Well its been a while. This was last updated in December. So hold on tight i've a feeling this might be a long one.
Right where do we start:
GV03DDY had a fairly quiet winter as the bmw replaced it as an everyday car, relegating the vx for use on just a hand full of days. Even so there is no feeling quite like that of the coldest, dry crisp mornings when fingers freeze just trying to take the roof off. Scarf and wooly had to the ready, i can remember getting to work eyes streaming thinking that maybe i'd pushed, roof down motoring, a little too far. Usually though it was the best way to start the day.
The bmw had to go on holiday to France for a 6 months at the end of April, re-instating the vx as my only car. I think that anyone who owns a vx should try and run it an only car for a short while. On occasion when i propably would have chosen the boring car, the road would open up, the traffic would disapear, the sun would shine through the clowds and sundenly the vx was the perfect car at the perfect place at the perfect time.
Of course being the end of April the London to Brighton was nigh, and what better way to dust the cobwebs from the winter and finally have a chance to do what the vx does best. Ben chose some of the best roads around east sussex and Kent, and it was a delight to be able to pick up a little pace.
It never ceases to amaze me, the speed and control the vx manages to carry through corners. The detail and nature of the information constantly involving the driver to provide constant awe and amazment corner after corner.
Lunch at hether Caslte.
And we didn't even get lost once! This paticular time we were waiting for TT to catch up.
Soon after that it went in for its first MOT and 3rd service- Sailed the MOT and its was time to start Europeen motoring again:
So the vx took its first trip to France this year,
photos to come
After that came a few troubles. First the rear O2 sensor required replacement, and in the end the whole cat was changed. On the way back from this being done i noticed a very light ticking at idle, I turned around and took it straight back to Baylis who decided to replace the cam chain, cam chain tensioner and a couple of the sprokets. The Chain had lengthend slightly so it seamed like a good idea. Infact no sooner had i got 1o miles down the road that i realised the light tick was still present. in the end it was sourced the bearing on the alternator belt that was slowly falling apart, a thirty pound component that would never had affected the running of the engine.
By now the car was sweet as a nut again, and was gearing up for trip number two to france. And it was a big one:
Greated by rain in Boulogne, i didn't chose the best place to stop:
Waiting for the pack at the peage:
And then Staying in Le Mans
The return was fun too, with the car going back significatly dirtier that on its way.
The wait in bolougne was longer than expected:
Today the car is 1 year old in my conpany and i cannot see myself ever selling (i know they all say that).
Going to Le Mans in my dream car had always been a school boy dream that is now accomplished, so i'm not quite sure where the vx is going to take me next but i'll let you know....
Edited by JamesGray, 23 June 2006 - 08:07 PM.