Where have all the lovely pictures gone 
Shame. Some very talented people posted on this thread.
It's hardly like they're dead or anything, it takes no more effort than clicking >here<.
What's wrong with type116 anyhow? It's got talented photographers, very experienced VX owners and some bloody funny people!
There's nothing 'wrong' with it. It's just dead. I check up on it every so often and there's not many new posts. TBPH a high majority of the threads that I've read on 116 end up making reference to 'the chav site'
It just seemed to me that Ajussi, Smiler etc stopped posting pics on here at around the same time that 116 sprung up. I might be barking up the wrong kettle of fish entirely.
Ian, you've got some great colours going on there mate
Rob, I think the 'invite' thing is a misconception really. Just get yourself signed up... if you want to. I've been guilty of 116 bashing but TBH, who cares??