To be honest V1CTX, we don't need to pose half naked to get attention round here, we have friendly banter with the lads about other stuff, but mostly our cars!
the other thing i'd like to straighten out is that we are certainly not jealous of someone that clearly has no self worth or respect to be posting on a car forum (of which you don't own and mainly occupied by blokes) half naked pictures of ourselves.
I have plently of filth taken of myself on my phone, however i would only share that with someone i was in a relationship with.
I'm sure if you look around on the internet, you will find sites that will accommodate your type of photos and gratify you with whatever it is you are looking for.
QUOTE(V1CTX @ Oct 13 2007, 17:01 )
'If you don't like it then why do you keep coming back into this thread? You dont like? Then don't look.'
Er hello - this thread isn't your personal Facebook or My Space.

Believe it or not there is other content on it that doesn't revolve around you, which we find quite interesting and would like to read. I
honestly don't think I've ever met anyone quite so self-absorbed.
QUOTE V1CTX: ''You's love bitching dont you's. Dont you's think you ought to grow up?
Jealousy is an illness, so get well soon'
Perhaps you should learn English first. Jealous (predictable - what took you so long)? What of dear? I have more class, intelligence, self-respect, self-worth, modesty, literacy and humility in my little finger. Edit: And if you mean of the attention - if you check a few pages back, I had my day in the limelight. But then I got over it.
Don't get me wrong - if you're happy with plastering shots of yourself half-naked all over a random forum, good for you. Personally, I find your motivations and choice of forum odd, but that's by-the-by. However, acting as if the world revolves around you I find particularly distasteful. Even more so than being confronted by your crotch whilst I was eating my dinner.
Edited by Yellow_or_black?, 13 October 2007 - 05:18 PM.