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#261 RobNA


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Posted 21 February 2007 - 09:41 PM

Where have all the lovely pictures gone :(

type116 :dry: Shame. Some very talented people posted on this thread.

It's hardly like they're dead or anything, it takes no more effort than clicking >here<.

Ok then, I thought it was a bit of "invite only", or If you are not "one of them" you get called a chav :huh: Or was this a misconception?

#262 iandhd


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Posted 21 February 2007 - 11:31 PM

A couple I've done recently. Sorry no car pics :rolleyes:

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#263 SAPD


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Posted 22 February 2007 - 01:58 AM

Where have all the lovely pictures gone :(

type116 :dry: Shame. Some very talented people posted on this thread.

It's hardly like they're dead or anything, it takes no more effort than clicking >here<.

What's wrong with type116 anyhow? It's got talented photographers, very experienced VX owners and some bloody funny people! :grouphug:


There's nothing 'wrong' with it. It's just dead. I check up on it every so often and there's not many new posts. TBPH a high majority of the threads that I've read on 116 end up making reference to 'the chav site' :sleepy:
It just seemed to me that Ajussi, Smiler etc stopped posting pics on here at around the same time that 116 sprung up. I might be barking up the wrong kettle of fish entirely.

Ian, you've got some great colours going on there mate thumbsup

Rob, I think the 'invite' thing is a misconception really. Just get yourself signed up... if you want to. I've been guilty of 116 bashing but TBH, who cares?? :)

#264 Richy


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Posted 22 February 2007 - 03:28 AM

Shall we try and keep it going?

I think we should, even if its not quite up to skiddos picture standards :P

Have to agree was a great thread thumbsup

#265 Duncan


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Posted 22 February 2007 - 05:23 AM

Love to help, but sold the vx :( To clarify (if anyone cares anymore) Chromatic Abberation has very little to do with the camera - it's all about the lens. Don't go upgrading your SLR body to get rid of it - with the same lenes you'll have the same problems! Going back to school physics when you shone white light through a prism you split the light into different colours (like the pink floyd cover). All lenses split the colours to some amount, which is what causes the colour fringes - basically the lens is focusing the different wavelengths of light at slightly different points. Lens manufacturers use special elements in the lenes that bend all wavelengths of light by the same amount (as much as possible). An example of this is Nikons ED (Extra-low Dispersion) glass - this minimises the fringing. When you go to a certain level of correction (most lenses) you have achromatic correction, and near prefect performance is deemed Apochromatic. Hence the designation APO - they focus all wavelengths to a common focal point (or as near as dammit). THe more you bend the light, the more of an issue it is. So is more of an issue with extreme zooms, and those with fast apertures. The comment about using slower shutter speeds is also relevant - lens performance tends to improve as you reduce the aperture (stop down), as you use more of the "sweet spot" of the lens. Who's the geek now eh? Eh? Eh? :borg:

#266 Ratspants


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Posted 22 February 2007 - 03:52 PM

What's wrong with type116 anyhow? It's got talented photographers, very experienced VX owners and some bloody funny people! :grouphug:

There's nothing 'wrong' with it. It's just dead. I check up on it every so often and there's not many new posts. TBPH a high majority of the threads that I've read on 116 end up making reference to 'the chav site' :sleepy:
It just seemed to me that Ajussi, Smiler etc stopped posting pics on here at around the same time that 116 sprung up. I might be barking up the wrong kettle of fish entirely.

I go there pretty regularly and it's really started to get going in the last few months. It's a much less restricted place and everyone there is very easy-going. I like it and there's no reason to not have several VX boards :grouphug:

As for why a lot of long-time owners moved over there, it's a long story and one that doesn't bear repeating. Vive la difference! :D


#267 SAPD


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Posted 22 February 2007 - 07:05 PM

there's no reason to not have several VX boards :grouphug:

I agree entirely :)

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