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Throttle Bodies

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#761 yaaan


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Posted 13 March 2012 - 08:51 PM

A few more weeks and I'll be able to join the conversation with some valid ITB input :tt:

#762 badgerade


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Posted 13 March 2012 - 08:53 PM

£13k :mellow:

my £7.5k included a £2k 6 speed gearbox conversion :D

Does the £7,500 include a exhaust aswell? I am seriously considering just getting the ITB kit for my standard N/A then doing the rest over the next couple of years.....

Vocky's exhaust is not very 'off the shelf' so I'm not sure it would. I had the ITB's with no other mods for about 9 months running on the generic map - I preferred it over standard, which I think is down to the cable throttle and also because my ECU was knackered :D

#763 hughcam


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Posted 13 March 2012 - 08:55 PM

£13k :mellow:

my £7.5k included a £2k 6 speed gearbox conversion :D

Does the £7,500 include a exhaust aswell? I am seriously considering just getting the ITB kit for my standard N/A then doing the rest over the next couple of years.....

Vocky's exhaust is not very 'off the shelf' so I'm not sure it would. I had the ITB's with no other mods for about 9 months running on the generic map - I preferred it over standard, which I think is down to the cable throttle and also because my ECU was knackered :D

Lol! Did it make anymore power? I would be happy with a 15 hp increase for a year or so just for the sound :wub:

#764 SPLAM


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Posted 13 March 2012 - 09:49 PM

I forgot just how good Thorney was at tying himself into knots. :borg:

#765 NickB787


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Posted 13 March 2012 - 11:08 PM

Tell you what 250bhp and TB I would have killed for, that was all I was after, webcon have done a fantastic job there

#766 vocky



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Posted 14 March 2012 - 09:55 AM

£13k :mellow:

my £7.5k included a £2k 6 speed gearbox conversion :D

Does the £7,500 include a exhaust aswell? I am seriously considering just getting the ITB kit for my standard N/A then doing the rest over the next couple of years.....

Vocky's exhaust is not very 'off the shelf' so I'm not sure it would. I had the ITB's with no other mods for about 9 months running on the generic map - I preferred it over standard, which I think is down to the cable throttle and also because my ECU was knackered :D

Lol! Did it make anymore power? I would be happy with a 15 hp increase for a year or so just for the sound :wub:

The £7.5k did include £1300 for my full exhaust system, but not the M32 gearbox at current replacement prices :blink:

Rough breakdown in price, I have quoted current replacement values (not development costs);

cylinder head - £2.5k
block - £1.5k
ITB's - £2.3k
Exhaust - £1.5k

total £7800

Badgerade's car did make something like 10-15bhp more at maximum power, which considering it was totally bog standard and still had the precat fitted is amazing Imnotworthy

Edited by vocky, 14 March 2012 - 09:55 AM.

#767 vocky



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Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:03 AM

It costs roughly £7500 to convert a standard NA to a 300bhp SC and that is roughly the same as my ITB Phase 3 :rolleyes:

I reckon nearer £6,000 for the Stage 3 SC 300 BHP, £1,500 less and 50 BHP more.

£7500 is the actual price it cost someone last year to convert their standard car to full stage 3, using secondhand SC parts :sleep:

Are those prices based on new parts? (Not trying to stir things up, genuinely interested!) I see quite a lot of the S/C conversions are done with second hand bits, whereas the TB's are normally new. Although I guess a large chunk of the cost comes from the exhaust/manifold.

a valid point, the Webcon Throttle Bodies kit uses all brand new parts, including an ECU and engine wiring loom

Using all brand new SC parts would add over £1k to the cost of a SC install

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