Posted 12 September 2005 - 06:52 AM
When I pulled alongside John after race one and he showed me his gearknob, I thought he was illustrating what he thought of me and my driving.
At the start of Milltek one I had an uncharcteristically good start. I did not like the look of John's right, so went for the left, ignoring Nigel Innes nose up my inside. The resulting contact left me pointing the wrong way on the grass. Entered the first corner dead last and knew I was going to enjoy myself.
Worked my way up the field until I caught John, but he managed to keep all four wheels on the blackstuff and me behind.
The second race grid was drawn from the hat and I was near the back. The race was another slog upwards, this time I caught Nigel Innes and John. I tried everything to get past, including a faster entry into Sear, which left me airborne across the grass. Great picture!