embed the image or link to it

3) If you don't have the full size version of your picture then I'm afraid there's no point in submitting it as the graphic designers won't be able to use it
4) This is more of a suggestion - can we try to keep it to 10 or maybe 15 submissions per person?
At the end of submissions I will download all of the pictures from this thread and then upload them all to my fotopic account and number them individually. I'll then start a voting thread to decide the final 12
Happy snapping!
Edit: Can we also keep discussions about pictures to a minimum please
Edited by TurboTomato, 08 August 2005 - 09:18 PM.